Title: Subphotospheric Dynamics of Flaring Active Regions Author_list: Kosovichev, A.G., Duvall, T.L., Jr Abstract: We present results of investigation of subsurface plasma flows and emerging structures for several flaring active regions (including AR 9393 and 10486). The results representing 3-D maps of sound-speed perturbations and flow velocities are obtained from SOHO/MDI full-disk Doppler data by time-distance helioseismology with the horizontal resolution of 3 Mm, vertical resolution of 0.7-4 Mm (in the depth range of 0-40 Mm), and temporal resolution of 8 hours. These maps are compared with the corresponding MDI magnetograms, and also with coronal images to determine the role of subphotospheric dynamics in the development of the active regions and their flaring activity.