Paper Title: High resolution observations of muti-wavelength emissions during two x-class white-light flares Author List: Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Guo Yang, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker and Haimin Wang Abstract: We observed two X-class white-light flares on 2003 October 29 ($\sim$ 2040 UT) and November 2 ($\sim$ 1716 UT) using the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) and its High-order Adaptive Optics System (HAO) in several wavelengths. The spatial resolution was close to the diffraction limit of DST's 76~cm aperture. The temporal resolution was up to 2~seconds. A preliminary study of the NIR emission of the October 29 event was presented in \citet{Xu2004}. We extended the study in this paper by comparing the photospheric continuum observations during two events with corresponding line-of-sight magnetograms of the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), hard X-ray (HXR) data of \emph{RHESSI}. Significant emissions were shown both in visible, near-infrared (NIR) continua and G-band during the impulsive phase of the flares. The maximum intensity enhancements were 37\% of white-light, 25\% of the NIR continuum during the first event and 65\% of white-light, 66\% of the NIR continuum for the second flare. The flares were typical two ribbon flares. All the ribbons showed the same intensity distribution, a brighter core surrounded by a halo structure. The ribbon separation speeds were about 28~km/s in the first event and 20~km/s of the second based on the NIR data. The derived electric field in reconnection current sheet $E_{c}$ were about $45~V cm^{-1}$ and $20~V cm^{-1}$ during the flare maxima, respectively. A good temporal relationship was observed between the two continua emission and impulsive HXR with energy range up to 800~keV. Besides, a small delay less than 2 minutes was shown between HXR and the continua. In addition, the high resolution images gave us the first chance to measure the cooling time of flaring areas close to the photosphere. We found that the cooling process could be characterize into two steps, a quick drop which should be related the major cooling process and a relative slow flattening caused by the halo structures. The quick step is about 30~second or less and few minutes in the second step. Based on the observational results, we discussed processes and conclusions of several models that provide possible mechanisms causing those continuum emissions, especially in the NIR. Poster: No