Paper Title: Compact Flares and CMEs Author List: Moore, R., Sterling, A. Abstract: From a search of the SOHO/LASCO CME Catalog, we found several flares that were strong but short-lived in GOES X-ray flux (peak flux > C5, duration <~2 hr), and produce no CME. We also found several equaly strong and short-lived flares that did initiate CMEs. All of the flares were located in strong magnetic fields near sunspots and were spatially compact (brightened only a small part of the active region. From the magnetic location and magnetic surroundings determined from MDI magnetograms, it appears that the non-CME flares were confined deep within surronding strong closed magnetic fields, while the CME-producing flares either triggered neighboring sheared fields to erupt into a CME, or were able to erupt out of the active region and directly drive a CME. Compact ejective flares of this last type may produce a large CME by driving the eruption of a large coronal loop such a a trans-equatorial loop. We present an example of such a flare and CME.