=================================================================== Tohban report: 2007-10-23 to 2007-10-28 Produced at 14:15 on 2007-10-29 (at Berkeley) Checked data from: 2007-10-19/00:00 UT to 2007-10-27/23:59 UT =================================================================== Summary: Themis C, D and E all underwent further maneuvers this week. ESAs are all operating again at the time of writing. Extensive data issues with reduced SST observations - many intervals of apparently bad data. Data quality/collection status ============= FGM: A: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full data coverage B: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full data coverage, fgl missing 10/24 20UT - 10/25 3UT, no fgl after 10/27 12UT C: 10/19-10/27 23:59- no fgs after 10/27 12 UT, no fgl after 10/25 18UT D: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full data coverage E: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full data coverage ESA: A: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full data coverage B: 10/19-10/27 23:59- ON 10/23 18UT, OFF 10/24 20UT, ON 10/25 2UT, no data after 10/28 13UT C: 10/19-10/27 23:59- ON 10/23 17UT, no data after 10/26 00UT D: 10/19-10/27 23:59- OFF 10/22 19UT, ON 10/23 19UT, no data after 10/27 20UT E: 10/19-10/27 23:59- ON 10/23 20UT, OFF 10/26 20UT, ON 10/27 20UT, bad reduced data 10/23 14-17UT SST: 10/19-10/27 23:59- complete data coverage on all probes, full data nominal. Intervals of apparently bad reduced data: A: 10/19 18-24UT, 10/20 4-10UT, 10/21 3-8UT, 13-18UT, 10/22 11-17UT, 10/22 21UT-10/23 02UT, 10/23 20UT - 10/24 01UT, 10/24 5-10UT, 10/25 4-10UT, 10/25 13-18UT, 10/16 13-19UT, 10/26 21UT - 10/27 2UT B: 10/20 19 - 10/21 2UT, 10/21 11-15UT, 10/24 18 - 10/25 02UT, 10/25 11-14UT C: 10/19 22UT - 10/20 1UT, 10/20 17-22UT, 10/21 17-23UT, 10/22 11-17UT, 10/23 14-19 UT, 10/24 09-15 UT, 10/25 10-16UT D: 10/19 9-13UT, 10/20 10-15UT, 10/21 11-17UT, 10/22 12-17UT, 10/23 13-18UT, 10/24 13-19UT, 10/25 13-18UT, 10/26 13-18UT, 10/27 13-18UT E: 10/22 9-14UT, 10/23 11-13UT, 10/25 13-16UT, 10/26 14-17UT, 10/27 15-18UT EFI & SCM filter bank data A: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full coverage, spike at 14-15UT on 10/24 B: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full coverage, spike at 4-5UT on 10/21 C: 10/19-10/27 23:59- coverage until 10/25 19UT, nominal D: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full coverage, nominal E: 10/19-10/27 23:59- full coverage except gap 10/23 4-10UT, nominal Science: 10/19 Themis AE index >200 8UT, 13UT 10/20 Themis AE index ~1000 6UT ================================= Instrument Ops (Highlights) ------------------------ Monday, October 22 THEMIS D and E MANEUVER TDRS_10 THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/295 22:10:00 2007/295 23:05:00 TR2 # ---> Apogee drop maneuver [JM] - P4 SM1D - nominal burn TDRS_5 THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/296 01:10:00 2007/296 02:00:00 TR2 # ---> Apogee drop maneuver [JT] - P3 SM1E - nominal burn HBK_10M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/296 02:45:00 2007/296 03:43:00 TR2 # ---> Attitude precession maneuver to ecliptic north [JT] - P3 Tuesday, October 23 BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/296 18:35:00 2007/296 19:00:00 TR32 # SOH check and track [JT] - post-maneuver ESA operations - upload IDPU FSW patch 0x48 - ICCR_MML25 BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/296 19:45:00 2007/296 20:15:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [JT] - post-maneuver ESA operations - upload IDPU FSW patch 0x48 - ICCR_MML25 BGS_11M THEMIS_C 9.5 2007/296 22:33:00 2007/296 22:46:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - upload IDPU FSW patch 0x48 - ICCR_MML25 Wednesday, October 24 BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.5 2007/297 14:00:00 2007/297 14:58:00 TR8 # Data dump [JM] BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/298 00:48:00 2007/298 01:08:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/298 01:23:00 2007/298 01:43:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - AOS expected at 01:25 BGS_11M THEMIS_B 9.5 2007/298 02:16:00 2007/298 02:24:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - VC3 