Title: Study of a twisted magnetic flux tube in an eruptive event Author_list: Romano, P., Contarino, L., Zuccarello, F. Abstract: In the past many observations have shown sigmoidal structures (Canfield et al., 1999) and twisted flux ropes with a helical-like pattern of the magnetic field (Romano et al., 2003a), associated with eruptions of filaments. As demonstrated by Rust and Kumar (1994), a twisted flux rope will writhe and take on the S shape if the amount of twist in it exceeds the limit for the kink instability, which occurs when 2pTwR/L > 0.581, with Tw the number of turns of the magnetic field from end to end and 2R/L the ratio between the width and the length of the filament. There are some controversy about whether peculiar motions of shearing or emersion of twisted flux tubes are responsible of these unstable configurations (see, e.g., Romano et al., 2003b). In this context, we plan to investigate these two mechanisms, able to reach the limit for the kink instability, analysing the eruption of a reverse S shaped filament which preceded the onset of a flare of class X17.2, occurred in active region NOAA 10486 on October 28, 2003. Using H-alpha full-disc images taken at INAF-Catania Astrophysical Observatory we intend to measure the morphological parameters of the filament before its eruption. Using 1 minute cadence MDI full-disc longitudinal magnetograms taken about 24 hours before the event we plan to measure the rate of emergence of magnetic flux and the photospheric horizontal flows in all the active region and in areas corresponding to filament footpoints. We will compute the velocities using the local correlation tracking (LCT) method. Moreover, we will compute the magnetic helicity injected by the horizontal flows (Chae, 2001) in order to investigate a possible correlation between the magnetic helicity accumulated along the filament and its transformation from twist to writhe before the eruptive event. Canfield, R.C., Hudson, H.S., and McKenzie, D.E., Geophys. Res. Lett. , 26, 627, 1999. Chae, J., ApJ, 560, L95, 2001. Romano, P., Contarino, L., and Zuccarello, F. , Sol. Phys., 214, 313, 2003a. Romano, P., Contarino, L., and Zuccarello, F. , Sol. Phys., 218, 137, 2003b. Rust, D.M., and Kumar, A., Sol. Phys., 155, 69, 1994.