This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Tue Feb 13 17:06:18 2001.
FUNCTION: angle_to_bin(dat,an) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_fa_ees, get_fa_eeb, etc. an: real,fltarr(i), 2D - real or float array of pitch angle values fltarr(i,2), 3D - theta=fltarr(*,0), phi=fltarr(*,1) KEYWORD: EBIN int,intarr(i) optional, energy bins corresponding to "an" used when angles depend upon energy bin PURPOSE: Returns the angle bin numbers in "dat" nearest to "an" CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-4-23 J.McFadden 96-8-27 J.McFadden Changed algorithm to include (mod 360.) and handle arbitrary order in dat.theta or dat.phi 98-4-24 J.McFadden Corrected typos in documentation
(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
FUNCTION: angle_to_bins(dat,an,EBIN=ebin) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. an: fltarr(2), 2D - min,max pitch angle limits (0-360 deg) fltarr(2,2), 3D - array of (theta,phi) angle values theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: CALC_ESA_GEOM DESCRIPTION: function to get esa geometry factors CALLING SEQUENCE: data = calc_esa_geom(esa_data_struct) ARGUMENTS: esa_data_struct This is a struct return by a get_?esa_* () routine. This must contain the header_bytes and time structure tag. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, an array of floats containing the geometry factor for each energy bin. else a scaler -1 is returned. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.2 03/03/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '96(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: contour2d,data PURPOSE: Produces contour plots of pitch angle dist.s from 2D data structures. INPUTS: data - structure containing 2d data (obtained from get_fa_???() routine) e.g. "get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc." KEYWORDS: LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options. see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting MSEC - Subtitle will include milliseconds TITLE - Title to be plotted, - set title=' ' for NO Title! - set title='1' for just the time in the title XTITLE - xtitle to be plotted, - set xtitle=' ' for NO xtitle!, default determined by VEL keyword YTITLE - ytitle to be plotted, - set ytitle=' ' for NO ytitle!, default=data.units_name RETRACE - set to number of retrace steps removed, - typically set to 1 for FAST esas - minus number will remove -(retrace) steps from end of sweep VEL - If set, x-axis is velocity km/s -- Default is Energy (eV) NCONT - Number of contours to be plotted, default = 8 LEVELS - Explicit contour levels, default levels spaced down from max by 10^.5 FILL - If set, contours are filled with solid color or gray scale BW - If set, contours are white, no affect on fill plots PURE - If set, 6 pure colors are cycled through for levels POLAR - Makes a polar plot ROTATE - Exchanges x and y axes for non-polar plots LABEL - Labels the contour levels LAB_0 - Puts 0 in center of plot (default is 90). Labels pitch angles with 90 degree increments. LAB_90 - Puts 90 in center of plot (default is 90). Labels pitch angles with 90 degree increments. LAB_180 - Puts 180 in center of plot (default is 90). Labels pitch angles with 90 degree increments. XMARGIN - Change xmargin from default YMARGIN - Change ymargin from default See "pitch2d" for another means of plotting data. See "conv_units" to change units. CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-8-31 FILE: VERSION 1. MODIFICATIONS: McFadden 96-9-3 More keywords added Delory Polar keyword McFadden 97-11-20 Lab_0,LAB_180 keywords McFadden 98-3-3 xmargin, ymargin keywords(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: convert_esa_units PURPOSE: to convert units of data from any of the eesa or pesa instruments. INPUT: data: A 3d structure such as those generated by get_el,get_pl,etc. units: A string telling the procedure which units to convert to, such as ncounts,rate,nrate,eflux,flux,df KEYWORDS: scale: A named variable that will return the scale used to convert CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.6 95/11/07(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: convert_esa_units2 PURPOSE: To convert FAST ESA data units to counts,eflux,flux,df,rate, or crate 'COUNTS' : # 'RATE' : #/sec 'CRATE' : #/sec (dead time corrected) 'EFLUX' : eV/(cm^2-s-sr-eV) (dead time corrected) 'FLUX' : #/(cm^2-s-sr-eV) (dead time corrected) 'DF' : #/(km^3-(cm/s)^3) (dead time corrected) INPUT: data: A 3d structure such as those generated by get_el,get_pl,etc. units: A string telling the procedure which units to convert to, such as ncounts,rate,nrate,eflux,flux,df KEYWORDS: scale: A named variable that will return the scale used to convert CREATED BY: J. McFadden (modified from convert_esa_units - D.Larson) LAST MODIFICATION: 97/03/03 MOD HISTORY: 97/03/03 Changed to accept 1-D or 2-D GEOM structure element(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: c_2d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_fa_ees, get_fa_eeb, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the sum of the counts in NOTES: Function normally called by "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "tplot". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 96-12-13 LAST MODIFICATION:(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: ec_2d((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the characteristic energy, Ec, eV NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-5 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: EIESA_UNPACK_SURV_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to unpack the Eesa and Iesa packet headers A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'E[I]esa Survey Header' VALID INT 1 PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 SPIN_NUMBER INT 0 SPIN_PHASE INT 0 MAG_PHASE INT 0 SWEEP_MODE INT 0 RETRACE INT 0 TOP_ENERGY INT 0 DIRECTION INT 0 AMPLITUDE INT 0 CALIBRATE_MODE INT 0 LOW_ENERGY INT 0 DWELL INT 0 ACCUM INT 0 MODE INT 0 NENERGY_MODE INT 0 DESPUN INT 0 SWEEPS_PER_AVERAGE INT 0 BLOCKS_PER_PACKET INT 0 NENERGY INT 0 NANGLE INT 0 NBINS INT 0 TYPE INT 0 SC INT 0 MARRAY_HDR_IDX INT 0 MARRAY_HDR_SUBCNT INT 0 BLKS_FROM_OLD_SWP INT 0 BLKS_REM_IN_PNDING_SWP INT 0 NON_TTAGED_DATA_IDX INT 0 DATA_INDICES INTARR(32) SECS_PER_BLOCK DOUBLE 0 SPIN_RATE DOUBLE 0 CALLING SEQUENCE: data = eiesa_unpack_surv_hdr (eiesa_surv_data_struct) ARGUMENTS: eiesa_surv_data_struct This is a struct return by get_eesa_surv () for Eesa data, or get_iesa_surv () for Iesa data. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 03/03/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: energy_to_ebin(dat,en) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. en: real,fltarr, real or float array of energy values KEYWORD: BIN int,intarr optional, angle bins corresponding to "en" used when energies depend upon angle bin PURPOSE: Returns the energy bin numbers in "" nearest to "en" CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-4-22 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: esa_anode_calib,orbit reads in data from individual angle bins from esa burst data, asks user to click on boundaries of loss cone, and averages remaining points INPUT: orbit the orbit number (used in the filename) which you are calibrating OUTPUT: prints calibration values (nomalized to 1.0) for 32 angle bins KEYWORDS: ENERGY passed onto get_2dt. If not set, default is [1000,20000] DIR set this keyword to the directory in which tplot files are stored. Default is current directory. DATASRC set this keyword to the string passed by get_2dt (i.e. 'fa_eeb', 'fa_ieb', 'fa_seb1','fa_seb2', etc) If this keyword is not set it defaults to 'fa_eeb' SHOW4 set this keyword to show plots of 4 bins and the losscones SHOW8 set this keyword to show plots of 8 bins and the losscones SHOWALL set this keyword to show plots of all bins and the losscones SDT set this keyword to get esa data directly from SDT (default is to read in tplot files) Note that SDT needs to be running anyways, because of the fa_fields_phase Need to have phase (1032) in SDT. If SDT keyword set, need also to have EesaBurstAggregate in SDT. Written 97-4-15 by Y-K Tung Modified 98-2-11 by Y-K Tung added keyword DIR Modified 98-2-20 by Y-K Tung added keyword ENERGY(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: FAST_I_BATCH DESCRIPTION: This is the fast idl batch processing file for ion and electron summary plots. It is meant to be called from sdt. Sdt would wait till this batch script is complete and then exit. CALLING SEQUENCE: idl fast_i_batch REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 24 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. July '96(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: funct_fit2d,dat Select energy/angle range and perform functional fit to data (default Maxwellian) INPUTS: dat - data structure containing 2d data - e.g. "get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc." KEYWORDS: NFITF integer optional number of functions for the fit, default = 1 FITF string optional function for the fit, default = maxwellian AUTO 0/1 if set, defaults are used and peak energy determined from the data ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for fit ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for fit EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for fit 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for fit ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for fit BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for fit 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for fit 0,1=exclude,include LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options. see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting F_UNITS - convert to given data units before passing to function "FITF" COLOR - array of colors to be used for each bin LABEL - Puts bin labels on the plot if set. SUMPLT - redraws the summed data and the fit after completion. MSEC - Subtitle will include milliseconds NOTES: This program still has bugs and may not weight the points properly !!!!! See "spec2d" for another means of plotting data. See "conv_units" to change units. See "time_stamp" to turn time stamping on and