=================================================================== Tohban report: 2008/3/24 - 2008/3/30 last data checked 2008/03/30 24 UT =================================================================== Special ======= Data processing got hung up on March 28th. Consequently, no L0, L1, L2 and overview plots available yet for this and following days. This issue is currently being investigated. Data Collection Status ====================== ESA 3/24 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/25 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/26 A, C, D, E fine, B no data yet 3/27 A, C, D, E partial data, B no data yet 3/28 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/29 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/30 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet SST 3/24 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/25 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/26 A, C, D, E fine, B no data yet 3/27 A, C, D, E partial data, B no data yet 3/28 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/29 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/30 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet SCM 3/24 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/25 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/26 A, C, D, E fine, B no data yet 3/27 A, C, D, E partial data, B no data yet 3/28 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/29 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/30 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet EFI 3/24 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/25 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/26 A, C, D, E fine, B no data yet 3/27 A, C, D, E partial data, B no data yet 3/28 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/29 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/30 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet FGM 3/24 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/25 A, B, C, D, E all fine 3/26 A, C, D, E fine, B no data yet 3/27 A, C, D, E partial data, B no data yet 3/28 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/29 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet 3/30 A, B, C, D, E data not processed yet Operations ========== #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/084 - 2008/085 Monday, March 24 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USNHI_13M THEMIS_D 8.000 2008/084 15:40:00 2008/084 16:10:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - Doppler certification test USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 9.000 2008/084 21:00:00 2008/084 21:30:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [ML] - Doppler certification test - enable data collection for APID 0x453 USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 9.500 2008/084 22:00:00 2008/084 22:22:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - engineering support to verify Cortex XL performance - dumped VC1 and VC3 error free BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.900 2008/084 23:15:00 2008/084 23:41:00 TR13 # SOH check and track [ME] - enable data collection for APID 0x453 - blind acquisition BGS_11M THEMIS_D 9.900 2008/084 23:46:00 2008/085 00:04:00 TR23 # SOH check and track [LC] - enable data collection for APID 0x453 - blind acquisition BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.900 2008/085 00:09:00 2008/085 00:47:00 TR33 # SOH check and track [LC] - WS1 Doppler certification support - hand-over to WS1 at 00:12:45 until LOS BGS_11M THEMIS_B 9.900 2008/085 01:24:00 2008/085 01:53:00 TR13 # SOH check and track [LC] - WS1 Doppler certification support - hand-over to WS1 at 01:27:00 until LOS #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/085 - 2008/086 Tuesday, March 25 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USNHI_13M THEMIS_D 8.000 2008/085 14:00:00 2008/085 14:30:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - Doppler certification support BGS_11M THEMIS_C 9.600 2008/085 14:34:15 2008/085 14:55:00 TR20 # Data dump [ME] - note quick turn-around with MILA MILA_9M2 THEMIS_C 9.500 2008/085 15:01:50 2008/085 15:25:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 8.000 2008/085 17:05:00 2008/085 17:29:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - Doppler certification support USNHI_13M THEMIS_A 9.800 2008/085 17:31:00 2008/085 18:00:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - certification support - verify performance of Cortex XL - blind acq. - dumped VC1 and VC3 error free