The Spectrographic Imager is designed to image the whole Earth proton aurora from satellite distances greater than 4 Earth radii to the center of the Earth. It uses a reverse Wadsworth design to select the Doppler shifted Lyman H-alpha line at 121.82 nm in the ultraviolet part of the optical spectrum and to reject the non-Doppler shifted Lyman H-alpha from the geocorona at 121.567 nm. The field of view is 15x15 degrees. The temporal resolution between two images is 120 s and the size of the final images is 128x128 pixel elements, corresponding to spatial resolutions of less than 100 km at apogee distances.
The SI Characteristics are summarized below:The output of the Spectrographic Imager was simulated with a model of the auroral oval and different count rates in individual pixels from one to ten counts per frame.
Last update: 27 June 1997
by Harald U. Frey,