=================================================================== Tohban report: 2008/7/22 - 2008/7/29 last data checked 2008/07/26 00-24 UT =================================================================== Data Collection Status ============= ESA A: Data gap July 19, 23UT to July 20, 0640UT, July 20~26 Full data collection B: No data July 20, 0930UT to July 21, 0830UT, No data since July 24, 0410UT (except July 25, 3UT) C: July 20, 15UT to July 21, 2340UT no data, other time July 19~July 25, 2200UT Full data collection D: Data gap July 19, 23UT to July 20, 0640UT, July 21, 2140UT to July 22, 0900UT, other time July 20~26 Full data collection E: Data gap July 19, 23UT to July 20, 0640UT, July 22, 2040UT to July 23, 11UT, other time July 20~26 Full data collection SST A: Data gap July 19, 23UT to July 20, 0640UT, July 20~26 Full data collection B: No data July 20, 0930UT to July 21, 0830UT, No data since July 24, 0410UT (except July 25, 3UT) C: July 20, 15UT to July 21, 2340UT no data, other time July 19~July 25, 2200UT Full data collection D: Data gap July 19, 23UT to July 20, 0640UT, July 21, 2140UT to July 22, 0900UT, other time July 20~26 Full data collection E: Data gap July 19, 23UT to July 20, 0640UT, July 22, 2040UT to July 23, 11UT, other time July 20~26 Full data collection EFI A: July 19~22 Full data collection B: Data gap July 19 before 12UT, other time full data collection until July 25 C: No data July 24~July 26, 12UT, other time July 20~26 Full data collection D: July 20~26 Full data collection E: July 20~26 Full data collection SCM A: July 20~26 Full data collection B: July 19~23 Full data collection C: July 19~26 Full data collection D: July 20~26 Full data collection E: July 20~26 Full data collection FGM A: July 20~26 Full data collection B: July 18~July 24, 22UT Full data collection C: July 19~July 25, 17UT Full data collection D: July 20~26 Full data collection E: July 20~26 Full data collection Triggers and burst data: A: July 19~26 ok, some plasmasphere triggers (July 23, 18~19UT; July 24, 12~18UT) B: Solar wind mode, no trigger since July 23 C: July 19~26 ok, burst data when no trigger at July 21, 1UT, July 23~26 all triggers are in solar wind D: July 19~26 ok E: July 19~26 ok, plasmasphere triggers July 18, 13UT Operations ================ Comments --------- THB ESA in solar wind mode. Significant events ------------------- +July 19 HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.400 2008/202 00:42:35 2008/202 01:06:10 TR10 # Data dump - uplink antenna had pointing problem - CMD lock 20 min late - only recovered VC1 and 6748 VC3 frames USNAU_13M THEMIS_B 2.920 2008/202 00:56:00 2008/202 01:16:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - intermittent lock during first half of pass - stable lock during last 8 min - range 183,000 km USNAU_13M THEMIS_D 2.720 2008/202 03:14:00 2008/202 03:34:00 TR2 # SOH check and track [LC] - intermittent lock throughout the pass - could not load ATS table USNHI_13M THEMIS_D 9.300 2008/202 08:41:00 2008/202 09:11:00 TR10 # Data dump [LC] - loaded ATS table - note no data dump on next orbit (DOY 203) - no station available +July 20 USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 9.100 2008/203 02:20:00 2008/203 02:49:00 TR10 # Data dump - no data dumped - automated proc hung up, likely due to SSPA problems at the station - all data remain onboard USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 2.520 2008/203 03:38:00 2008/203 03:58:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - uplink not locked - cycled uplink - occasional lock only - power cycle SSPA for next pass USNAU_13M THEMIS_B 2.920 2008/203 04:47:00 2008/203 05:07:00 TR2 # SOH check and track - SSPA puts out 20 W only - spacecraft shows no input power - TLM is clean first, then intermittent USNAU_13M THEMIS_A 2.520 2008/203 07:15:00 2008/203 07:45:00 TR2 # Engineering support - blind acquisition - with replacement SSPA installed - no change - cannot switch feed to LHCP +July 21 USNGE_15M1 THEMIS_D 2.710 2008/204 10:05:00 2008/204 10:30:00 TR2 # LRO Doppler tracking test - station did not see downlink USNHI_13M THEMIS_E 9.200 2008/204 10:24:00 2008/204 10:54:00 TR10 # Data dump [LC] - pass missed - station was unable to raise command carrier nor lock on downlink - data remain onobard +July 22 USNGE_15M1 THEMIS_D 2.710 2008/205 10:01:00 2008/205 10:26:00 TR2 # LRO Doppler tracking test - station saw downlink only near end of pass +July 23 HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.400 2008/205 22:53:00 2008/205 23:10:00 TR10 # Data dump - late telemetry lock due to unstable command link - switched to non-coherent mode and dumped VC1 +July 24 WHS_18M1 THEMIS_A 2.530 2008/206 16:00:35 2008/206 16:20:25 TR3 # Engineering support - SDO1-to-WS1 uplink and Doppler test - nominal acquisition at both SDO2 and WS1 WHS_18M1 THEMIS_C 2.830 2008/206 16:35:25 2008/206 16:55:25 TR3 # Engineering support - SDO1-to-WS1 uplink and Doppler test - downlink too weak for SDO2 or WS1 to lock - range 115,000 km +July 25 MILA_9M2 THEMIS_C 9.400 2008/207 21:23:00 2008/207 21:38:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - late command lock due to station misconfiguration - played back part of VC3 only HBK_10M THEMIS_C 9.400 2008/207 21:59:00 2008/207 22:14:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - played back VC1 - missed 808 out of 4738 frames in VC3 survey dump USNAU_13M THEMIS_C 9.400 2008/207 22:29:00 2008/207 22:59:00 TR10 # Data dump [JT] - marked entire survey memory unread - redumped all survey and burst data - no data loss Science ========= +20th July C mp crossing 7~8UT D mp crossing 17UT, 23UT, maybe FTE 18~19UT E mp crossing 19~20UT, 23~24UT, maybe FTE 18~19UT +21th July A mp crossing 8UT, 12UT B mp crossing 14UT D moving along mp 16UT~22UT E mp crossing 3UT, moving along mp 19UT~22UT +22th July A mp crossing 7UT, 12~13UT, cold ion injection 6~7UT C mp crossing 6UT D mp crossing 15UT E mp crossing 16UT +23th July A mp crossing 3~8UT, may be FTE 7~10UT, ion contamination 1~4UT C mp crossing 17~18UT D mp crossing 1UT, 15UT, 20~21UT. maybe FTE 1~3UT, 22UT, with ion injection, burst data E mp crossing 19UT, maybe FTE 22UT +24th July C mp crossing 5~6UT, maybe FTE 0430~0530UT D maybe FTE 19UT, 2140UT, 2230~2310UT E maybe FTE 19UT, 2140UT, 2230~2310UT +25th July A maybe fte 2210UT C mp crossing 15UT D 18UT to 24UT many maybe FTEs E 21UT to 24UT many maybe FTEs +26th July A maybe FTE 1850UT, 2030UT C mp crossing 4UT D cold ion injection 1830~2000UT, maybe FTE 1840UT, 2020UT, 2030UT, 2130UT, 2240UT E maybe FTE 1840UT, 2020UT, 2030UT, 2140UT, 2215UT, 2235UT Misc ======