Napa Schedule for Working Group F on CMEs. (04 Dec 2008 Version.) Tuesday ========== Session 1: 14:30 - 16:00 --------------------------------- Intro talks: o Alphonse Sterling: Introduction to Group F Agenda (5 min). o Alphonse Sterling: The earliest phases of solar eruptions (10 min). o Gemma Atrill: Coronal 'waves' and dimmings - what can they tell us about their CME counterparts? (10 min). o James McAteer: Kinematics of CMEs (10 min). o Kimberley Steed: Solar source of a magnetic cloud; overview of 13 April event (10 min). o Russ Howard: A skeptic's view of CME-surface phenomena relations (10 min). o Virendra Verma: On the New Classifications of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections Based on by LASCO/SOHO Observations (10 min). o Discussions: general, outstanding questions so far (25 min). Session 2: 16:30 - 18:00 --------------------------------- Some events: o Dave Webb: Overview of potential events. o Possible contributions (max, 7 - 8 min each): - Yan Li: Overview of 19 May 2007 event. - Alphonse Sterling: Overview of 20 May 2007 event. - Angelos Vourlidas: Overview of - 31 May - 06 June 2008 event. - Others? o Discussion: - New outstanding questions? - Which questions can be addressed by focused studies? - Best events for focused studies. - Plans for focused studies. Wednesday ========== Session 3: 09:00 - 10:30 -------------------------------- o Additional talks possible. o Discussion: - Continuation of above. o Work on (or plan to work on) focused studies (time permitting). Joint Session: 11:00 - 12:30 ------------------------------------- Joint with D & E. E hosts, content TBD. Thursday ========== Session 4: 09:00 - 10:30 --------------------------------- * Joint with group J. * o Paulett Liewer (from J group): Stereoscopic Analysis of STEREO Filament Eruptions: Events of 19 May 2007 and 31 August 2007 (20 min). o Yingna Su: Filament channels observed by Hinode/XRT and STEREO/EUVI (15 min). o Vasyl Yurchyshyn: Halo-CME orientation vs. underlying flux rope orientation (15 min). o Discussions: Outstanding questions; possible joint efforts (40 min). Session 5: 11:00 - 12:30 -------------------------------- o Yuming Wang: An Analytical Model Probing the Internal State of Coronal Mass Ejections Based on Observations of Their Expansions and Propagations (10 min). o Additional discussions, and work on focused studies (65 min). o Prep for wrap up. (15 min). Open: 14:30 - 16:00 ------------------ o Open. Session 6: 16:30 - 18:00 --------------------------------- o Focus-study work; wrap-up and prepare presentations.