off. Future changes:,, CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-11-14 FILE: VERSION 1. LAST MODIFICATION: Ver 1.1 GTDelory 97-07-30(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROGRAM: fu_spec2d(funct,dat) INPUT: funct: string, function that operates on structures generated by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. funct = 'n_2d','j_2d','v_2d','p_2d','t_2d', 'vth_2d','ec_2d', or 'je_2d' dat: structure, 2d data structures example: dat = get_fa_ees(t) KEYWORDS LIMITS - structure, A structure containing limits and display options. see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta INTEG_F: 0,1 if set, plot forward integral INTEG_R: 0,1 if set, plot reverse integral PURPOSE: Plots the differential funct(dat) versus energy, funct(dat) is integrated over angle only CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97/03/13 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/03/13 MOD HISTORY: NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROGRAM: get_2dt,funct,get_dat INPUT: funct: function, function that operates on structures generated by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. funct = 'n_2d','j_2d','v_2d','p_2d','t_2d', 'vth_2d','ec_2d', or 'je_2d' get_dat:function, function that returns 2d data structures function name must be "get_"+"get_dat" get_dat = 'eesa_surv' for get_eesa_surv, get_dat = 'eesa_burst' for get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS T1: real or dbl start time, seconds since 1970 T2: real or dbl end time, seconds since 1970 ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration GAP_TIME: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (def 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 NAME: New name of the Data Quantity Default: funct+'_'+get_dat BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: value for bad data. 0,1=exclude,include CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_dat PURPOSE: To generate time series data for "" NOTES: Program names time series data to funct+"_"+get_dat if NAME keyword not set See ''. CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 97/03/04 MOD HISTORY: 97/03/04 T1,T2 keywords added NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROGRAM: get_2dt_ts,funct,get_dat INPUT: funct: function, function that operates on structures generated by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. funct = 'n_2d','j_2d','v_2d','p_2d','t_2d', 'vth_2d','ec_2d', or 'je_2d' get_dat:function, function that returns 2d data structures function name must be "get_"+"get_dat"+"_ts" get_dat = 'fa_ees' for get_fa_ees_ts, get_dat = 'fa_eeb' for get_fa_eeb_ts, etc. KEYWORDS T1: real or dbl start time, seconds since 1970 T2: real or dbl end time, seconds since 1970 ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration GAP_TIME: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (def 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 NAME: New name of the Data Quantity Default: funct+'_'+get_dat BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: value for bad data. 0,1=exclude,include CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_dat n_get_pts: Number of points in the array of structures formed by get_"data_str"_ts, default=200. PURPOSE: To generate time series data for "" NOTES: Program names time series data to funct+"_"+get_dat if NAME keyword not set See ''. CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 97/05/16 MOD HISTORY: 97/05/16 Variation on that uses get_* routines NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: get_en_spec PURPOSE: Generates energy-time spectrogram data structures for tplot INPUT: data_str, a string (either 'eh','pl','eesa_surv','ess', ...) where get_'string' returns a 2D or 3D data structure KEYWORDS: T1: start time, seconds since 1970 T2: end time, seconds since 1970 ANGLE: fltarr(2),fltarr(4) angle range to sum over ARANGE: intarr(2) bin range to sum over BINS: bytarr(dat.nbins) bins to sum over gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (default 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 UNITS: convert to these units if included NAME: New name of the Data Quantity BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: value for bad data. RETRACE: Set to number of retrace energy steps to be eliminated starting at energy step 0 CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_"get_dat"_ts CREATED BY: J.McFadden VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/03/04 MOD HISTORY: 97/03/04 T1,T2 keywords added 97/05/22 CALIB keyword added NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: get_en_spec_ts PURPOSE: Generates energy-time spectrogram data structures for tplot INPUT: get_dat, a string (either 'fa_ees','fa_eeb', ...) where get_'string'_ts returns a 2D or 3D array of data structures KEYWORDS: T1: start time, seconds since 1970 T2: end time, seconds since 1970 ANGLE: fltarr(2),fltarr(4) angle range to sum over ARANGE: intarr(2) bin range to sum over BINS: bytarr(dat.nbins) bins to sum over gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (default 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 UNITS: convert to these units if included NAME: New name of the Data Quantity BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: value for bad data. RETRACE: Set to number of retrace energy steps to be eliminated starting at energy step 0 CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_"get_dat"_ts n_get_pts: Number of points in the array of structures formed by get_"get_dat"_ts, default=200. CREATED BY: J.McFadden VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/05/15 MOD HISTORY: 97/05/15 Variation on with help from J.Loran NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]Please look at documentation for shouldn't call GET_FA_2D_FIELDS directly...(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: get_fa_bdc DESCRIPTION: returns a structure containing DC magnetic field survey data from the FAST magnetometer (UCLA). It must be the case that SDT is running, with Mag1dc, Mag2dc_S, and Mag3dc_S plotted on screen already. The returned structure looks like this: DATA_NAME STRING ' ' ; which mag quantities VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'nT' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'fa_fields_units' ; Units conversion proc START_TIME DOUBLE ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE ; End time of sample NPTS INT ; Number of time samples NCOMP INT ; Number of components TIME DOUBLE Array(npts) ; timetags COMP1 DOUBLE Array(npts) ; COMP2 DOUBLE Array(npts) ; COMP3 DOUBLE Array(npts) ; |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs -> end | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from time1->time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from time1->time2| X | X | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. CALLING SEQUENCE: mag = get_fa_bdc(time1, time2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB = panb | ALL = all]) RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to a number between 1 and 7. The number is determined by interpreting the valid tags from each of the three long booms as binary digits; mag1.valid is weighted 1, mag2.valid 2, mag3.valid 4. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 18 Jul 1996 Originally written by Bill Peria, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. July 22, 1996(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: get_fa_edc_long DESCRIPTION: returns, as best it can, a structure containing DC electric field survey data from the FAST booms (1-4, 5-8, 9-10). It must be the case that SDT is running, with V1-4, 5-8, and 9-10 plotted on screen already. In the case where, for example, sphere 9 is in voltage mode, then an array containing IEEE NaN, plus a leading zero, will be returned in place of V9-10. The returned structure looks like this: DATA_NAME STRING ' E1-4 E5-8 E9-10' ; which 'E' quantities VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'mV/m' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'fa_fields_units' ; Units conversion proc START_TIME DOUBLE ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE ; End time of sample NPTS INT ; Number of time samples NCOMP INT ; Number of components TIME DOUBLE Array(npts) ; timetags E14 DOUBLE Array(npts) ; E58 DOUBLE Array(npts) ; E910 DOUBLE Array(npts) ; |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs -> end | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from time1->time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from time1->time2| X | X | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. CALLING SEQUENCE: e_long = get_fa_edc_long(time1, time2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB = panb | ALL = all]) CURRENT PROBLEMS: It's not clear what to do if the time bases for the different data quantities are not the same. Right now, the times returned are those of the first available DQD, in order [V1-V4, V5-V8, V9-V10]. Yikes! Also, no indication of mode is returned... RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to a number between 1 and 7. The number is determined by interpreting the valid tags from each of the three long booms as binary digits; v14.valid is weighted 1, v58.valid 2, v910.valid 4. