FAST Satellite Electric Field and Magnetic Field Instrument
R. E. Ergun, C. W.
Carlson, F. S. Mozer, G. T. Delory, M. Temerin, J. P. McFadden,
D. Pankow, R. Abiad,
P. Harvey, R. Wilkes, and H. Primbsch
Space Sciences Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, CA
R. Elphic
Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
R. Strangeway
University of California,
Los Angeles, CA
R. Pfaff
Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, MD
C. A. Cattell
University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN
We describe the electric
field sensors, the dc and ac electric and magnetic field signal processing,
and the wave-particle
correlator on the FAST (Fast Auroral SnapshoT) satellite. The FAST
was designed to make high spatial and temporal resolution observations
of particles and
electromagnetic fields
in the auroral zone in the altitude range from 350 km to 4175 km to study
small-scale plasma
interactions in detail. The dc and ac electric fields are measured with
three-axis dipole
antennae with 56 m, 8 m, and 5 m baselines. A three-axis fluxgate magnetomete
measures the vector
dc magnetic field and a three-axis search coil measures the vector ac magnetic
field. The fields
processing system receives signals from the electric field probes and the
sensors that cover
a frequency band from dc to ~4 MHz. There are several types of processed
Survey data
has continuous coverage over the auroral zone (and full orbit coverage
for fluxgate
magnetometer only).
Burst data covers a few minutes of the most intense region of the
auroral zone
at the highest time
resolution. A subset of the burst data, high speed burst memory data,
is the highest
resolution waveform
data at 2x106 samples per second. Electric field and magnetic field data
primarily waveforms
and power spectral density as a function of frequency and time. There are
several types of focused
data processing, including cross spectral analysis, fine-frequency plasma
wave tracking, high
frequency polarity measurement, and wave-particle correlations.
I. Introduction
primary scientific goal of the FAST mission is to study auroral plasma
processes at high time
Specifically, the mission was designed to investigate auroral electron
acceleration, ion
heating, and wave-particle
interactions [Temerin et al., 1990]. These phenomena involve a rich
variety of plasma
processes which include electrostatic shocks [Mozer et al., 1977],
double layers
[Temerin et al.,
1982], field-aligned electrons [McFadden et al., 1986], edge precipitation,
Langmuir and whistler
wave emissions [Gurnett et al, 1969], auroral kilometric radiation
[Gurnett, 1974],
ion conics [Klumpar, 1986], ion beams, and the formation of the
auroral density
cavity. The FAST mission
was designed to have one to three orders of magnitude higher resolution
than previous auroral
missions which have identified many of the auroral processes but were
unable to spatially
or temporally resolve them. Secondary scientific goals include exploratory
research of high time
resolution phenomena, correlative studies with ground-based radar and
optical observations,
conjunctive studies with Polar and other NASA spacecraft, and studies of
low-altitude equatorial
plasmas. The FAST satellite was launched into an ~83° inclination
orbit with a 350 km
perigee and 4175 km apogee in August,1996. The satellite is oriented in
"cartwheel" attitude
which has the spin axis nearly (negative) normal to the orbital plane.
It is spin
stabilized with a
spin period of 5 s. The satellite crosses the auroral zones (which form
ovals at
~65°-70° magnetic
latitude North and South) four times an orbit. The orbit was designed to
have a
apogee during January and February of 1997 for coordinated ground-based
and optical
observations. In
situ observations of auroral processes at high resolution require high
data rates from
all instruments which
would exceed telemetry capability. Because the auroral zones are only a
fraction of the FAST
orbit, it is possible to acquire data at several times the maximum telemetry
if the data are stored
on-board. Central to the FAST satellite is a large (~128 MByte) solid state
memory common to all
instruments. The FAST data system is described elsewhere [Harvey et
this issue] so we
provide only a brief overview. The on-board memory accepts two primary
types of
science data from
all of the instruments: survey data which has continuous coverage
(~40 minutes)
over the entire auroral
zone and burst data which has only a few minutes of coverage at
the highest
resolution. The position
of the auroral zone, although typically at ~65°-70° magnetic latitude,
enough that on-board
triggers are required for the burst data. Each instrument produces composite
signals called "trigger
data" that can be used by the central processor to trigger the burst data
acquisition. Survey
data has three sub-types: "full orbit" data which is typically for the
fluxgate (dc)
magnetometer only,
"slow survey" which has ~0.06 s resolution waveforms in the sub-auroral
polar cap regions, and "fast survey" which typically has ~0.5 ms resolution.
The basic idea is
as follows. The FAST
satellite always acquires magnetic field data. As it approaches auroral
latitudes, the science
instruments are put in "slow survey" by a time-tagged command. Once the
auroral electron precipitation
is detected, the science instruments are configured into "fast survey".
If signals of scientific
interest are seen by the burst triggers, burst data is collected for between
~5 s
to several minutes.
Collection typically includes 25% of data prior to the trigger. There may
several burst collections
depending on the available memory. Burst electric and magnetic field
waveforms have ~30
ms resolution and the High-Speed Burst Memory waveforms (HSBM) have
0.5 ms resolution.
The survey and burst data can be stored on board until telemetered to ground.
FAST electric field and magnetic field instrument, herein called the "fields
includes the electric
field and magnetic field sensors, the electric and magnetic field signal
processing, and a
wave-particle correlator. The instrument was designed to take advantage
of the
FAST satellite data
system by providing full orbit coverage for the fluxgate magnetometer,
variable rate survey
data, and high-resolution burst data. This article will cover the electric
sensors, and the electric
and magnetic field signal processing system, and the wave-particle
correlator on the
FAST satellite. The magnetic field sensors [Elphic et al., this
issue] and the
booms will be describe
in separate articles.
Fields Instrument Overview
1 diagrams the electric and magnetic field sensors in their nominal
(Figure 1a) and actual
1b) positions. There are ten spherical sensors for measuring the electric
field. Eight sensors
are on four wire booms
in the spin plane and two are on rigid booms that are deployed along the
axis. The vector dc
and ac electric field signals are derived from the Voltage difference between
pairs of spherical
probes which form dipoles of 5 m or 56 m in the spin plane [Mozer,
1973]. The spin
plane wire booms have
two sensors each to make multi-point measurements which can be used to
determine the wave
vector of coherent emissions with cross spectral analysis. The length of
the spin
axis dipole is 7.7
m. Six of the ten sensors can operate as Langmuir probes, measuring the
current to a fixed
potential probe in the plasma to determine the electron density. The dc
field (to ~100 Hz)
is measured by a three-axis fluxgate magnetometer and the ac magnetic fields
(~10 Hz to 4 kHz on
two axes, ~10 Hz to 500 kHz on one axis) are measured by three search coils.
