Cluster II/ CIS Data

Data Use Policy

All data made available on-line through this site are provided with the aim of giving researchers additional context for intrepting their own data. They are uncalibrated, and are not of publication quality. Cluster is primarily a European Space Agency mission, and has data access and sharing rules that differ from those of most recent NASA missions. For these reasons we spell-out a few important of Rules of the Road:
  • Researchers need to consult with a member of the CIS team before presenting any of these data publically.

  • Researchers are not to publish these data without explicit permission from the principle investigator, Henri Rème <>. U.S. investigators may instead wish to contact George Parks <>.

  • If the interpretation of these ion data is to become a significant focus in your work, you must obtain explicit prior  permission from Henri Rème (or George Parks), and the analysis must be conducted in coordination with members of the CIS team.

To ensure continued good working relations with our European counterparts, it is essential that American scientists respect and adhere to these Rules of the Road.


On-Line Data

Mark Wilber
Last modified: Tue Oct 1 14:32:24 PDT 2002