Twist, Kink, and other Contortions K. D. Leka and Y. Fan Determining the amount of twist in active region magnetic fields is crucial to testing proposed trigger mechanisms for solar energetic events. We discuss the use of photospheric vector magnetic field data, specifically as related to the kink instability. It is demonstrated that an average twist calculated using solely the boundary-layer magnetic field information can underestimate the amount of twist present, in part because the interpretation is model-dependent. Additionally, an analysis of the lower-boundary slice of the numerical simulation of a kink-unstable flux rope (Fan and Gibson 2003, 2004) produces inferred magnetic twist results comparable to that derived from photospheric vector magnetic field data in active regions. Thus, we propose that the kink instability is a contender for initiating solar energetic events. This work is supported by AFOSR contract F49620-02-C-0191.