Paper Title: What the Annihilation Line Tells Us About the Flaring Chromosphere Author List: Share, G., Murphy, R. Abstract: RHESSI has measured the positron-electron annihilation line and continuum in three solar flares: 2002 July 23, 2003 October 28 and 2003 November 2. The 511 keV line was broad (~4 - 8 keV) in all three flares, consistent with annihilations in an ambient ionized medium at temperatures > 10^5 K. The measured continuum from positronium and from Compton scattering was unobservable with the exception of the first 4 min of the October 28 flare observation; this indicates that the density where most annihilations occurred was > 10^{14} H cm^{-3}. The width of the line narrowed in 2 min to ~ 1 keV late in the October 28 flare consistent with annihilation in ionized H <10^4 K and >= 10^{15} cm^{-3}. There is evidence for a similar decrease in line width late in the Nov. 2 flare. These observations suggest a highly dynamic flaring atmosphere at chromospheric densities that can reach transition-region temperatures, cool to <10^4 K in minutes, and still remains highly ionized. Although the energy contained in high-energy accelerated particles may have been enough to heat the plasma, the rate of deposition is not correlated with the temperature determined by the 511-keV line width; this raises questions about the energy source. Poster: No