The three-axis fluxgate
magnetometer is on a 2 m boom opposite an identical boom which carries
the three-axis search
coil. The satellite is oriented so that the magnetic field lies within
6° of the
spin plane in the
auroral regions.
Figure 1. (a) A three-dimensional view of the electric and magnetic
field sensors on the
FASTsatellite as designed. The electric field instrument has eight
spherical sensors that
are on four spin plane wire booms (two each) and two that are on rigid
axial booms. All of
the spherical sensors can operate in "Voltage Mode" (marked with "V")
in which they
measure the local plasma potentialwith respect to the payload. The
electric field signals are
measured by pairs of sensors which form 56 m, 7.7 m, or 5 m dipoles.
Six of the ten sensors,
marked with "I" can operated in current mode where the electron current
is measured
for deriving plasma density. The fluxgate and search coil magnetometers
are on ~2 m
booms. The search coil assembly is rotated 21° out of the spin
plane.(b) The deployed state
as of September, 1996. The wire boom carrying sensors 3 and 4 did not
fully deploy.
2 shows a functional overview of the fields instrument. The signals
from the spherical
sensors are passed
through a Boom Electronics Board (BEB) located at the boom deployment
unit. The BEB drives
bias currents and voltages of the electric field sensors (set by processor
command), controls
the boom motors during deployment, and provides housekeeping signals to
instrument processor.
The fluxgate magnetometer sensor is driven from a card located inside the
main electronics box.
Figure 2. A block diagram of the FAST satellite Electric and Magnetic
field instrument.
sixteen electric and magnetic field sensors share a common signal processing
system that is
located in the central
instrument electronics box. The signals are fed to two analog conditioning
circuits. The low-frequency
analog conditioning covers the frequency band of dc to ~16 kHz and
the high-frequency
conditioning typically covers the frequency range from ~3 kHz to 2 MHz
(4 MHz maximum). The
analog conditioning circuits have differential amplifiers to form the electric
field signals from
pairs of sensors and filters to isolate configured pass bands. Analog switches
analog multiplexors
allow the instrument to operate in a variety of configurations. Low-frequency
analog signals are
digitized with nine, 16-bit analog to digital (A/D) converters. Survey
coverage over the auroral zone) are eighteen electric and magnetic field
from one A/D converter.
The survey waveforms have sample rates of 2,048 samples/s (ten signals
at ~1 kHz Nyquist)
or 512 samples/s (eight signals at ~250 Hz Nyquist). Six of the remaining
A/D converters sample
six signals at 32,768 samples/s (~16 kHz Nyquist). The remaining two
A/D converters operate
in one of two different modes. They can sample one signal each at 32,768
samples/s or four
signals each at 8,196 samples/s (~4 kHz Nyquist). The signals are labeled
by the
band width: 16 kHz,
4 kHz, 1 kHz, or 250 Hz. The 4 kHz and 16 kHz signals are burst wave forms,
typically recorded
for several minutes during the most intense part of an auroral pass.
limitations are such that 4 kHz and 16 kHz signals cannot have continuous
Continuous coverage
of the power spectral density of the 16 kHz signals is computed on-board
by a Digital Signal
Processor (DSP) which averages several Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT).
The 1024 point FFT
covers the frequency range from dc to ~16 kHz with 32 Hz bandwidth and
~100 dB dynamic range.
The DSP can also perform a cross-spectral analysis to determine the
phase difference and
coherency of pairs of signals. The spectra produced by the DSP are treated
survey data, giving
continuous coverage in the auroral zone. High-frequency signals are processed
three ways (Figure
2). A Swept Frequency Analyzer (SFA) produces power-frequency-time
spectra typically
from ~10 kHz to 2 MHz (the sweep range is adjustable) with ~80 dB dynamic
range and 15 kHz band
width. The typical gain setting in the auroral zone has an electric field
dynamic range of 10^(-15)
to 10^(-7) (V/m)^2/Hz and a magnetic field dynamic range of 10^(-12)
to 10^(-4) nT^2/Hz
(at 100 kHz). The time resolution is typically 62.5 ms (31.25 ms is the
resolution). The SFA
spectra are logarithmically amplified (in analog) then A/D converted at
8 bits.
The 62.5 ms spectra
are treated as burst data. Averaged spectra (125 ms to 4 s resolution)
survey data. The SFA
unit also contains a Plasma Wave Tracker (PWT) which gives fine frequency
(~50 Hz) resolution
and time resolution (31.25 ms) coverage over a narrow frequency range (16
that lies between
0 and 2 MHz.
The High-Speed Burst
Memory (HSBM) digitizes four high-frequency signals (~3 kHz - 1 MHz) at
2x10^6 samples/s with
10-bit resolution. The data are stored in 2.5 Mbyte buffers that cover
~0.25 s periods.
Dataintervals are selected by dedicated triggers which monitor wave power
in both
the high-frequency
(200 kHz - 2 MHz) and low-frequency (~1 kHz - 16 kHz) bands. The HSBM
has very limited time
coverage (<1% duty cycle) due to the high conversion rates.
The Broad-Band Filters
(BBF) rectify four electric and/or magnetic field signals
to determine the amplitude
envelope of 200 kHz - 2 MHz wave emissions versus time. They have
a dynamic range of
~60 dB. For the same four signals, the number of zero crossings are counted,
which represents the
wave frequency of narrow band emissions. The phase shift between each pair
of the four selected
high-frequency signals (six phase difference signals) are also measured
board. These phase
differences can be used to determine the high-frequency wave polarization.
The high-frequency
wave amplitudes, zero crossing rates, and polarizations are telemetered
data. The Wave-Particle Correlator (WPC) uses two electric and/or magnetic
field signals
and twelve of the
stepped electron electrostatic analyzer anode signals [Carlson et al.,
this issue] to
measure oscillations
in electron fluxes in one of two selected frequency ranges. The low frequency
range is from ~500
Hz to ~16 kHz and the high frequency range is from ~200 kHz to ~2 MHz.
The on-board correlation
function is computed in digital circuitry.
