Fast Auroral SnapshoT Explorer
Science Operations
Mission Operations
Education Site

EESA Status Report

Starting with orbit 11059 on June 8, 1999 and thereafter low latitude data was
collected, but the summary plots did not account for it until the environment
variable FAST_COMPUTE_MAG_PHASE_STR_1 was set on July 17, 2002 for orbit 23531.
All Eesa summary plots and dailies need to be rerun for these orbits. The
following is a log of which orbits have been rerun.

DATE Orbit(s) Run
9/24/2002 11059-11269
10/1/2002 11270-11739
10/3/2002 11740-11899
10/17/2002 11900-11923
10/18/2002 11924-11928
11/5/2002 11929-11964
11/15/2002 11965-11974
12/01/2002 11975-12060
12/05/2002 12061-12105
12/18/2002 12106-12115
01/24/2003 12116-12130
01/27/2003 12131-12153
02/12/2003 12154-12175
02/14/2003 12176-12183
02/15/2003 12184-12230
02/19/2003 12231-12250
02/21/2003 12251-12270
02/26/2003 12271-12290
02/28/2003 12291-12295
03/03/2003 12296-12310
03/07/2003 12311-12358
03/10/2003 12359-12375
03/11/2003 12376-12440
03/14/2003 12441-12470
03/17/2003 12471-12497
03/19/2003 12498-12534
03/21/2003 12535-12575
03/26/2003 12576-12615
03/31/2003 12616-12651
04/04/2003 12652-12690
04/05/2003 12691-12760
04/07/2003 12761-12800
04/09/2003 12801-12830
04/11/2003 12831-12856
04/14/2003 12857-12900
04/18/2003 12900-12928
04/19/2003 12901-13050
04/25/2003 13051-13105
04/28/2003 13106-13160
05/06/2003 13161-13221
05/09/2003 13222-13609
05/12/2003 13610-14000