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.18 07/23/96 Originally written by Bill Peria, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '96(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EEB DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000147 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_eeb (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.20 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EEB_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000147 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_eeb (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EEB_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'eiesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_eeb_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EEB_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa Burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000147 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_eeb_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EES DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000147 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ees (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.27 10/08/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EES_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000147 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ees (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.2 10/08/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EES_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa survey header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa_Survey_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'eiesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ees_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EES_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000147 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ees_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.2 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GET_FA_FIELDS PURPOSE: to get data from the FAST fields instrument CALLING SEQUENCE: mydata = get_fa_fields(dqd,[ time1, time2, NPTS=npts, START=st, EN=en, PANF=pf, PANB=pb, ALL = all, CALIBRATE = calibrate, STORE = store]) INPUTS: DQD: a string containing a valid Data Quantity Descriptor to pass on to SDT. If SDT doesn't recognize the DQD, an error message is sent to the screen, and an invalid status is returned to IDL. Use the routine HELPFAST to access a list of valid DQD's through Netscape. NOTE: If GET_FA_FIELDS is called with nothing but a DQD, then the keywords ALL, CALIBRATE, and REPAIR will be automatically set. Furthermore, if GET_FA_FIELDS is called with no *time-selection* keywords or time limits, then the ALL keyword will be set. OUTPUTS: A structure of the following format is returned to the caller, *UNLESS* the keyword STORE is set, in which case the data are stored tplot-style, and the TPLOT string handle is returned to the caller. The STREAK_* tags are arrays of indices into the COMP* tags. If the REPAIRED tag contains a 1 on return, then the STREAK_* tags mark the starts, lengths, and ends of streaks of contiguous, evenly-sampled data. DATA_NAME STRING 'V1-V4_S' VALID INTEGER 1 PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' UNITS_NAME STRING 'mV/m' CALIBRATED LONG 1 UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'fast_fields_units' START_TIME DOUBLE 8.5194794e+08 END_TIME DOUBLE 8.5195604e+08 NPTS LONG 5000 NCOMP LONG 1 DEPTH LONARR(NCOMP) 1 TIME DBLARR(NPTS) START_TIME->END_TIME COMP* FLTARR(NPTS,DEPTHS(*)) SCIENCE! STREAK_STARTS LONARR(??) STREAK_LENGTHS LONARR(??) STREAK_ENDS LONARR(??) REPAIRED LONG 1 OPTIONAL INPUTS: time1 : This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or hours from a reference time, if set. time2 : The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, then time2 will be ignored as an input parameter. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CALIBRATE: If set, causes calibrated data to be returned, if possible. Otherwise, raw data are returned, *unless* the environment variable FAST_CALIBRATE is set to 1, i.e. setenv FAST_CALIBRATE 1 . Setting the CALIBRATE keyword causes the procedure name in DAT.UNITS_PROCEDURE to be called. DEFAULT: If set, causes CALIBRATE, ALL, and REPAIR to be set. MIN_BUF_LENGTH: If defined, sets the minimum number of time-contiguous points in a "good streak" or "buffer" of data. Default is 10. REPAIR: If set, causes a time column patcher to be called. Otherwise, you get what SDT is giving. SPIN: If defined, causes the data to be returned at once per spin resolution, at a phase equal to the value of SPIN in degrees. STORE: If set, the tplot routine STORE_DATA is called, and a rudimentary tplot quantity is stored, to be accessed through GET_DATA. In this case, GET_FA_FIELDS returns the TPLOT string handle to the caller. STRUCTURE: A named variable in which the data structure described above can be returned, if desired (for example, if STORE is set). YBINS: If nonzero, two dimensional fields quantities are returned with this many frequency bins. BACKGROUND: If set, causes a background to be removed from 2D fields quantities. The background is that returned from the function NOISE. Note that this all makes sense only for 2D, CALIBRATE'd quantities. Other keywords determine data time selection as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL|NPTS|START|EN|PANF|PANB|selection |use time1|use time2| |---|----|-----|--|----|----|----------------------|---------|---------| | NZ| 0 | 0 | 0| 0 | 0 |start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0| 0 | 0 |time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0| 0 | 0 |start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 |NZ| 0 | 0 |end-time1 secs -> end | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0| NZ| 0 |pan fwd, time1->time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0| 0 | NZ|pan back,time1->time2 | X | X | | 0 | NZ| 0 | 0| 0 | 0 |time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ| NZ | 0| 0 | 0 |start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ| 0 |NZ| 0 | 0 |end-npts -> end | | | No other combination of keywords is allowed. RESTRICTIONS: The data corresponding to DQD must already be on screen, having been plotted by SDT. EXAMPLE: my_data = get_fa_fields('V1-V4_S',/all) *OR* tplot,get_fa_fields('Mag3dc_S',/all,/calibrate,/store,struc=my_data) MODIFICATION HISTORY: written June 1996 by Bill Peria, UCBerkeley Space Sciences Laboratory @(#) 1.64(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GET_FA_FLDS PURPOSE: To store raw FAST fields quantities for TPLOT CALLING SEQUENCE: get_fa_fields,dqd,[ time1, time2, NPTS=npts, START=st, EN=en, PANF=pf, PANB=pb, ALL = all, CALIBRATE = calibrate, STORE = store] INPUTS: DQD - a string containing a valid Data Quantity Descriptor to pass on to SDT. If SDT doesn't recognize the DQD, an error message is sent to the screen, and an invalid status is returned to IDL. The file FastDQD.doc, in the directory /disks/fast/software/integration/docs, contains all the current DQD information for FAST. The Unix command: grep DataQuantity $FASTHOME/FastDQD.doc, will produce a (long!) list of valid DQD's, which you could redirect into a file for future reference. OPTIONAL INPUTS: time1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. time2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, then time2 will be ignored as an input parameter. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CALIBRATE: If set, causes calibrated data to be returned, if possible. Otherwise, raw data are returned, *unless* the environment variable FAST_CALIBRATE is set to 1, i.e. setenv FAST_CALIBRATE 1 . STORE: Meaningless, always set. STRUCTURE: A named variable in which the data structure described above can be returned, if desired (for example, if STORE is set). SPIN: If defined, causes the data to be returned at once per spin resolution, at a phase equal to the value of SPIN in degrees. YBINS: If nonzero, two dimensional fields quantities are returned with this many frequency bins. Setting the CALIBRATE keyword causes the procedure name in DAT.UNITS_PROCEDURE to be called. Other keywords determine data time selection as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs -> end | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from time1->time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from time1->time2| X | X | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | No other combination of keywords is allowed. RESTRICTIONS: The data corresponding to DQD must already be on screen, having been plotted by SDT. OUTPUTS: A TPLOT quantitiy, with the name DQD, is stored. EXAMPLE: get_fa_flds,'Mag1dc_S',/all MODIFICATION HISTORY: written 3-October-1996 by Bill Peria UCB/SSL(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IEB DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.0002720 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ieb (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.19 12/03/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IEB_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.0002720 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ieb (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.2 12/03/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IEB_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'eiesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ieb_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IEB_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000272 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ieb_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.4 12/03/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IES DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000272 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ies (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.24 10/08/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IES_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000272 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ies (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 10/08/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IES_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa survey header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa_Survey_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'eiesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ies_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_IES_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST I-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Iesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000272 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ies_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12/03/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GET_FA_POTENTIAL PURPOSE: To obtain the spacecraft potential for FAST in fa_fields format. Calls FF_POTENTIAL to do the bulk of the work. CALLING SEQUENCE: pot = get_fa_potential(time1c, time2c, NPTS=npts, START=st, EN=en, PANF=pf, PANB=pb, ALL = all, STORE = store, STRUCTURE = struct, SPIN = spin, REPAIR = repair) INPUTS: