# This is the FAST ATS Command definition file. # # !! Note, this file must end with a blank line # # the format is as follows: # -) foreach command: # BEGIN_CMD # begin command definition # CMD_ENUM # NAME # PRIMARY_MNEM # FIXED # begin first fixed mnemonic # <1st fixed submnem, 1st mnemonic choice (String)> # <1st fixed submnem, 2nd mnemonic choice (String)> # ... # <1st fixed submnem, Nth mnemonic choice (String)> # END_FIXED # end first fixed mnemonic # FIXED # begin second fixed mnemonic # <2nd fixed submnem, 1st mnemonic choice (String)> # <2nd fixed submnem, 2nd mnemonic choice (String)> # ... # <2nd fixed submnem, Nth mnemonic choice (String)> # END_FIXED # end second fixed mnemonic # ... # FIXED # begin Nth fixed mnemonic # # # ... # # END_FIXED # end Nth fixed mnemonic # VARIABLE # begin variable mnemonic list # <1st var submnem (String)> # <2nd var submnem (String)> # ... # # END_VARIABLE # end variable mnemonic list # CONFIG # begin first command configuration # <1st fxd mnem selection> <2nd fxd mnem sel>.. # <1st fxd mnem visible?> <2nd fxd mnem vis?>.. # <1st var mnem visible?> <2nd var mnem vis?>.. # END_CONF # end first command configuration # CONFIG # begin second command configuration # <1st fxd mnem selection> <2nd fxd mnem sel>.. # <1st fxd mnem visible?> <2nd fxd mnem vis?>.. # <1st var mnem visible?> <2nd var mnem vis?>.. # END_CONF # end second command configuration # ... # CONFIG # begin Nth command configuration # <1st fxd mnem selection> <2nd fxd mnem sel>.. # <1st fxd mnem visible?> <2nd fxd mnem vis?>.. # <1st var mnem visible?> <2nd var mnem vis?>.. # END_CONF # end Nth command configuration # END_CMD # # -) Notes: # - comments begin with # and go to the end of the line # - white space is ignored. # - strings must be quoted. # - the CMD_ENUM can be one of: # START_MODE, FAST_SURVEY_TRIGGER, FAST_SURVEY_ALLOC, # BURST_TRIG_TRIGGER, BURST_TRIG_MEM, BURST_MEM_CONF, # DATA_ALGORITHM, MASS_MEM_ALLOC, FIELDS_BIAS, # ESA_PHD_ALG, ESA_SWP_HV_ALG, ESA_MCP_HV_ALG, ESA_GAIN_ALG, # CLEAR_VC_MEM, BUSA_ON_OFF, BUSB_ON_OFF, HEMISPHERE, TABLE_SEL, # LOAD_VALUE, CRTSSTART, USER1, USER2, USER3, USER4, USER5, # USER6, USER7, USER8, USER9, USER10, USER11, USER12, USER13, # USER14, USER15, USER16, USER17, USER18, USER19, USER20 # # - There must be a BEGIN_CMD and an END_CMD around each command # definition. # - There must be a FIXED and an END_FIXED around each fixed mnemonic # definition. # - There must be a VARIABLE and an END_VARIABLE around each variable # mnemonic definition. # - There must be a CONFIG and an END_CONFIG around each configuration. # - in the command configuration: # 1) visibilty can be given as: VIS for visible, INVIS for # invisible (not quited). # 2) fixed sub-mnemonic selection ranges from 1 to N where # N is the number of mnemonic choices for the fixed # sub-mnemonic. If the sub-mnemonic is not visible, we # don't care, but the value still must be in range. # 3) the line order with a configuration is important. If there # are no fixed or variable mnemonics, blank or comment lines # should be present, for those catogories. # ############################################################################### # Start modes command # - selects instrument start modes # - configurations: # primary var-1 var-2 # 1 ISTMODE F=x P=x # 2 ISTMODE F=x # 3 ISTMODE P=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "START_MODE" NAME "Start Mode" PRIMARY_MNEM "ISTMODE" VARIABLE "F" 0 255 "P" 0 255 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS INVIS END_CONF CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities INVIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Fast/slow survey trigger command # - configure fast/slow survey # - configurations: # primary fix-1 var-1 var-2 # 1 IFSTRIG ON ALG=x LEVEL=x # 2 IFSTRIG OFF ALG=x LEVEL=x # 3 IFSTRIG TRIGGER ALG=x LEVEL=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "FAST_SURVEY_TRIGGER" NAME "Fast survey trigger settings" PRIMARY_MNEM "IFSTRIG" FIXED "ON" "OFF" "TRIGGER" END_FIXED VARIABLE "ALG" 0 255 "LEVEL" 0 255 END_VARIABLE CONFIG 1 VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 2 VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 3 VIS VIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Fast/slow survey memory allocation command # - Set up the memory allocation for fast/slow survey # - configurations: # primary var-1 # 1 IFSALLOC BLOCKS=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "FAST_SURVEY_ALLOC" NAME "Set fast/slow survey memory allocation" PRIMARY_MNEM "IFSALLOC" VARIABLE "BLOCKS" 0 65535 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Burst trigger command # - Turn burst data on/off and set trigger levels # - configurations: # primary fix-1 var-1 var-2 # 1 IBSTRIG ON ALG=x LEVEL=x # 2 IBSTRIG OFF ALG=x LEVEL=x # 3 IBSTRIG TRIGGER ALG=x LEVEL=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "BURST_TRIG_TRIGGER" NAME "Set burst data" PRIMARY_MNEM "IBSTRIG" FIXED "ON" "OFF" "TRIGGER" END_FIXED VARIABLE "ALG" 0 255 "LEVEL" 0 255 END_VARIABLE CONFIG 1 VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 2 VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 3 VIS VIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Fast/slow survey memory command # - Set fast/slow survey memory allocation # - configurations: # primary var-1 var-2 # 1 IBSALLOC BURSTS=x RATIO=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "BURST_MEM_CONF" NAME "Set burst memory" PRIMARY_MNEM "IBSALLOC" VARIABLE "BURSTS" 0 64 "RATIO" 0 255 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # clear VC memory command # - Clear memory for a selected virtual channels # - configurations: # primary fixed-1 fixed-2 fixed-3 var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5 # 1 IMEMCLEAR VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 2 IMEMCLEAR VC0 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 3 IMEMCLEAR VC1 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 4 IMEMCLEAR VC7 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 5 IMEMCLEAR VC0 VC1 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 6 IMEMCLEAR VC0 VC7 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 7 IMEMCLEAR VC1 VC7 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x # 8 IMEMCLEAR VC0 VC1 VC7 VC2=x VC2X=x VC3=x VC4=x VC5=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "CLEAR_VC_MEM" NAME "Clear VC memory" PRIMARY_MNEM "IMEMCLEAR" FIXED "VC0" END_FIXED FIXED "VC1" END_FIXED FIXED "VC7" END_FIXED VARIABLE "VC2" 0 1 "VC2X" 0 1 "VC3" 0 1 "VC4" 0 1 "VC5" 0 1 END_VARIABLE CONFIG 1 1 1 INVIS INVIS INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 VIS INVIS INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 INVIS VIS INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 INVIS INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 VIS VIS INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 VIS INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 INVIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF CONFIG 1 1 1 VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Fields bias current command # - Set fields experiment bias current # - configurations: # primary var-1 var-2 # 1 IFLDBIAS S=x B=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "FIELDS_BIAS" NAME "Set bias current" PRIMARY_MNEM "IFLDBIAS" VARIABLE "S" 0 1023 "B" 0 63 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Instrument Bus Relay A on/off command # - Turn instrument bus relay A on/off (this is a hack to save on power # usage. It really is an MUE command.) # - configurations: # primary fix-1 # 1 INSTRAPWR ON # 2 INSTRAPWR OFF BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "BUSA_ON_OFF" NAME "Inst Bus Relay A On/Off" PRIMARY_MNEM "INSTRAPWR" FIXED "ON" "OFF" END_FIXED CONFIG 1 VIS END_CONF CONFIG 2 VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Instrument Bus Relay B on/off command # - Turn instrument bus relay B on/off (this is a hack to save on power # usage. It really is an MUE command.) # - configurations: # primary fix-1 # 1 INSTRBPWR ON # 2 INSTRBPWR OFF BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "BUSB_ON_OFF" NAME "Inst Bus Relay B On/Off" PRIMARY_MNEM "INSTRBPWR" FIXED "ON" "OFF" END_FIXED CONFIG 1 VIS END_CONF CONFIG 2 VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Hemisphere specification: # - configurations: # primary fix-1 # 1 IHEM NORTH # 2 IHEM SOUTH BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "HEMISPHERE" NAME "Specifies Hemisphere" PRIMARY_MNEM "IHEM" FIXED "NORTH" "SOUTH" END_FIXED CONFIG 1 VIS END_CONF CONFIG 2 VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Select an operational table # - configurations: # primary var-1 var-2 # 1 ITABLE N=x OFFSET=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "TABLE_SEL" NAME "Select an operational table" PRIMARY_MNEM "ITABLE" VARIABLE "N" 0 255 "OFFSET" 0 65535 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Load a byte # - configurations: # primary var-1 # 1 ILOAD VALUE=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "LOAD_VALUE" NAME "Select an operational table" PRIMARY_MNEM "ILOAD" VARIABLE "VALUE" 0 255 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # RTS command that runs: # IHEM (north or south) # ITABLE (n=12 offset=71 # ILOAD (value =66 for north, 163 for south) # - configurations: # primary var-1 # 1 CRTSSTART RTSNUM=x BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "CRTSSTART" NAME "RTSCMD with hemisphere loads" PRIMARY_MNEM "CRTSSTART" VARIABLE "RTSNUM" 0 255 END_VARIABLE CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities VIS END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Replaces old RTS command for northern hemisphere items # - configurations: # primary # 1 InstNorth BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "USER1" NAME "Northern Hemisphere activity" PRIMARY_MNEM "InstNorth" CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities END_CONF END_CMD ############################################################################### # Replaces old RTS command for southern hemisphere items # - configurations: # primary # 1 InstSouth BEGIN_CMD CMD_ENUM "USER2" NAME "Southern Hemisphere activity" PRIMARY_MNEM "InstSouth" CONFIG # blank line for nonexistanct fixed string selections # blank line for nonexistanct fixed visibilities END_CONF END_CMD