3 summarizes the spectral coverage of the FAST fields instrument. The
full spectrum from
to 2 MHz of electric and magnetic fields is continuously available as survey
data. The lowest
coverage (dc - 16 Hz in slow survey and up to 1 kHz in fast survey) are
of long baseline (56 m) and short baseline (5 m) electric fields, vector
waveforms of the
magnetic field from the fluxgate magnetometer, plasma density, and waveforms
from the search
The DSP (Digital Signal Processor), which averages FFTs, covers the frequency
range from
Hz to 16 kHz (typically one magnetic field signal and five electric field
signals with short and long
and the SFA (Swept Frequency Analyzer) produces wave spectra from ~10 kHz
MHz for four signals, usually three electric field and one magnetic field.
DSP and SFA spectra
~4 s resolution in slow survey and typically ~0.25 s resolution in fast
survey. The BBF
Band Filters) provide high time resolution amplitude, frequency, and polarization
of coherent
signals in fast survey only.
Figure 3. The spectral coverage of FAST satellite
Electric and Magnetic signal processing.
data (Figure 3) supplement the survey data with
16 kHz Nyquist frequency waveforms, high
time resolution SFA
spectra (62.5 ms), PWT (Plasma Wave Tracker), and WPC (Wave-Particle
Correlator) data.
In addition, the HSBM (High-Speed Burst Memory) records four channels of
waveforms, typically
three E and one B, with a frequency range from ~1 kHz to 1 MHz. The
HSBM has a reduced
coverage due to the very high data rate.
Electric Field Sensors, Booms, and Boom Electronics
and Sensors
are ten spherical sensors for measuring the electric field, two on each
of four radial wire
booms and one on each
of two axial booms, as shown in Figure 1. The 8
cm diameter spherical
probes contain electronics
that operate in one of two selectable modes. All of the sensors can
operate in "Voltage
mode" in which they measure the potential of the nearby plasma with respect
the spacecraft. In
Voltage mode the probes are biased with a fixed current. Six of the sensors
1) can operate in "Current Mode" as Langmuir probes which measure plasma
current. In
current mode, the
probe is biased at a fixed potential. The radial booms are 2.5 mm diameter
which support the
sensors and carry power and signals between the sensors and the spacecraft.
centrifugal force
is supported by a kevlar braid that surrounds two coaxial cables and eight
wires. The kevlar
braid is covered with aluminized kapton and a silver coated copper wire
which is exposed to
the plasma. The exposed conductor is segmented into several sections that
controlled potentials.
Figure 4 is a detailed diagram of the wire boom
Figure 4, Top: The physical layout of the radial boom spheres, stubs,
and guards. There are
two spheres on each wire separated by 5 m. The 8 cm diameter spheres
house a
preamplifier. The outer sphere operates in Voltage mode only. The inner
sphere (nearer the
spacecraft) operates in Voltage or Current mode. Adjacent to each sphere
are 2.4 m stub
sections which are biased at a selectable Voltage with respect to the
sphere potential.
Three 10 cm long guard sections are also shown. Bottom Left: The axial
boom physical
layout. There is one sphere on each 2 m rigid boom. Each sphere has
a 20 cm stub on the
inside and a 10 cm stub on the outside. The axial spheres can operate
in Voltage or Current
mode. Bottom Right: The electrical/mechanical sphere assembly. Inside
of each sphere are
one or two circuit boards for Voltage mode and/or Current mode operation.
Surrounding the
circuitry and the wires is a shield which penetrates ~0.2 cm beyond
the sphere. The shield
is driven at the sphere potential over the full bandwidth, thus reducing
any unwanted
capacitance between the sphere surface and the electronics to less
that 1 pF. The shield
also reduces cross talk between spheres to a negligible level.
electric field is derived from the difference in potential between two
probes in Voltage mode.
The probe potential
is determined by a balance of electron current, ion current, photo-electron
emission, secondary
electron emission, and a bias current. The probe surfaces are coated with
carbon that produces
known photo-emission characteristics. Bias currents are adjusted from
-100nA to 100 nA in
steps of ~0.8 nA to minimize errors. Bias tables for low and high plasma
and sun, and spacecraft configuration are stored on-board and are
automatically adjusted
as the spacecraft passes through the terminator.
"stubs" are 2.4 meter sections of wire exposed to the plasma immediately
beside the sphere.
A 2.4 meter stub section
is added to the outside of the outer sphere for symmetry. The outer
conductive surface
of the stubs are driven at a fixed potential with respect to the sphere
that is
adjustable from -2.5
V to 2.5 V. By holding the stub potentials fixed with respect to the nearby
the photo emission
current between the sphere and the nearby wires can be controlled so that
emission modulations
on the wire minimally effect the potential of the sphere. The voltage control
the stubs is resistive
to maintain electrical stability.
"guards" are 10 cm sections immediately beside the stubs. The potentials
of the guards are
adjustable from -10
V to 0 V with respect to the outer most probe potential. The guards are
biased at -5 V to
restrict photo-emission current between the spacecraft and the spherical
and, between the two
probes. Optimized stub and guard biases are also stored in the on-board
spin axis booms are rigid, 2 m stacers that have a single sphere with short
(20 cm and 10 cm)
stubs and no guards.
The preamplifier design of the axial spheres is identical to the inner
spheres. The axial
probes can operate in Voltage or current mode.
resistance to the spherical probes is expected to vary from ~10^6 omega
to >10^9 omega
and the capacitive
coupling to the plasma is typically ~5 pF. Preamplifiers located inside
spherical probes are
designed to have very low stray capacitance (<1.0 pF) and very high
resistance (>10^11omega)
so that electric fields from DC to ~2 MHz can be measured. An
aluminum shield (Figure
4) electrically shields the probe surface from the circuitry inside
the probe
and the wire which
runs through the probe. The same cover also provides radiation shielding.
Radial and axial preamplifier
response is diagramed in Figure 5a and the signal
processing coverage
of the electric field
is diagramed in Figure 5b. Signals less than ~300
Hz are typically resistively
coupled to the plasma
while those greater than ~300 Hz are typically capacitively coupled to
plasma. The drop in
preamplifier gain to 0.8 at frequencies greater than 300 Hz is due to the
over from resistive
to capacitive coupling.
Figure 5. (a) The sensor preamplifier response as a function of frequency
under 100 M
5 pF source impedance. The drop of gain from 1.0 to 0.8 at ~300 Hz
represents the cross
over from resistive to capacitive coupling. The response on radial
booms has an effective
a two-pole roll off at ~500 kHz due to losses driving the 28 m cable.