T1, T2: start and stop times, in seconds since 1970 or YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: All applicable keywords from GET_FA_FIELDS. OUTPUTS: If /STORE is not set set, a standard fields structure containing the potential in volts in COMP1 is returned. If STORE is set, a tplot string handle is returned. RESTRICTIONS: The environment variable FAST_CALIBRATE must be 1. Why not do the following: alias fastsdt 'setenv FAST_CALIBRATE 1; sdt' in your .cshrc file? EXAMPLE: pot = get_fa_potential(t1,t2) pdqplot,pot OR... tplot,get_fa_potential(t1,t2,/store) MODIFICATION HISTORY: written April '97 by Bill Peria(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Sesa burst combined data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 08/08/00 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Aug '99(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB1 DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa1 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa1 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb1 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB1_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa1 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa 1 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb1 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB1_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa1 burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa1_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb1_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB1_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa 1 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa1 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb1_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB2 DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa2 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa2 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb2 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB2_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa2 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa 2 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb2 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB2_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa2 burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa2_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb2_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB2_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa 2 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa2 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb2_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB3 DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa3 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa3 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb3 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB3_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa3 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa 3 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb3 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB3_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa3 burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa3_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb3_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB3_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa 3 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa3 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb3_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB4 DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa4 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa4 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb4 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB4_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa4 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa 4 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb4 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB4_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa4 burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa4_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb4_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB4_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa 4 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa4 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb4_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB5 DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa5 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa5 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb5 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB5_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa5 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa 5 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb5 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB5_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa5 burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa5_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb5_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB5_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa 5 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa5 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb5_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB6 DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa6 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa6 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb6 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.17 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB6_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa6 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa 6 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb6 (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 05/30/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB6_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa6 burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa6_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb6_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.9 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB6_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa 6 burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa6 Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb6_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Sesa burst combined data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa Burst Combined'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.2 08/30/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SEB_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa burst combined header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa_Cmb_Burst_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'eiesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(268) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_seb_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 08/26/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Aug '99(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_EES_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST E-esa Burst data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa Burst' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ees_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 08/26/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Aug '99(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SES DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index into sdt data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ses (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX Index into sdt data RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.21 10/08/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SES_C DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the caching version A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; Index in sdt buffers CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ses (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat], CALIB=calib, INDEX=idx, FLUSH=flush, CACHE_SIZE=cache_size) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time or index input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time or index input CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s INDEX If index is set, it is used for selecting the index to get data. FLUSH If non-zero, will flush the data cache This is useful to force a re-read of sdt buffers in case the data has changed. CACHE_SIZE If gt 0, will reset the length in points of data to cache. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.4 10/08/99 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 Major upgrade, using get_cache_md_from_sdt to load a time range at once to cache data in idl for speedup. J.M. Loran Apr. 97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SES_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa survey header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa_Survey_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING 'sesa_unpack_hdr' ; Name of proc to ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(44) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG idx ; index into data CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ses_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: INDEX: get data at this index. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.10 07/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_SES_TS DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST S-esa survey data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. This is the time series version. An array of npts structures of the following format are returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Sesa Survey' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 5.68566e-6 ; Particle Mass GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.000625 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes INDEX LONG index ; Data index, this pt. ST_INDEX LONG st_idx ; start index of arr EN_INDEX LONG en_idx ; end index of arr NPTS LONG npts ; array size CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_ses_ts (t1, t2, [NPTS=npts], [START=st | EN=en | PANF=panf | PANB=panb | IDXST=startidx], CALIB=calib) ARGUMENTS: t1 This argument gives the start time from which to take data, or, if START or EN keywords are non-zero, the length of time to take data. