Sounding Rocket Basics

Auroral Sounding rockets are used to study properties of auroral arcs by flying specially developed instrument packages high into the ionosphere. These rockets typically have a series of solid rocket motor stages and a payload section in the nosecone which carries scientific instruments.

  • The UC Berkeley rocket is a Black Brant XII model with 4 stages of solid fuel.

  • Total height of rocket: 18.7 m (61 ft) 

  • Projected rocket apogee (maximum altitude): 1200 km.(745.5 mi)

  • Projected rocket maximum ground range: 1100 km (683 mi)

  • Payload mass: 170 kg (375 lbs).

  • Payload diameter: 0.45 m (1.5 ft)

  • Flight time: 20 minutes.

The sounding rocket program is managed by the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. Universities, government research centers, and corporations use these rockets for a variety of scientific and technological experiments.

The UC Berkeley Experiment

The image above shows the instrument section -- which rides in the nosecone of the rocket vehicle -- that was built by the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory.


  • Particle Detectors: measure speed and direction of ions and electrons involved in auroral emissions.

    • Electrostatic Analyzers ("ESAs") use a hemispherical construction to measure the speed and direction of both electrons and ions.

    • Magnetic sector spectrometers use magnets to deflect the trajectories of incoming charged particles. These detectors can measure the energies of incoming particles very quickly, but can only do so with particles arriving from a fixed direction.

  • Electric Field Antennas: measure voltages and electromagnetic waves in space that accelerate particles.

  • Two small deployable "sub-payloads" fly off of the main payload section to make remote measurements of fields and particles, providing information about the geometry and structure of auroral processes.


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