The axial boom (2m
cable) preamplifier response has twice the bandwidth. (b) The theoretical
noise level of the
FAST 56 m electric field antenna system and the dynamic range of survey
waveform, DSP,
SFA, and HSBM signal processing systems.
current mode, sensors 6, 7, 9, and 10 have a dynamic range from ~0.5 nA
to 2x10^4 nA
representing a density
range from ~0.2 cm^(-3) to ~10^4 cm^(-3) with typical auroral electron
temperatures (~1 eV).
Spheres 2 and 3 measure from ~10 nA to 5x105 nA for low-altitude
coverage. The bias
Voltages on sensors 2, 3, 6, and 7 can be set between 0 V and 20 V with
to one of two base
potentials, the nearby Voltage mode sensor or the potential derived from
0.8 the
nearby Voltage sensor
and 0.2 the spacecraft potential. Initial testing on orbit has shown the
first base
potential can cause
undesirable spacecraft charging so the latter base potential is always
Sensors 9 and 10 are
always referenced from the payload and can be biased from -5 V to 45 V.
Electronics Boards (BEBs)
Boom Electronics Board (BEB) is located in each of the four wire boom deployment
units and one
is located on the
radiation shield of the main spacecraft to control the axial booms. The
five boom
electronics boards
perform the following functions: (1) Receive commands from the IDPU
(Instrument Digital
Processing Unit) including bias levels for the sensors, stubs, and guards,
provide analog bias
Voltages and currents to the sensors, (3) provide power to the sensor
preamplifiers, (4)
distribute the analog signals from the sensors to the fields signal processing
(5) turn on and off
wire boom motors from IDPU command, and (6) return housekeeping signals
bias levels, temperatures,
and the state of deployment of the wire booms. A block diagram of the
radial BEB is in Figure
from the IDPU are sent via a serial digital interface to a programmable
gate array
(ACTEL) which contains
all of the digital logic on the BEB. Each BEB has a unique address so they
can be commanded individually.
Digital commands include the bias, guard, and stub levels which are
fed to an 8-bit digital
to analog converter (DAC) which are referenced to the dc level (low pass
at ~1
kHz) of the sensor
(the guard is referenced to the outer sensor). The command interface also
receives commands
to set the operating mode of the inner sphere preamplifier (voltage mode
current mode), turn
on and off the deployment motors, and to select the housekeeping signals.
Figure 6: A block diagram of the radial
boom electronics board.
floating power converter provides power for the BEB and the sensor preamplifers.
The sensor
power supply has a
reference to the sensor potential with a reference range from -52 V to
52 V.
The dc to ~300 Hz
dynamic range of the sensors is from ~-45 V to 45 V which can measure ±1.6
on the 56 m dipoles
and +11 V/m on the 8 m axial dipole. The 5 m dipoles saturate at the same
field amplitudes as
the 56 m dipoles, except for short wavelength emissions. The sensors have
operating range of
~-8 V to 8 V for signals >~300 Hz. The 56 m and 5 m dipoles can measure
up to
300 mV/m wave electric
fields and the 7.7 m axial dipole can measure up to 2 V/m wave electric
Science Modes
FAST instruments were defined under the concept of science "modes", whereby
instruments can be
configured to emphasize specific scientific investigations. Science modes
allow for optimizing
investigations at various local times and altitudes as well as performing
up investigations
of any phenomena discovered during the mission. For example, a science
that emphasizes auroral
kilometric radiation studies would emphasize the high-frequency signal
processing. Another
use of the modes is to control the overall data rate. Southern hemisphere
auroral zone crossings
typically do not have ground contact (the data must be stored on board)
whereas northern crossings
typically do. Science modes with lower data rates are used in the
southern auroral zone.
fields instrument was designed with several layers of flexibility to accommodate
a variety of
science modes. The
first layer of flexibility is in the sensor configuration. Six of the ten
electric field
sensors can be operated
in one of two configurations. The ten sphere signals and six magnetic field
signals (three dc
signals from the fluxgate and three ac signals from the search coil) are
the primary
inputs to the fields
signal processing unit. The sphere signals are passed to a series of differential
amplifiers that form
long baseline (56 m) and short baseline (7.7 m or 5m) electric field signals
are conditioned to
dc coupled low-gain (16 kHz bandwidth) and ac coupled high-gain (typically
kHz to 2 MHz bandwidth)
signals. A series of multiplexors allows selection of raw sensor signals,
differential (electric
field) signals, search coil magnetometer signals, and the fluxgate magnetometer
signals to several
signal processing systems. Finally, each of the signal processing systems
has a
variable data rate.
The configuration of the sensors, the signal selection, and the individual
rates of each signal
processing system are the three main elements of a science mode.
V. Signal Processing
and Data Products
signal processing descriptions are organized by the data products they
produce following the
overview diagram in
Figure 2: (1) survey waveforms, (2) burst waveforms,
(3) survey VLF
spectra, (4) survey
HF spectra, (5) burst HF spectra, (6) HF waveforms, and (7) survey HF power
and frequency. The
wave-particle correlator is described in a separate section. Several signal
processing systems
may share common resources. For example, the low-frequency analog
circuitry conditions
signals for both the survey waveform and burst waveform data. The digital
signal processor uses
burst waveform A/D converters to produce the survey spectra.
Waveforms Eighteen low-frequency analog signals (Figure
2) are processed as survey
There are three DC electric field signals, four configurable signals that
are either short
(5 m) DC electric field signals or Langmuir probe signals (plasma density),
three probe
signals, threeDC fluxgate magnetometer signals, three AC search coil signals,
and two
that give the VLF (~1 kHz - 16 kHz) wave power. Of the 18 waveforms or
signals that are
ten are conditioned to a DC to 1 kHz band with 4-pole Bessel filters that
are packaged into
single hybrid package (~1 gm, 7.2 mW each). Typically, five of the 1 kHz
waveforms are DC
field signals (including two 5 m dipoles), two are sensor signals representing
plasma density,
three are search coil signals. The 5 m dipoles are not centered on the
spacecraft (see Figure 1)
are have a spatial separation from the spacecraft center of ~25.5 m, allowing
for cross spectral
cross correlation analysis. The electric field signal and Langmuir probe
signal are plotted in panels
and (b) of Figure 15. The signal selection, sensitivities, dipole lengths,
and the dynamic range of the
signals are summarized in Table 1. The signals that
are most often selected in the science
modes are high-lighted.
of the survey waveforms are filtered to a DC to 250 Hz band. The five signals
are three sensor
Voltages (to monitor
spacecraft potential) and two signals representing the VLF (~1 kHz - 16
wave power. The VLF
signals are rectified wave signals that have been logarithmically amplified.
of the survey waveform signals share a single 16-bit A/D converter (Crystal
CS5016) that constantly
samples at 32768 samples/s. The survey waveform output rate is
configurable by factors
of two from 16 samples/s to 2048 samples/s for the 1 kHz waveforms, and
from 4 samples/s to
512 samples/s for 250 Hz waveforms. The signals are under-sampled except
at the maximum rate.
three-axis fluxgate magnetometer signals are converted at rates from 16
samples/s to 2048
samples/s before being
input into a recursive digital filter that is in a programmable gate array.
recursive filter acts
as a one-pole low-pass filter at
which is ~21 Hz at
maximum sample rate.