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. Time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data start time found in seconds since 1970. t2 The same as time1, except it represents the end time. If the NPTS, START, EN, PANF or PANB keywords are non-zero, THEN time2 will be ignored as an input paramter. KEYWORDS: CALIB If non-zero, caclulate geometry factors for each bin instead of using 1.'s Data time selection is determined from the keywords as given in the following truth table (NZ == non-zero): |ALL |NPTS |START| EN |IDXST|PANF |PANB |selection |use time1|use time2| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------------------|---------|---------| | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> end | X | X | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time2 | X | X | | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> time1 secs | X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-time1 secs ->end| X | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | pan fwd from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NZ | pan back from | X | X | | | | | | | | | time1->time2 | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | time1 -> time1+npts | X | | | 0 | NZ | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | start -> start+npts | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | 0 | end-npts -> end | | | | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | NZ | 0 | 0 | st-index -> | | | | | | | | | | | st_index + npts | | | Any other combination of keywords is not allowed. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 05/23/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Apr '97(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GET_FA_SPIN_RATE PURPOSE: Computes the spin rate and phase (sun). CATEGORY: attitude, despinning CALLING SEQUENCE: wspin = get_fa_spin_rate(tmag,mag) by default, a single number estimate of the spin rate is returned. It's not very precise, but may be ok for some things. INPUTS: TMAG : the time column for the magnetometer data being used to estimate spin rate. Must be in seconds since 1970 if /PRECISE is set, for compatibility with FAST spin/mag phase quantities. MAG: the mag data. I generally use Mag3dc. If you don't pass in any mag data, the program attempts to load it from SDT. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PRECISE: if set, then the spin phase quantity (dqd is SMPhase_FieldsSurvey0) is extracted and used in conjunction with the MAG data to determine spin rate. An array of spin rates (w.r.t. the sun line) is returned. ONE_ONLY: same as default. Inhibits PRECISE. PHASE: a named variable in which the spin phase is returned. By default, w.r.t. sun line. OUTPUTS: wspin : the spin rate, either crude or precise w.r.t. the sun. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: PHASE: w.r.t. sun, through keyword. SIDE EFFECTS: if PRECISE is set, spin phase quantities are extracted from SDT. RESTRICTIONS: Need SDT running, with spin phase and mag data loaded, if PRECISE is set or mag data is not passed in. MODIFICATION HISTORY: written in October of 1996 by Bill Peria, UCB/SSL(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TBA DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams burst He++ species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Burst Alpha' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0207261 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 1. ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tba (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.14 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 MODIFICATION HISTORY: eff added by Li Tang 1/1/97 Univ. of New Hampshire geomfactor = 0.0015 units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) spin_fract added 7/15/97 Keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TBH DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams burst He+ species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Burst Helium' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0417556 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 1. ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tbh (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.14 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 MODIFICATION HISTORY: eff added by Li Tang 1/1/97 Univ. of New Hampshire geomfactor = 0.0015 units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) spin_fract added 7/15/97 Keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TBO DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams burst O+ species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Burst Oxygen' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.1670224 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 1. ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tbo (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.13 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: eff added by Li Tang 11/21/96 Univ. of New Hampshire geomfactor = 0.0015 units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) spin_fract added 7/15/97 Keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TBP DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams burst H+ species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Burst Proton' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 1. ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tbp (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.14 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: eff added by Li Tang 11/21/96 Univ. of New Hampshire geomfactor = 0.0015 units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) spin_fract added 7/15/97 Keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TB_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST TEAMS burst header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms_Burst_Packet_Hdr' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING '' ; Name of proc to ; (Not implemeted) ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tb_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 (See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TH DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams HiMass data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms HiMass Bin:N'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Theta angle for bins PHI FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Phi angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta DPHI FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Phi DOMEGA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Solid angle for bins PT_LIMITS FLOAT Array(4) ; Angle min/max limits EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE mass ; mean bin Mass in ; eV/(km/sec)^2 DMASS DOUBLE dmass ; mass bin width in ; eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 1. ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes The bin number selected will be returned as part of the DATA_NAME string. CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_th (time, bin, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE = advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.19 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 7/15/97 Keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TH_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST TEAMS hiMass header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms_HiMass_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING '' ; Name of proc to ; (Not implemeted) ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_th_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 (See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TPA DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams pole He++ species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Pole Alpha' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Efficiency (GF) SPIN_FRACT FLOAT ARRAY(nnrgs, nbins) ; Spin fraction of angles MASS DOUBLE 0.0414521 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE .0015 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes EFF_VERSION FLOAT 1.0 ; Eff. calibration vers. CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tpa (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.14 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: 11/15/96 Li Tang Univ. of New Hampshire eff, spin_fract added geom changed to array(nngrs,nbins) units_procedure changed to 'convert_tms_units' 7/15/97 KEYWORD CALIB added(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TPAH_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST TEAMS He pole header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms_He_Pole_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING '' ; Name of proc to ; (Not implemeted) ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tpah_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 (See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TPH DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams pole He+ species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Pole Helium' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Efficiency (GF) SPIN_FRACT FLOAT ARRAY(nnrgs, nbins) ; Spin fraction of angles MASS DOUBLE 0.0414521 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE .0015 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes EFF_VERSION FLOAT 1.0 ; Eff. calibration vers. CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tph (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.14 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: 11/15/96 Li Tang Univ. of New Hampshire eff, spin_fract added geom changed to array(nngrs,nbins) units_procedure changed to 'convert_tms_units' 7/15/97 KEYWORD CALIB added(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TPO DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams pole Oxygen species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Pole