Title: Searching for subsurface signatures of X-class flares Author_list: Komm, R., Howe, R., Gonzalez Hernandez, I., Hill F., Sudol, J., Toner, C. Abstract: The GONG network observed the X10 flare in AR 10486 during Oct 29 2003. We derive horizontal flows in the near-surface layers (to a depth of about 16 Mm) using ring-diagram analysis. Using the continuity equation, we can derive the vertical velocity component from the measured flow divergence. Since we derive the complete 3-D vector of velocity, we can calculate the vorticity and kinetic helicity of these flows. We will search these quantities for signatures of the flare event. In addition, we plan to analyze other X-class flare events that have been observed since the upgrade of the GONG cameras in April 2001. We will report on the latest results.