Notes on trending
Temperature Trending
On any FAST workstation other then juneau, log on as user lzp
Change to the cfg/temp_trending directory and run temp_trend.ksh in the following fashion:
temp_trend.ksh yyyy doy doy ; where the doy entries span the desired period (try using a maximum of 10 days. The script will find the necessary data files and place them in the /disks/juneau/scratch/LZPfiles/trend/temps/lzp directory. The data will be converted into *.dat files and placed in the /disks/juneau/scratch/LZPfiles/trend/temps/dat directory
Running IDL
Add /home/rauch/idl/pro/temp_trend to IDL path
setenv IDL_PATH "${IDL_PATH}:+/home/rauch/idl/pro/temp_trend"
While running idl, load temperature data into memory with idl routine store_temp_trend
IDL>store_temp_trend, DATA="/disks/juneau/scratch/LZPfiles/trend/temps/dat"
Now your ready to plot temperature data. The previous step has loaded numerous temperature telemetry points into memory. Execute the following IDL command to view what telemetry points are loaded into memory and choose one or more which you want to plot
You'll get output which looks like:
1 pctemp1
2 pctemp2
3 mctemp1
4 mctemp2
5 flxtmp
6 scltmp
7 tcdf
8 tiob
9 cputemp
10 axbtemp
11 thv
12 tsb
13 bebtempa
14 bebtempb
15 bebtempc
16 bebtempd
You can now plot one or more points. There are numerous ways to do so. Here are some examples:
single plot.........
multiple plots.......
IDL>tplot, [1,2,3,4]
there's also a prebuilt idl routine for plotting all of the temperature points.....
In general, do the following:
idl> store_temp_trend, DATA="dir"
idl> tplot_names
idl> tplot, 'name1'
System 7 Voltage Trending
Begin by referencing the FAST Generic Trending System (GTS) document found at:
Running as user lzp on any FAST workstation other then juneau, use the following configuration file:
IDL Notes
Setting the y-axis limit