The output rate of the fluxgate magnetometer signals are at 1/4 the sample
rate varying from
4 samples/s at the minimum rate to 512 samples/s at the maximum rate. Fluxgate
magnetometer data
are plotted in panel (c) of Figure 15.
typical operation, the fluxgate magnetometer signals and the 250 Hz signals
are output at 8
samples/s for full
orbit and slow survey coverage. The 1 kHz waveforms are output at 32
in slow survey. In fast
survey, the data rates are at maximum if the spacecraft is in
contact with a
ground station, typical
of Northern auroral passes. Otherwise, the fast survey sample
rates are
typically 1/4 or 1/16
of the maximum rate.
Burst Waveforms
waveforms are at significantly higher sample rates of 32,768 samples/s
(16 kHz Nyquist) or
8,196 samples/s (4
kHz Nyquist). Up to 14 signals out of 40 signals (Table 2) can be selected
A/D conversion. Sixteen
are electric field signals from long baseline and short baseline dipoles
are dc or high-gain,
ac-coupled signals. Three search coil magnetometer signals, ten spheres
sensor signals (which
can include Langmuir probe currents), six Langmuir probe signals, four
signals, and the analog
signal from the Plasma Wave Tracker are also fed into a bank of analog
switches which are
configured by the science mode.
1: Survey Electric and Magnetic Field Waveforms
kHz Waveform
There are eight 16-bit
(Crystal Semiconductor CS5016) A/D converters dedicated to burst
which simultaneously sample at 32,768 samples/s. Two of the eight A/D converters
be configured to operate in two different ways. Each can sample one signal
at 32,768
or four signals at 8,196 samples/s (~4 kHz Nyquist). The burst waveforms
then can
one of three data sets: (1) eight waveforms at 32,768 samples/s, (2) seven
waveforms at
samples/s and four at 8,196 samples/s, or (3) six waveforms at 32,768 samples/s
and eight
8,196 samples/s. Burst waveforms are typically set in the latter configuration.
at 32,768 samples/s are filtered by 6-pole, 16 kHz hybrid filters (packaged
in a 6-pin
in line package weighing one gram and drawing 7.2 mW of power). Waveforms
sampled at
samples/s are filtered by a 4-pole hybrid filter (same packaging as above).
The burst electric
waveform is displayed in panel (a) of Figure 15.
2 summarizes the available signals and their properties. The entries ending
with HG are ac
coupled, high-gain
signals with a frequency band from ~3kHz to 16 kHz. The high-pass filter
at 3
kHz has one pole.
Otherwise, the signals are DC coupled. The sensitivity in Table 2 is the
level, while the range
is limited either by the maximum range of the sensor or the A/D converter.
A/D converters 7 and
8 can be multiplexed to receive four 4 kHz bandwidth signals. If the signal
available at 4 kHz,
an "m" is added (e.g. 8m). Otherwise the signal is available at 16 kHz.
highlighted signals
are most often configured. VQUAD is the measurement of the quadrupole
signal (V1+V4-V5-V8).
PWT is the plasma wave tracker output described later. The BBF
channels are the 200
kHz - 2 MHz wave amplitude, also described later.
The burst digital data
ar continuously available to the Instrument Data Processing Unit and to
Signal Processor at an overall data rate of 4.194 Mbit/s which far exceeds
the telemetry
capability so the
data are recorded for several minute intervals. The periods of data capture
selected by the instrument
data processor. The selection criteria are from trigger signals supplied
by the fields instrument
and the particles instrument.
Spectra: Digital Signal Processor
primary function of the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is to provide continuous
coverage of
the spectral power
density of the electric and magnetic field in the frequency range from
DC to 16
kHz. It also has three
other functions: provide spectral power density of the high-frequency (~1
kHz to 1 MHz) electric
and magnetic field, perform cross spectral analysis of the low-frequency
and high-frequency
electric field pairs, and calculate the auto-correlation function of four
energy channels from
the Electron Spectrograph.
low-frequency spectrum analysis averages 2^n (n is configurable from 0
to 7), 1024-point Fast
Fourier Transforms
(FFT) of the digital waveforms from the burst A/D converters. The resulting
spectra have 32 Hz
resolution in frequency and from 32 ms to 4 s time resolution. The selection,
sensitivity, and range
of the burst waveforms are described in Table 2.
A block diagram
of the DSP is in Figure 7. The eight burst waveforms
are fed into a dedicated
Memory Access (DMA) designed into an programmable gate array (ACTEL). A
custom DMA was designed
to access the High Speed Burst Memory waveforms (1 MHz
waveforms at 2 Msamples/s)
and four channels of the electron electrostatic analyzer. All of the
data passes from the
DMAs into the RAM through single high-speed serial interface in the DSP.
all, there are sixteen
inputs which are individually selectable. Typical selection are the first
low-frequency waveforms.
third programmable gate array acts as a controller. Its primary functions
are (1) to direct start up,
reprogramming, and
resets of the DSP processor, (2) to receive commands from the IDPU
processor, (3) to
provide timing and control of the DMA PGAs, (4) to detect single event
latch up,
single event upset,
or malfunction of the DSP and restart, and (5) to protect the code area
in RAM.
DSP processor is a 32-bit floating point ATT-DSP32C with an input clock
at 32 MHz (below
the 50 MHz maximum).
Radiation testing was performed at the University of California at
Berkeley to determine
that the total dose tolerance exceeds 200 kRad. Four radiation hardened
static CMOS RAMs were
used to make a 32-bit by 32 K memory. Bi-polar ROMs are used to hold
the code.
to the high power consumption (2.5 W) and slow access speed (100 ns) of
the ROMs, the
start-up sequence
copies the ROM code into the RAM code area then turns off the ROMS.
