February 4, 1998 Aircraft Data Summary Orbit: 5754 Conjunction: 08:34:44 Aircraft Position: 68.67 N 160.83 W Direction of flight: South Auroral Condition: There was a lot of auroral motion overhead, with a large spiral discrete arc which diminished in intensity and structure to a relatively diffuse aurora as the time of conjuction approached. The bright arc in the north brightened at this time. ASC: bright arc to the north, diffuse aurora overhead AFT: diffuse aurora FWD: diffuse aurora Directory Name: \Fast98\Feb04 Data Files: 1.FAST positions: feb04_98.fst 2.Aircraft position log: ac980204.gps Image Files: Aircraft (RX = aft camera, FX = forward, AC = All-sky) All-sky images at conjunction: -60 s -50 s -40 s -30 s, -20 s, -10 s, 0 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 40 s, 50 s, 60 s Aft camera image at conjunction -14 s Forward camera image at conjunction +6 s