Oxygen' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nngrs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs) ; Efficiency (GF) SPIN_FRACT FLOAT ARRAY(nnrgs, nbins) ; Spin fraction of angles MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.0015 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes EFF_VERSION FLOAT 1.0 ; Eff. calibration vers. CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tpo (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.13 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: eff added by Li Tang 11/11/96 Univ. of New Hampshire spin_fract added units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) 7/15/97 KEYWORD CALIB added, LT(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TPOP_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST TEAMS HO pole header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms_HO_Pole_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING '' ; Name of proc to ; (Not implemeted) ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tpop_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 (See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TPP DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams pole proton species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Pole Proton' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nngrs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Efficiency (GF) SPIN_FRACT FLOAT ARRAY(nnrgs, nbins) ; Spin fraction of angles MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.0015 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes EFF_VERSION FLOAT 1.0 ; Eff. calibration vers. CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tpp (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.13 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: 11/15/96 Li Tang Univ. of New Hampshire eff, spin_fract, added geom changed to array(nngrs,nbins) units_procedure changed to 'convert_tms_units'(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TSA DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams survey Alpha (He++) species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Survey Alpha' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Theta angle for bins PHI FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Phi angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta DPHI FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Phi DOMEGA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Solid angle for bins PT_LIMITS FLOAT Array(4) ; Angle min/max limits EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs,nbins) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0207261 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.0015 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(25) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tsa (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.20 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: eff added by Li Tang 10/21/96 Univ. of New Hampshire geomfactor = 0.0015 units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) 7/15/97 keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TSAH_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST TEAMS He survey header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms_He_Survey_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING '' ; Name of proc to ; (Not implemeted) ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tsah_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 (See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TSOP_HDR DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST TEAMS HO survey header data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. At structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms_HO_Survey_Packet_Hdr'; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; Project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Raw' ; Units of this data VALUES_PROCEDURE STRING '' ; Name of proc to ; (Not implemeted) ; get values from hdr TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tsop_hdr (time) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.3 12 Jul 1996 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 (See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: GET_FA_TSP DESCRIPTION: function to load FAST Teams survey proton species data from the SDT program shared memory buffers. A structure of the following format is returned: DATA_NAME STRING 'Tms Survey Proton' ; Data Quantity name VALID INT 1 ; Data valid flag PROJECT_NAME STRING 'FAST' ; project name UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' ; Units of this data UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'proc' ; Units conversion proc TIME DOUBLE 8.0118726e+08 ; Start Time of sample END_TIME DOUBLE 7.9850884e+08 ; End time of sample INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 ; Integration time NBINS INT nbins ; Number of angle bins NENERGY INT nnrgs ; Number of energy bins DATA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Data qauantities ENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energy steps THETA FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Theta angle for bins PHI FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Phi angle for bins GEOM FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Geometry factor DENERGY FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Energies for bins DTHETA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Theta DPHI FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Delta Phi DOMEGA FLOAT Array(nbins) ; Solid angle for bins PT_LIMITS FLOAT Array(4) ; Angle min/max limits EFF FLOAT Array(nnrgs, nbins) ; Efficiency (GF) MASS DOUBLE 0.0104389 ; Mass eV/(km/sec)^2 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.0015 ; Bin GF HEADER_BYTES BYTE Array(86) ; Header bytes CALLING SEQUENCE: data = get_fa_tsp (time, [START=start | EN=en | ADVANCE=advance | RETREAT=retreat]) ARGUMENTS: time This argument gives a time handle from which to take data from. It may be either a string with the following possible formats: 'YY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS.MSC' or 'HH:MM:SS' (use reference date) or a number, which will represent seconds since 1970 (must be a double > 94608000.D), or a hours from a reference time, if set. time will always be returned as a double representing the actual data time found in seconds since 1970. KEYWORDS: START If non-zero, get data from the start time of the data instance in the SDT buffers EN If non-zero, get data at the end time of the data instance in the SDT buffers ADVANCE If non-zero, advance to the next data point following the time input RETREAT If non-zero, retreat (reverse) to the previous data point before the time input RETURN VALUE: Upon success, the above structure is returned, with the valid tag set to 1. Upon failure, the valid tag will be 0. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.20 08/15/97 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. June '95 LAST MODIFICATION: eff added by Li Tang 10/21/96 Univ. of New Hampshire geomfactor = 0.0015 units_procedure = 'convert_tms_units' geom(nnrgs, nbins) 7/15/97 keyword CALIB added L.Tang(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]NAME: GET_FA_V158 PURPOSE: - To synthesize and return a structure containing the component of the DC electric field perpendicular to the V5-V8 boom direction. CALLING SEQUENCE: v158 = get_fa_v158,t1, t2, NPTS=npts, START=st, EN=en, $ PANF=pf, PANB=pb, ALL = all, STORE = store, STRUCTURE = v158s, SPIN = spin, REPAIR = repair, DEFAULT = default INPUTS: T1, T2 - times (strings or double precision seconds since 1970) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Just like GET_FA_FIELDS! Ok, with a couple exceptions. There's no such thing as uncalibrated data, for example. OUTPUTS: V158 - a fields-type structure, containing V1-(V5+V8)/2 in mV/m, UNLESS store is set, and then you get the TPLOT string handle. SIDE EFFECTS: If STORE is set, a quantity called 'V1-(V5+V8)/2' is stored for TPLOT. RESTRICTIONS: V4_S, V8_S, V1-V4_S, and V5-V8_S must all be loaded in to SDT. EXAMPLE: v158 = get_fa_v158('1997-08-26/01:00','1997-08-26/01:05') MODIFICATION HISTORY: - Finally written 27-August-1997 by Bill Peria, UCB/SSL(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: get_pa_spec PURPOSE: Generates pitch angle vs. time spectrogram data structures for tplot INPUT: data_str, a string (either 'eesa_surv','ess', ...) where get_'string' returns a 2D pitch angle data structure KEYWORDS: T1: start time, seconds since 1970 T2: end time, seconds since 1970 ENERGY: fltarr(2) energy range to sum over ERANGE: intarr(2) energy bin range to sum over EBINS: bytarr(dat.nenergy) energy bins to sum over gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (default 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 UNITS: convert to these units if included NAME: New name of the Data Quantity BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: Value for bad data. RETRACE: Set to number of retrace energy steps to be eliminated starting at energy step 0 CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_"get_dat"_ts EWEIGHT Weights the energy bin average by bin energy width. SHIFT90 If set true, pitch angle range is -90 to 270 CREATED BY: J.McFadden VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/07/11 MOD HISTORY: 96/08/14 Added EWEIGHT keyword - mcfadden 97/03/04 T1,T2 keywords added 97/07/11 CALIB keyword added 97/07/23 fixed bug - ind1=fix((max(ind)+min(ind))/2) NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: get_pa_spec_ts PURPOSE: Generates pitch angle vs. time spectrogram data structures for tplot INPUT: get_dat, a string (either 'fa_ees','fa_eeb', ...) where get_'string'_ts returns a 2D or 3D array of data structures KEYWORDS: T1: start time, seconds since 1970 T2: end time, seconds since 1970 ENERGY: fltarr(2) energy range to sum over ERANGE: intarr(2) energy bin range to sum over EBINS: bytarr(dat.nenergy) energy bins to sum over gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap (default 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 UNITS: convert to these units if included NAME: New name of the Data Quantity BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts. FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). MISSING: Value for bad data. RETRACE: Set to number of retrace energy steps to be eliminated starting at energy step 0 EWEIGHT Weights the energy bin average by bin energy width. SHIFT90 If set true, pitch angle range is -90 to 270 CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_"get_dat"_ts n_get_pts: Number of points in the array of structures formed by get_"get_dat"_ts, default=200. CREATED BY: J.McFadden VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/05/21 MOD HISTORY: 97/05/15 Variation on 97/07/23 fixed bug - ind1=fix((max(ind)+min(ind))/2) NOTES: Current version only works for FAST(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: je_2d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the field aligned energy flux, JEz, ergs/cm^2-sec NOTES: Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-4-22 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: je_2d_b(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the field aligned energy flux, JEz, ergs/cm^2-sec, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Similar to, treats the anodes within 5 deg of the magnetic field differently. