Fast Auroral SnapshoT Explorer
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Creating CDs for GEOTAIL

  • Use the CDs that are already on the input spindle. If there are fewer than 10, you'll need to put more (from the FAST pool of new CDs) on.
  • Login to "juneau" as user "sdt" (get password from Tim)
  • cd ~/scripts
  • GEOTAIL_CD_GEN label

    where "label" is of the following format:
      depending on which half of the month that is being written to the CD writer.
    • For instance, the second half of October 1998 would have the label:


      and the first half of January 2000 would be:

  • The process requires around 65 minutes. Here are important messages that you will see:
    • Finished dumping CD-ROM image
    • Done premastering
  • At this point, the Young Minds' software has finished with the data in the staging areas on:


    You probably will see a set of lines, output by the CD-labelling software:
    • Retrieving print information for GEOTAIL
    • Retrieving volume information...
    • Error : Unable to retrieve volume information from GEOTAIL
    • Converting to PostScript...
    • Converting to PBMRAW...
    • Merging template data...
    • Output data to printer device...
    Don't worry about the "Error" line - that apparently happens for the FAST CD generation as well. Although it is not yet understood, it does not have any effect on the label.
  • Meanwhile, the CD-writer will output, when it finishes each CD cut for the current half-month:
    • Done cutting first copy
    • Done cutting second copy
    The process ends when: "Done cutting second copy" is echoed.
    You can log out of "juneau".
  • Remove the 2 CDs from the Out-Spindle.
  • Put the CDs in the sleeves and return them to Jack Vernetti in room 340 of the old SSL building.