Figure 7: A block diagram of the DSP.
Figure 8: The dynamic range coverage
The DSP receives data from the burst
versus frequency for DSP spectra. DSP
A/D converters (low-frequency), the
spectra have continuous coverage in the
HSBM (high-frequency), and the
auroral zone. The DSP averages FFTs of
electron electrostatic analyzers. The
electric and magnetic waveforms. The
primary function of the DSP is to provide
time resolution of the 1024 point FFTs
continuous 16 Hz - 16 kHz wave power
varies from 31 ms to 4s.
spectra in the auroral zone.
The code can be augmented
or patched by command from the IDPU processor. The code area
is hardware protected
after the start-up sequence is completed and before the science mode
configuration is sent
to the DSP.
controller can sense a latch up or upset in two ways: (1) if the current
to the DSP exceeds a
preset value or (2)
if the DSP fails to send the controller a coded command within a specified
period. If an upset
occurs, the controller can "warm start" the DSP processor without having
turn on the ROM or
receive commands from the IDPU. No latch up or upset events have occurred
in the first eleven
months of operation during which there have been several solar events.
dynamic range of the DSP VLF spectra are displayed in Figure
8. The data are logarithmically
compressed to 8 bits.
The electric field spectra range from 2x10^(-13) (V/m)^2/Hz to 2x10^(-3)
(V/m)^2/Hz on the
56 m high gain (V5-V8HG) signal. The 5m dc coupled signals have a dynamic
range starting at
10^(-10) (V/m)^2/Hz. The range of the signal processing is optimized for
processes which are
well above the sensor noise levels. The magnetic spectra of the 21" search
range from ~1x10^(-10)
(nT)^2/Hz to ~5x10^(-3) (nT)^2/Hz at 1kHz. The search coil dynamic
range is limited by
the sensor noise at frequencies greater than ~500 Hz. Auroral electric
magnetic spectra from
the DSP are displayed in panel (f) of Figure 15.
Figure9. A block diagram of the swept
Figure10. The spectral coverage and
frequency analyzer. Three of the four
dynamic range of the SFA. The electric
channels are filtered to 2MHz and one
field range is from 10^(-15) (V/m)^2/Hz
channel to 4MHz. The latter channel
(55 dipole) to 10^-5 (V/m)^2/Hz (5m dipole).
can be used by the plasma wave tracker
The 21" search coil has a peak sensitivity
by setting the digital frequency
at ~65 kHz with a frequency range to
synthesizer to a fixed frequency.
~600 kHz.
and Burst HF Spectra: Swept Frequency Analyzers
primary functions of the swept frequency analyzer (SFA) are (1) to provide
(survey) coverage
of the high-frequency (~10 kHz - 2 MHz) electric and magnetic fields, (2)
provide high time
resolution (62.5 ms), high-frequency spectra of the electric and magnetic
and (3) provide fine
frequency resolution observations of narrow-band emissions such as auroral
kilometric radiation.
The third function is designated as the Plasma Wave Tracker, which is
described in the next
block diagram of one of the SFA channels is given in Figure
9. Table 3 describes selection and
the sensitivities
of the signals from the high-frequency analog (Figure
2). The SFA has four
channels. In three
of the channels, the high-frequency signal is passed into a 3-pole low-pass
at 2 MHz. The fourth
channel, which can be used by the plasma wave tracker, has a 4 MHz filter.
The filtered signal
is mixed with a sweeping reference, passed through a crystal filter with
15 kHz
band width, then mixed
again to 50 kHz intermediate frequency. The resulting signal is rectified
and logarithmically
amplified before digital (8-bit) conversion by the high-frequency A/D
converter (see Figure
2). The 256-point HF spectra have ~8 kHz steps (over-sampling the 15
band width) covering
from 0 to 2 MHz. Since the sweeping reference is produce by a digital
frequency synthesizer,
the sweep can be configured to have maximum range of 500 Hz, 1 MHz, 2
MHz, or 4 MHz. The
sweep rate can be configured to 31.25 ms or ~62.5 ms (typical operation).
survey data, called "SfaAve", averages 2^n sweeps, where n is set from
0 to 7. The sweep rate
changes from "slow
survey" to "fast survey", typically from n=6 to n=3, thus increasing the
rate and time resolution
of the sweeps (typically 4 s in slow survey and 0.5s in fast survey). Burst
data transmits every
sweep, typically 16 per second. The spectral coverage of the SFA is displayed
in Figure
10 SFA data are displayed in panel (e) of Figure 15.
Frequency Resolution Spectra: Plasma Wave Tracker
primary function of the plasma wave tracker is to provide fine frequency
resolution spectra of
narrow-band emissions.
This is accomplished using the fourth channel of the SFA. The signal from
the digital frequency
synthesizer is set at a fixed frequency (fo) that is (1) fixed by configuration,
(2) dynamically set
at the electron cyclotron frequency by the IDPU processor, or (3) dynamically
set by the number
of zero crossings in the wave form. The fixed frequency is the center of
the 15
kHz high-resolution
passing through the 10.7 MHz crystal filter (Figure
9), the signal passes to the second mixer
which is set at 10.692
MHz when configured for the plasma wave tracker. The resulting signal
(~0.5 kHz to 15.5
kHz) represents the frequency band fo-7.5 kHz to fo +7.5 kHz. The PWT signal
then is digitized
as a burst waveform (see Table 2, entry 20) and/or processed by the DSP.
frequency resolution
of the PWT signal is limited by the jitter in the digital frequency synthesizer
to ±70 Hz.
An example of PWT data is given in panel (d) of Figure 15.
HF Signal Processing
Digital Waveform: High Speed Burst Memory
high-speed burst memory (HSBM) produces 0.5 micros resolution digital
waveforms of four
signals, typically
three electric field and one magnetic field, with ~0.1% coverage in the
zone (typically ~2
seconds out of 30 minutes). Alternatively, the HSBM can supply the DSP
(described above)
with digital HF waveforms to be converted into HF spectra by averaging
The HSBM is located
in the fields instrument signal processing and is not part of the main
instrument burst memory.
