Rocket To The Aurora | |
Below are listed some lessons, activities, and information that will help teachers and students understand the aurora and the sounding rockets, and satellites that study them. | |
Description | Grade Level | |
of the North:
A Tutorial on the Aurora |
his auroral tutorial provides a basic explanation of how the aurora or northern lights are made. | 10-12 |
in the Sky:
An Aurora and Cathode Ray Tube Analogy
This web-based lesson compares how auroral light produced on the Earth's atmospheric screen is similar to the images produced on the screen of a television or computer monitor's Cathode Ray Tube. | 10-12 |
Wind and Magnetosphere interaction Lab
A Cereal Anology
*Contains downloadable pdf files
This open-ended laboratory activity is useful in demonstrating how solar wind particles are deflected by the Earth's magnetosphere and how charged particles are aligned within it. It is recommembed that the activity be followed up with student presentations and a lab report. | 5-8 &
9-12 |