only - blind acquisition WLP_11M THEMIS_B 9.5 2007/298 03:03:00 2007/298 03:13:00 TR9 # Data dump [JT] - blind acquisition WLP_11M THEMIS_B 9.5 2007/298 03:51:00 2007/298 04:03:00 TR6 # Data dump [JT] - blind acquisition Thursday, October 25 BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.5 2007/299 00:19:00 2007/299 00:41:00 TR10 # Data dump [JM] BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/299 01:21:00 2007/299 01:40:00 TR10 # Data dump [CS] BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/299 02:05:00 2007/299 02:24:00 TR10 # Data dump [CS] Friday, October 26 THEMIS E MANEUVER BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/299 20:30:00 2007/299 21:00:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - pre-maneuver table loads and instrument safing - blind acquisition BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/300 01:19:00 2007/300 01:35:00 TR10 # Data dump [JM] TDRS_5 THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/300 02:40:00 2007/300 03:27:00 TR2 # ---> Apogee drop maneuver [JM] - P4 SM1E - extend TDRS gimbal limits - nominal burn BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/300 03:30:00 2007/300 03:47:00 TR9 # Data dump [JM] - change data rate to 1024K WLP_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/300 03:52:00 2007/300 05:00:00 TR7 # ---> Attitude precession maneuver to ecliptic north [JM] - P4 - spin rate change maneuver to 20 rpm - nominal burns BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/300 08:00:00 2007/300 08:30:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [JM] - upload new ATS table BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.5 2007/300 09:20:00 2007/300 10:10:00 TR10 # Data dump [CS] Saturday, October 27 THEMIS C and D MANEUVER BGS_11M THEMIS_C 9.5 2007/300 15:15:00 2007/300 15:48:00 TR8 # Data dump [ME] - pre-maneuver table loads and instrument safing - blind acquisition TDRS_3 THEMIS_C 9.5 2007/300 16:25:00 2007/300 16:43:00 TR2 # ---> Apogee raise maneuver [ME] - P2 SM1J - hand-over to HBK - nominal burn HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.5 2007/300 16:45:00 2007/300 16:55:00 TR10 # Hand-over from TDRS 10 - data dump [ME] BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/300 20:20:00 2007/300 21:18:00 TR32 # ---> Instrument safing [ME] - maneuver set-up - spin rate change maneuver to 20 rpm - P2 - blind acq - nominal burn HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.5 2007/300 21:30:00 2007/300 22:28:00 TR2 # ---> Attitude precession maneuver to ecliptic south [ME] - P2 - spin rate change maneuver to 20 rpm - nominal burns BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/301 01:10:00 2007/301 01:30:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - post-maneuver ESA operations BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/301 03:12:00 2007/301 03:40:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - applied track time bias +50 sec with TLE based on first OD solution - solid track near perigee Sunday, October 28 BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.5 2007/301 15:20:00 2007/301 15:50:00 TR9 # Data dump [CS] BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/302 01:11:00 2007/302 01:31:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] BGS_11M THEMIS_B 9.5 2007/302 02:21:00 2007/302 02:37:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - VC3 WLP_11M THEMIS_B 9.5 2007/302 02:42:00 2007/302 02:57:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - blind acquisition BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/302 03:10:00 2007/302 03:39:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] Monday, October 29 HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.5 2007/302 15:23:00 2007/302 15:43:00 TR10 # Data dump [JM] BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.5 2007/303 00:58:00 2007/303 01:18:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - VERIFY AOS/LOS TIMES WLP_11M THEMIS_A 9.5 2007/303 01:20:00 2007/303 01:50:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - VERIFY AOS/LOS TIMES BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.5 2007/303 03:02:00 2007/303 03:30:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - VERIFY AOS/LOS TIMES