Questions that may be asked

I have a rental car. Do I have to be careful about displaying a parking permit?

Absolutely. We live in terror of the parking authorities. Be prompt please. For additional permits, which need to be changed daily, see Amy Shutkin in room 303.

I understand that there is no cafeteria at SSl. But what about emergency junk food?

Yes! There are two sources of junk food. One is in the ground floor of the Silver Lab (coin-operated machines); it is just to the right as you emerge from the S stairway. Another is in the students' computer room, 3rd floor of the Silver lab, just to the left as you emerge from the N stairway. This is payment by the honor system, and the cash box is kept in the refrigerator.

What about lunches?

On Monday we are having sandwiches brought up. Please be sure to fill out a request and to put your name on it, otherwise you'll get no lunch. Please sign up by the 9:30 am deadline. On Tuesday we will have pizzas brought in. The default ingredients for all pizzas are onion, garlic, anchovies, and hot jalapena chile peppers, so if you want better diversity please use the sign-up sheeets.

What about lunches Wednesday through Friday?

Unless you are content with junk food, or can take the time to ride the bus back to campus, or have a friend with a car - there still are options. The Lawrence Hall of Science (down the 182 steps through the terrace parking lots) has a cafeteria in its basement. Just grin at the reception desk and say that you're from the Lab and looking for lunch. Another possibility is the golf course. This is a beautiful place complete with sequoia trees and hummingbirds, and is a nice healthy 10-minute walk down the road into Tilden Park. Unfortunately the food is not great, but on a sunny day it is worth a visit.

Are there bathroom facilities?

Yes. Not only toilets but also shower facilities, in case you have walked or cycled up the hill.

If I need to print something...

We may be able to re-locate a printer for convenience. Otherwise one can send things to the IP printers in room 317. They are called and, the latter being the color printer.

How do I make international telephone calls?

The phones in the conference rooms don't do that. You can call 9, 1-800 ... and use a calling card, though. Calling cards are available in shops around the campus.

Are there restaurants within walking distance of the campus?

Yes, not necessarily the very best. You may gravitate to Jupiter or stumble over Triple Rock if a pub atmosphere is OK; the Indian restaurant at the top of University Avenue is OK; fancy Italian food at Venizia about 8 blocks down University; Thai at Plearn on University one block W of Shattuck; untested sushi at Manga Manga on Shattuck; Ethiopian restaurants up on Telegraph S of Dwight; really good Vietnamese-French at Saigon City in the same area.

What about a splendid conference banquet on Wednesday or Thursday evening?

We're working on something. What are your preferences?