A block diagram is in Figure 11. Spectral coverage
and dynamic range is
displayed in Table
HSBM has three main sub-systems. The analog section has selectable three-pole
filters of 125 kHz,
500 kHz, and 1 MHz corresponding to three selectable A/D speeds of 250
ksample/s, 1 Msample/s,
or 2 Msample/s. Four 10-bit MP7694 A/D converters are augmented
with a high-speed
sample and hold. The four A/D converters are on a 40-bit bus that is
continuously written
to a 10 Mbyte RAM. The trigger system uses the rectified and logarithmically
amplified low-frequency
wave power (see survey waveforms), the high-frequency wave power
(see later), and the
plasma density (see survey waveforms) as inputs. The trigger A/D converter
alternately samples
two of the selected inputs labeled "trigger A" and "trigger B", typically
low-frequency and
a high-frequency power level.
digital logic is contained in three programmable gate arrays (ACTEL) and
works as follows.
The RAM is divided
into four buffers, one of which continuously accepts data (input buffer),
are holding the buffers
with the highest trigger A and trigger B levels (holding buffers), and
forth buffer outputs
data to the selected port (output buffer). If the trigger level exceeds
the level
in one of the holding
buffers, the instrument (1) waits for 3/4 of the input buffer to be written
keeping 1/4 of the
buffer for data prior to the trigger event and (2) swaps the input buffer
and a
holding buffer thus
overwriting the holding buffer. This process continues until the output
has been completely
read. At that point, one of the holding buffers, alternating between the
becomes the output
buffer. The new hold buffer is assigned a zero trigger level.
logical process above has several additional features. One can assign a
minimum trigger level
to the HSBM so that
a trigger event cannot occur unless the minimum requirement is met. There
are two settings of
trigger position with in the buffer at either 1/4 or 1/2 of the buffer
for data
prior to the trigger.
The triggers can be set "retriggerable" or "absolute". The former allows
for a
Figure 11. A block diagram of the
Figure12. A block diagram of the broad
high-speed burst memory. Four
band filter, phase, and zero crossing processing.
high-frequency channels are low-pass
Four high-frequency channels are high-pass
filtered then digitized. The data are
filtered then rectified to measure the high-
selected by high- or low-frequency
frequency wave amplitude at high time resolution.
wave event or plasma density cavity
The high-frequency signals are digitized by a
by a dedicated trigger system and are
stored in a 10 Mbyte RAM. The RAM
buffers can be output as waveform data
(Port 1) or transferred to the DSP which
produces a average of FFTs.
trigger event to restart
if the trigger level increases later in the event so that the peak is always
the trigger position.
The latter, does not allow for a restart. The maximum buffer size is 2.5
Mbytes, allowing for
538,068 10-bit samples in four channels. The buffer sizes can be 1/2n of
maximum with n between
0 and 7. Finally, on can go into "time-based" triggering whereby the
triggers events occur
by time rather than by plasma wave amplitude. The last feature is typically
used when the DSP
generating spectra.
Power, Frequency, and Phase: Broad-Band Filters
main function of the Broad-Band Filter (BBF) signal processing is to provide
resolution power,
frequency, and phase information for high-frequency signals (Figure
12). Four
ac coupled, high-frequency
signals are processed. The selection, sensitivities and range are
described in Table
3. The selected signals are high-pass filtered at 200 kHz with a three-pole
passive LCR filter.
Since the sensor preamplifier response rolls off at ~500 kHz, the BBF
emphasizes auroral
kilometric radiation which falls in the 200 kHz to 500 kHz band. The four
signals are rectified
and pseudo-logarithmically amplified and then passed to the high-frequency
A/D converter (Figure
2) at typically 1 ms resolution. The BBF has a 60 dB dynamic range.
selected analog signals are also fed to a comparator producing a digital
representation of the
zero crossing. The
digital signals are input to counters which yield the frequency of a dominating,
narrow band signal.
Six pairs of the digital signals are processed by a phase discriminator
measures the relative
phase of the signals to determine wave polarization. The zero-crossing
counters and the phase
shifts have 4 ms time resolution.
Wave-Particle Correlator
main scientific objective of the wave-particle correlator instrument is
to identify the energy
and pitch angle of
particles that are interacting with waves. Measurement of the amplitude
particle oscillations
and their phase relation with the wave allows for the evolution of the
and distribution function
to be studied in detail. Wave-particle correlator instruments essentially
provide a direct observation
of wave-particle interactions.
FAST wave-particle correlator detects oscillations in particle flux by
integrating the product
of the wave electric
field and particle flux [Ergun et al., 1991a; Lin et al.,
1995]. This technique
can be used to determine
both the amplitude and phase (with respect to the wave phase) of
oscillatory currents.
"Resistive" currents are in phase with the electric field and determine
flow between the wave
and particles [Ergun et al., 1991b], whereas "reactive" currents
are in phase
with wave potential
and can indicate nonlinear kinetic processes such as particle trapping
[Muschietti et
al., 1994].
goal of the direct wave-particle correlator is to measure the oscillatory
perturbation in the
electron distribution
function (f1) that is at the ambient wave frequency. If the electric
field wave
form is known, the
oscillatory perturbation in the particle distribution can be derived from
correlation function: ![](eq-2-1.gif)
tint is the integration period. The numerator of Equation (1) contains
two terms. Term B
gives us the resistive
perturbation whereas term A should have no contribution since E
and fo is constant.
However, since |f1|<<<fo, term A can be a source
of error (called the dc bias
error) if
The wave-particle correlator design minimized the dc bias error.
channel of the wave-particle correlator is diagramed in Figure
13. The electric field signal
Figure 13. A simplified block diagram of a
Figure 14. A block diagram of the FAST
one channel wave-particle correlator.
satellite wave-particle correlator. Each
The electric field signal processing is
electron channel produces a total count
diagrammed on top. Comparators produce
and two phased counts. The Duty cycle
two digital signals that represent polarities
monitor measures the dc bias error
of the wave signal that has been split into
two phases that differ by 90o. The wave
polarity signals are correlated with the
particle pulses (bottom) with digital logic.
The f0Count (or f1Count) and is incremented
only if the polarity of the f0 (or f1) wave
signal is positive. The correlation
measurements are (2f0Count - Total Count)
and (2f1Count - Total Count).
from the antenna is
filtered to the desired frequency band. The instrument has selectable pass
bands of 200 kHz to
2 MHz for Langmuir wave and auroral kilometric radiation studies, and
500 Hz to 20 kHz for
lower frequency wave studies. The filtered electric field signal is fed
an analog phase splitter
which consists of two all-pass filters that have phase responses which
differ by 90°
over a broad frequency range. (An all-pass filter is a unity gain circuit
that has a
non-zero phase response.)
