Magnetic Neutral Lines in Flare-productive Active Regions Author_list: T.T.Ishii, S.Saito, and H.Kurokawa Abstract: A flare-productive active region NOAA 9026 (2000 June) provided us with a rare opportunity to study a new important aspect of a twisted magnetic flux rope and its rapidly-untwisting motions to have caused strong flares. Based on the analyses of the evolution of this region, we found pre-flare brightenings in TRACE 1600 A images about two hours prior to an X-class flare. Active region NOAA 10486 is the most flare-productive region during this solar cycle, which has produced seven X-class flares including X28 flare on Nov. 4, 2003. We studied the formation process of delta-type magnetic configuration, and found pre-flare brightenings in TRACE 1600 A images on the sheared neutral lines. We studied the evolution of all the active regions in this solar cycle (cycle 23) that have produced at least one X-class flare and have been observed by SOHO/MDI magnetograms. We are planning to summarize the characteristics of flare-productive regions from the viewpoint of pre-flare brightenings and rotational motions of magnetic neutral lines.