Fast Auroral SnapshoT Explorer
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Creating backup tapes of FAST data disks

  • Currently, the data disks are attached to the mammoth computer
  • Put the first tape for that disk into the DLT drive. If there is already a tape in the drive and it is not in use, push the button on the drive and wait for the green light.
  • Find out the hardware name for the disk partition that you wish to backup. On mammoth, find the line in the /etc/vfstab file containing the mount point for the partition you wish to backup. The hardware name is the entry in the second column of that line (the rdsk form).

    for example
    ** FAST_CD_7 is /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0s7
  • Figure out the name of the tape drive. The directory /dev/rmt will contain them. Each number represents a drive and the letters following the letters after the number represent the several ways of using it. The command mt -f /dev/rmt/? status will be helpful where ? represents a number.

    for example
    ** the drive on mammoth is /dev/rmt/0
  • Give the command (as user lzp)
    ufsdump {level of dump}f {name of tape drive} {hardware name of disk}

    for example
    ** ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt/0 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0s7
  • When tape is full, the machine will ask for a new one.
  • For the current disk, a level zero backup should be run at the beginning o f each week. By doing level zero dumps, each successive dump will write over the previous one.