The phase response of the FAST satellite high-frequency phase splitters
are diagrammed in
Figure 14. The high-frequency phase splitter has
a phase difference of
for frequencies between 100 kHz and 2 MHz. The usable frequency range (phase
difference of 90°±45°)
is from 40 kHz to 5 MHz. The low-frequency phase splitters (not shown)
have a usable frequency
range from 300 Hz to 40 kHz. The all pass filters have near unity (±10%)
gain over the usable
frequency range.
digital output of the comparator (Figure 13) represents
the polarity of the wave signal. The
comparator has positive
feedback (not shown) to create a small amount of hysteresis which
determines the sensitivity
of the instrument. The sensitivity is generally not critical since one
expects significant
results only when large-amplitude waves are present. The FAST satellite
instrument is sensitive
to waves with amplitudes between ~0.5 mV/m and ~ 1.6 V/m.
is crucial that the digital wave polarity signals have a 50% duty cycle
over an integration period
(typically several
ms), that is, the integrated time that the polarity signal is in a high
state (positive
polarity) must equal
to the integrated time that the polarity signal is in a low state (negative
polarity), otherwise
there will be a dc bias error (Equation 1, term A). Dc bias errors can
be very
large when wave signals
are strongly modulated. In the brief moments that the signal has too small
an amplitude to overcome
the hysteresis of the comparator, the comparator rests at positive or
negative phase, creating
a dc bias error. The baseline restorer circuit (Figure
13) is designed to
reduce the dc bias
error. It causes the comparator to oscillate if no appreciable signal is
The FAST satellite
wave-particle correlator baseline restorer maintains a duty cycle of
(50.0 ± 0.2)%
for high-frequency wave signals over the integration period (~3 ms). Duty
monitors measure the
duty cycle which allows for the error to be further reduced in post flight
correlation function (Equation 1) is approximated by integrating the digital
wave polarity
signals with particle
events. The circuit is outlined in Figure 13 (lower).
The wave polarity signals
and particle events
are first synchronized to a fast oscillator (fosc > fwave, fparticle).
synchronization allows
the signals to be integrated with a simple gate and allows for the duty
cycles of the digital
polarity signals to be precisely measured. The frequency of the oscillator
should be several
times the maximum expected wave frequency and at least two times the
maximum particle count
rate. Phase jitter (ø) reduces the correlation measurement by ~
wave-particle correlator determines
approximation of Equation 3, where
F is the particle
flux. One way to carry out the integration would be to increment a counter
if a
particle event occurs
during positive wave polarity, and decrement a counter if a particle event
occurs during negative
wave polarity to determine Cpos-Cneg (counts during positive polarity
counts during negative
polarity). The technique we use is to count particle events that occur
positive polarity
(Cpos) and the total number of events (T = Cpos+Cneg), then
determine the
correlation from the
relation: Cpos-Cneg = 2Cpos - T. This method requires the minimum
amount of digital
particle events from the particle detectors increment three counters (Figure
13) which are
designated the f0
Count (Cø0), the ø1 Count (Cø1), and
the Total Count (T). The ø0 (or ø1) counter
is incremented only
if the polarity of the ø0 (or ø1) wave signal is positive.
The three counters are
read out and zeroed
at a selectable time interval called the integration time. The oscillatory
perturbation to the
distribution function can be derived, to first order, directly from these
ratio (
) enters in because the
electric field E is represented by sgn(E). The data are
compressed before
transmission to the ground. The transmitted quantities are (2Cø0
- T) and
(2Cø1 -
T) that are compressed (pseudo-logarithmically) to 8 bit numbers (7
bits plus sign) and T
is compressed (square
root) to 8 bits. The wave-particle correlator has the added feature that
are not transmitted
unless the wave amplitude exceeds a minimum threshold. The latter feature
result in several
orders of magnitude of data compression, depending upon wave activity.
14 is a block diagram of the FAST satellite wave-particle correlator
instrument. The electric
field signal from
one of two antennae are selected (depending on spin phase) to give the
parallel (to the magnetic
field) signal or mostly the perpendicular signal, depending on the
configuration. The
instrument can also be configured to operate at high frequency (200 kHz
2 MHz) or low frequency
(500 Hz - 50 kHz). The selected wave polarity signals are correlated
with twelve fixed
energy channels of the FAST EESA instrument (Electron Electrostatic Analyzer,
see Carlson et
al., this volume). The look directions of the electron channels are
configurable. The
channels that are
closest to the desired pitch angle are automatically selected (de-spun
on board).
Cycle Corrections
baseline restorer (Figure 13) was designed to
reduce the dc bias error in the wave polarity
signal, but a small
bias error may still exist. A significant bias error in a low-frequency
appears if there is
a non-integer number of wave periods in the integration period. There is
also a
frequency dependent
error from asymmetric response in the digital circuitry (the time it takes
switch from negative
to positive may not be the same as the reverse). Many high speed CMOS
gates and programmable
gate arrays have such a property with up to 20 ns differences which can
produces a false correlation
of 4% (f1/f0) in a 1 MHz wave. Fortunately, these errors are easily
the digital wave polarity signals are synchronized to an oscillator, the
exact duty cycle of the
waves can be measured
(Figure 14). The duty cycles (Deltaø0 and
Deltaøf1) are measured by
counting the number
of (synchronizing oscillator) cycles that the wave polarity signal spends
positive, and subtracting
the number of cycles that the wave polarity is negative. This is done by
counting the positive
cycles and the total cycles (Figure 14) then subtracting:
first order perturbations are then corrected for dc bias errors by:
is a similar equation for the ø1 phase.
Mass, power, configuration, timing, properties
4 summarizes the mass and power for the FAST electric and magnetic
field instrument. The
radial boom sensors
include the deployment mechanism, two sensors, the wire booms, and support
structure for the
radiation shield. The axial boom and sensor mass does not include the transmitter
support tubes. The
majority of the signal processing and electric field sensors are nominally
for ~25% of the orbit
reflected in the low orbit-averaged power consumption.
4: FAST Fields Instrument: Mass and Power
Field BEB/Sensors
(Regulated Power).
(Unregulated Power).
(Unregulated Power.)
including ACS sensor.)
(Unregulated Power).
Analog and A/D Converters.
(Regulated Power).
(Unregulated Power).
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