BGS_11M THEMIS_B 9.900 2008/085 21:35:35 2008/085 21:55:35 TR3 # SOH check and track [ME] - WS1 engineering support - hand-over to WS1 at 21:38 - 21:54 BGS_11M THEMIS_A 2.510 2008/085 23:51:05 2008/086 00:11:05 TR2 # SOH check and track [JT] - disable SST sun pulse blanking - ICCR_DOP056 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/086 - 2008/087 Wednesday, March 26 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USNHI_13M THEMIS_E 9.500 2008/086 17:06:00 2008/086 17:30:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - certification support - verify performance of Cortex XL - dumped VC1 and VC3 error free #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/087 - 2008/088 Thursday, March 27 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BGS_11M THEMIS_C 9.900 2008/087 13:18:00 2008/087 13:51:00 TR3 # SOH check and track [JM] - WS1 Doppler certification support - hand-over to WS1 at 13:21 until LOS - no view at WS1 AGO_9M THEMIS_C 9.300 2008/087 14:44:00 2008/087 15:05:00 TR10 # Data dump [JM] - disable SST sun pulse blanking - ICCR_DOP056 USNHI_13M THEMIS_D 8.000 2008/087 14:55:00 2008/087 15:25:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - Doppler certification support BGS_11M THEMIS_E 9.500 2008/087 17:42:00 2008/087 18:02:25 TR10 # Data dump [JM] - disable SST sun pulse blanking - ICCR_DOP056 BGS_11M THEMIS_C 9.900 2008/087 22:08:20 2008/087 22:28:20 TR3 # SOH check and track [JM] - WS1 engineering support - hand-over to WS1 at 22:10 - 22:27 BGS_11M THEMIS_B 2.910 2008/087 23:58:05 2008/088 00:18:05 TR2 # SOH check and track [JM] - disable SST sun pulse blanking - ICCR_DOP056 BGS_11M THEMIS_D 2.710 2008/088 00:32:55 2008/088 00:52:55 TR2 # SOH check and track [JM] - disable SST sun pulse blanking - ICCR_DOP056 USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 9.100 2008/088 03:57:40 2008/088 04:10:55 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - negative acquisition - communications to site down BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.500 2008/088 04:37:00 2008/088 05:02:00 TR9 # Data dump [JT] - note ATS turns transmitter off at 04:49:55 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/088 - 2008/089 Friday, March 28 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USNHI_13M THEMIS_E 9.500 2008/088 16:58:00 2008/088 17:44:00 TR10 # Data dump [JW] - engineering support to verify performance of Cortex XL - dumped VC1 and VC3 error free USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 8.000 2008/088 20:00:00 2008/088 20:30:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [JW] - Doppler certification support - late acquisition due to station command link problem USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 9.500 2008/088 21:47:00 2008/088 22:08:00 TR10 # Data dump [JW] - engineering support to verify performance of Cortex XL - dumped VC1 and VC3 with good frame stats BGS_11M THEMIS_A 9.900 2008/088 23:00:00 2008/088 23:25:00 TR10 # Data dump [ME] - WS1 Doppler certification support - change to TR3 at 23:17 - hand-over to WS1 at 23:18 - 23:48 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/089 - 2008/090 Saturday, March 29 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGO_9M THEMIS_C 9.500 2008/089 14:20:00 2008/089 14:40:00 TR10 # Data dump [LC] - dumped most survey but no burst data on VC3 HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.500 2008/089 14:55:00 2008/089 15:40:00 TR8 # Data dump [LC] - ATS configured for TR9 - rebooted Enertec and Comm computer - dumped VC1 partially - lost rest of VC3 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2008/090 - 2008/091 Sunday, March 30 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGO_9M THEMIS_E 9.200 2008/090 17:50:00 2008/090 18:36:00 TR9 # Data dump - ITOS automation proc hung up preventing data dump - data remain onboard - no data loss Science ======= 24 March 05:15 UT, AE 300 nT, pair of dipolarizations, flow bursts, injections on D and E 10:30 UT, AE 100 nT, pair (or triple) of dipolarizations, flow bursts, injections 25 March 12:00 UT, AE 100 nT, flow burst, dipolarization (?) 26 March 06:00 UT, AE 1000 nT, multiple dipolarizations, flow bursts, injections 11:50 UT, AE 1200 nT, s/c on flanks and inner magnetosphere, no dipolarization signature (?) 15:00 UT, AE 800, s/c in shadows, flanks and inner magnetosphere 27 March 02:15 UT, AE 1000 nT, dipolarization, moderate flow bursts This substorm is followed by prolonged enhanced AE 28 March no data processed yet 29 March no data processed yet 30 March no data processed yet