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-5-14 Created from Treats narrow beams correctly, no do loops LAST MODIFICATION: 97-5-14 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: je_2d_fs(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the field aligned energy flux, JEz, ergs/cm^2-sec, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Same as, accept separates 64 angle fast survey data for FAST to do a more accurated calculation. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". Note that the EBINS, ARANGE, and BINS keywords below may not work properly since their meaning changes with 32 or 64 angle bins. CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-13 Treats FAST fast survey narrow beams correctly, calls LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-13 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: j_2d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the field aligned flux, Jz, #/cm^2-sec NOTES: Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-4-22 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: j_2d_b(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the field aligned flux, Jz, #/cm^2-sec, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Similar to, treats the anodes within 5 deg of the magnetic field differently. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-5-14 Created from Treats narrow beams correctly, no do loops LAST MODIFICATION: 97-5-14 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: j_2d_fs(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the field aligned flux, Jz, #/cm^2-sec, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam. NOTES: Same as, accept separates 64 angle fast survey data for FAST to do a more accurated calculation. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". Note that the EBINS, ARANGE, and BINS keywords below may not work properly since their meaning changes with 32 or 64 angle bins. CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-2 Treats FAST fast survey narrow beams correctly, calls LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-2 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: load_fa_k0_ees PURPOSE: Load summary data from the FAST electron experiment into tplot structure. Loads el_0 electon energy spectrogram, 0-30 pitch angle Loads el_90 electon energy spectrogram, 60-120 pitch angle Loads el_180 electon energy spectrogram, 150-180 pitch angle Loads el_low electon pitch angle spectrogram, .1-1 keV energy Loads el_high electon pitch angle spectrogram, > 1 keV energy Loads JEe electon energy flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward Loads Je electon particle flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward INPUT: none KEYWORDS: filenames strarr(m), string array of filenames of cdf files to be entered Files are obtained from "dir" if dir is set, otherwise files obtained from local dir. If filenames not set, then orbit or trange keyword must be set. dir string, directory where filenames can be found If dir not set, default is "environvar" or local directory environvar string, name of environment variable to set "dir" Used if filenames not set Default environvar = '$FAST_CDF_HOME' trange trange[2], time range used to get files from index list indexfile string, complete path name for indexfile of times and filenames Used if trange is set. Default = indexfiledir+'/fa_k0_ees_files' indexfiledir = '$CDF_INDEX_DIR' orbit int, intarr, orbit(s) for file load var strarr(n) of cdf variable names default=['el_0','el_90','el_180','el_low','el_high','JEe','Je'] dvar strarr(n) of cdf dependent variable names set dvar(n)='' if no dependent variable for variable dvar must be same dimension as var default=['el_en','el_en','el_en','el_low_pa','el_high_pa','',''] nodata returns 1 if no data is found CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-9-8 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-04-03 MOD HISTORY: 96-09-24 corrections 97-03-04 get_fa_orbit call changed 97-03-13 orbit keyword can be an array, version number check 97-03-25 added label to Je,JEe 97-04-03 can load daily cdf files with "unix_time" rather than "TIME" 97-04-15 added no_orbit, nodata keywords; loads "MODEBAR"(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: load_fa_k0_ees_day PURPOSE: Load daily summary data from the FAST electron experiment into tplot structure. Loads el_0 electon energy spectrogram, 0-30 pitch angle Loads el_90 electon energy spectrogram, 60-120 pitch angle Loads el_180 electon energy spectrogram, 150-180 pitch angle Loads el_low electon pitch angle spectrogram, .1-1 keV energy Loads el_high electon pitch angle spectrogram, > 1 keV energy Loads JEe electon energy flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward Loads Je electon particle flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward Loads Attitude and Orbit data from the cdf file INPUT: filename string, filename of daily cdf file to be loaded File is obtained from "dir" if dir is set, otherwise file obtained from local dir. KEYWORDS: dir string, directory where filename can be found var strarr(n) of cdf variable names default=['el_0','el_90','el_180','el_low','el_high','JEe','Je'] dvar strarr(n) of cdf dependent variable names set dvar(n)='' if no dependent variable for variable dvar must be same dimension as var default=['el_en','el_en','el_en','el_low_pa','el_high_pa','',''] CREATED BY: J. McFadden 97-04-18 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-04-18 MOD HISTORY:(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: load_fa_k0_ies PURPOSE: Load summary data from the FAST ion experiment into tplot structure. Loads ion_0 ion energy spectrogram, 0-30 pitch angle Loads ion_90 ion energy spectrogram, 40-140 pitch angle Loads ion_180 ion energy spectrogram, 150-180 pitch angle Loads ion_low ion pitch angle spectrogram, .05-1 keV energy Loads ion_high ion pitch angle spectrogram, > 1 keV energy Loads JEi ion energy flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward Loads Ji ion particle flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward INPUT: none KEYWORDS: filenames strarr(m), string array of filenames of cdf files to be entered Files are obtained from "dir" if dir is set, otherwise files obtained from local dir. If filenames not set, then orbit or trange keyword must be set. dir string, directory where filenames can be found If dir not set, default is "environvar" or local directory environvar string, name of environment variable to set "dir" Used if filenames not set Default environvar = '$FAST_CDF_HOME' trange trange[2], time range used to get files from index list indexfile string, complete path name for indexfile of times and filenames Used if trange is set. Default = indexfiledir+'/fa_k0_ies_files' indexfiledir = '$CDF_INDEX_DIR' orbit int, intarr, orbit(s) for file load var strarr(n) of cdf variable names default=['ion_0','ion_90','ion_180','ion_low','ion_high','JEi','Ji'] dvar strarr(n) of cdf dependent variable names set dvar(n)='' if no dependent variable for variable dvar must be same dimension as var default=['ion_en','ion_en','ion_en','ion_low_pa','ion_high_pa','',''] CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-9-8 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-04-03 MOD HISTORY: 96-09-24 corrections 97-03-04 get_fa_orbit call changed 97-03-13 orbit keyword can be an array, version number check 97-03-25 added label to Ji,JEi 97-04-03 can load daily cdf files with "unix_time" rather than "TIME"(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: load_fa_k0_ies_day PURPOSE: Load daily summary data from the FAST ion experiment into tplot structure. Loads ion_0 ion energy spectrogram, 0-30 pitch angle Loads ion_90 ion energy spectrogram, 40-140 pitch angle Loads ion_180 ion energy spectrogram, 150-180 pitch angle Loads ion_low ion pitch angle spectrogram, .05-1 keV energy Loads ion_high ion pitch angle spectrogram, > 1 keV energy Loads JEi ion energy flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward Loads Ji ion particle flux - mapped to 100 km, positive earthward Loads Attitude and Orbit data from the cdf file INPUT: none KEYWORDS: filenames strarr(m), string array of filenames of cdf files to be entered Files are obtained from "dir" if dir is set, otherwise files obtained from local dir. If filenames not set, then orbit or trange keyword must be set. dir string, directory where filenames can be found If dir not set, default is "environvar" or local directory environvar string, name of environment variable to set "dir" Used if filenames not set Default environvar = '$FAST_CDF_HOME' CREATED BY: J. McFadden 97-04-03 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-04-03 MOD HISTORY:(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: maxwellian_1,x,a,f,pder,units=units,mass=mass,index=ind PURPOSE: Procedure returns maxwellian function f(x,a) and df/da, where f=a0*exp(a1*x), x-vector of energies. INPUTS: x fltarr(n) array of energy values a dblarr(2) array of function parameters f dblarr(n) array of function values to be returned pder dblarr(n,2) array of partial derivative, df/da returned KEYWORDS: UNITS string units for function (df,eflux,flux), def='df' INDEX intarr(2) indexes used for estimate of "a" if set, returns initial estimate of "a." call before calling NOTES: see see see, CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-11-14 FILE: VERSION 1. LAST MODIFICATION: mcfadden 97-10-16 MOD HISTORY: 97-5 delory 97-10-16 mcfadden mass in common(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: n_2d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the density, n, 1/cm^3 NOTES: Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-4-22 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: n_2d_b(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the density, n, 1/cm^3, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Similar to, treats the anodes within 5 deg of the magnetic field differently. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-7-11 Created from Treats narrow beams correctly, no do loops LAST MODIFICATION: 97-7-11 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: n_2d_fs(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the density, n, 1/cm^3, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Same as, accept separates 64 angle fast survey data for FAST to do a more accurated calculation. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". Note that the EBINS, ARANGE, and BINS keywords below may not work properly since their meaning changes with 32 or 64 angle bins. CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-13 Treats FAST fast survey narrow beams correctly, calls LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-13 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: omni2d PURPOSE: Produces an energy or angle averaged data structure Summing is over pitch angle or energy, default is pitch angle summing. This structure can be plotted with spec2d or pitch2d. KEYWORDS: ANGLE: intarr(n) n=1 nearest angle to be summed n=2 angle range to be summed n>2 angle list to be summed ARANGE: intarr(2) angle bin range to be summed BINS - bytarr(dat.nbins) angle bins to be summed ENERGY: fltarr(2) energy range to be summed ERANGE: intarr(2) energy bin range to be summed EBINS: bytarr(dat.nenergy) energy bins to be summed NOTE: If no keyword is set, then sum over all angle to form energy spectrum CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 97-3-3 MOD HISTORY 97/03/03 ANGLE,ARANGE,ENERGY,ERANGE,EBINS keywords added(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: pitch2d,data PURPOSE: Plots 2d data as pitch angle distributions. INPUTS: data - structure containing 2d data (obtained from get_fa_???() routine) e.g. "get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc." KEYWORDS: LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options. see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting MSEC - Subtitle will include milliseconds TITLE - Title to be plotted, - set title=' ' for NO Title! - set title=1 for just the time in the title XTITLE - xtitle to be plotted, - set xtitle=' ' for NO xtitle!, default determined by VEL keyword YTITLE - ytitle to be plotted, - set ytitle=' ' for NO ytitle!, default=data.units_name RETRACE - set to number of retrace steps removed, - typically set to 1 for FAST esas - minus number will remove -(retrace) steps from end of sweep COLOR - array of colors to be used for each bin ENERGY: fltarr(2) energy range to be plotted ERANGE: intarr(2) energy bin range to be plotted EBINS: bytarr(dat.nenergy) energy bins to be plotted OVERPLOT - Overplots last plot if set. LABEL - Puts bin labels on the plot if set. ERROR_BARS - set to plot error bars See "spec2d", "contour2d" for another means of plotting data. See "conv_units" to change units. CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-8-26 FILE: VERSION 1. LAST MODIFICATION: 97/02/24 MOD HISTORY: 97/02/24 MSEC keyword added,(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: p_2d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the pressure tensor, [Pxx,Pyy,Pzz,Pxy,Pxz,Pyz], eV/cm^3 NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-5 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: p_2d_b(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the pressure tensor, [Pxx,Pyy,Pzz,Pxy,Pxz,Pyz], eV/cm^3, z along B, off diagonal terms are zero assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Similar to, treats the anodes within 5 deg of the magnetic field differently. Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-19 Created from and Treats narrow beams correctly, no do loops LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-19 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: p_2d_fs(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the pressure tensor, [Pxx,Pyy,Pzz,Pxy,Pxz,Pyz], eV/cm^3, z along B, off diagonal terms are zero NOTES: Same as, accept separates 64 angle fast survey data for FAST to do a more accurated calculation. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". Note that the EBINS, ARANGE, and BINS keywords below may not work properly since their meaning changes with 32 or 64 angle bins. CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-20 Treats FAST fast survey narrow beams correctly, calls LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-20 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]PROCEDURE: spec2d,data PURPOSE: Plots 2d data as energy spectra. INPUTS: data - structure containing 2d data (obtained from get_fa_??() routine) e.g. "get_fa_ees, get_fa_ies, etc." KEYWORDS: LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options. see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting MSEC - Subtitle will include milliseconds TITLE - Title to be plotted, - set title=' ' for NO Title! - set title='1' for just the time in the title XTITLE - xtitle to be plotted, - set xtitle=' ' for NO xtitle!, default determined by VEL keyword YTITLE - ytitle to be plotted, - set ytitle=' ' for NO ytitle!, default=data.units_name RETRACE - set to number of retrace steps removed, - typically set to 1 for FAST esas - minus number will remove -(retrace) steps from end of sweep VEL - If set, x-axis is velocity km/s -- Default is Energy (eV) COLOR - array of colors to be used for each bin ANGLE: intarr(n) n=1 nearest angle to be plotted n=2 angle range to be plotted n>2 angle list to be plotted ARANGE: intarr(2) angle bin range to be plotted BINS - bytarr(dat.nbins) bins to be plotted OVERPLOT - Overplots last plot if set. LABEL - Puts bin labels on the plot if set. LABSIZE - Change label size on plot. NO_SORT - if set will prevent sorting by angle bin ERROR_BARS - set to plot error bars XMARGIN - change xmargin from default YMARGIN - change ymargin from default THICK - line thickness PSYM - plot symbol added to lineplot See "pitch2d", "contour2d" for another means of plotting data. See "conv_units" to change units. CREATED BY: J. McFadden 96-11-21 (from FILE: VERSION 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 97/02/24 MOD HISTORY: 97/02/24 MSEC keyword added, 98/03/4 xmargin,ymargin,thick keywords added 98/06/10 psym keyword added(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: t_2d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the temperature, [Tx,Ty,Tz,Tavg], eV NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-5 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: t_2d_b(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the temperature, [Tx,Ty,Tz,Tavg], eV, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-20 Created from Treats narrow beams correctly, no do loops LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-20 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: t_2d_fs(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the temperature, [Tx,Ty,Tz,Tavg], eV, assumes a narrow (< 5 deg) field aligned beam NOTES: Same as, accept separates 64 angle fast survey data for FAST to do a more accurated calculation. Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". Note that the EBINS, ARANGE, and BINS keywords below may not work properly since their meaning changes with 32 or 64 angle bins. CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-13 Treats FAST fast survey narrow beams correctly, calls LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-20 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: vth_2d((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the thermal velocity, [Vthx,Vthy,Vthz,Vthavg], km/s NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 96-7-5 LAST MODIFICATION: 98-8-18 J.McFadden fixed factor of 2^.5 in vth definition(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: vth_2d_fs((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the thermal velocity, [Vthx,Vthy,Vthz,Vthavg], km/s NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 98-8-19 LAST MODIFICATION: 98-8-19 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: v_2d((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the velocity, [Vx,Vy,Vz], km/s NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-5 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: v_2d_b((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the velocity, [Vx,Vy,Vz], km/s NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-7-11 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-7-11 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/
[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]FUNCTION: v_2d_fs((dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max pitch angle range for integration ARANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max angle bin numbers for integration BINS: bytarr(nb), optional, angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, nb = dat.ntheta BINS: bytarr(na,nb), optional, energy/angle bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include PURPOSE: Returns the velocity, [Vx,Vy,Vz], km/s NOTES: Function calls and Function normally called by "" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-8-13 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-8-13 J.McFadden(See /disks/fast/software/integration/src/esa/