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Scientific data from the FAST project will be represented as a series of summary plots devoted to the fields and particle experiments (available in both Gif and Common Data Format files, with some Postsrcipt files available in a two week backlog). To access these sumplots, a search algorithm has been provided on the proceeding pages, and accordingly, a tutorial page has been created.
For a more technical description of some summary plot parameters and contents, choose on of the following selections: (Note: some of the specifications may be slightly outdated.)
The FAST Science Operations Center uses Interactive Data Language (IDL) software to produce the available sumplots. For help using FAST IDL with its particular library of procedures, a detailed html page has been created which discusses the various FAST IDL routines.
In order to minimize needless sumplot searches, FASTSOC has created an availability chart delineating which sumplot pictures, as based on data type, exist for each orbit. In addition, the chart notes if the corresponding cdf file exists.
A fairly accurate list of crossings of invariant latitude 70 degrees has been created from database information. Although some of the list entries are derived from projected orbit values, their times are generally within seconds of the true values.

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