FORTRAN-The Codes To Form Predicted Measurements
(all input files are "o" trajectory files, except for sub* codes)
My2dto3dcart.f is a code to fly through Titan's Torus. It calculates the density levels
of neutral nitrogen. The trajectory segment is entered with a format of x, y, z, time.
The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System). (Also named tittorN.f)
Ohmodel.f is a code to calculate density levels neutral OH around Saturn. The trajectory segment
is entered with a format of x, y, z, time. The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System).
Ringions.f is a code to calculate the densities of water ions for Saturn's rings ionosphere. The
trajectory segment is entered with a format of time, x, y, z. The coordinate system is SGEO
(Saturn Solar System).
Ringneuts.f is a code to calculate the densities of water neutrals for Saturn's rings atmosphere.
The trajectory segment is entered with a format of time, x, y, z.
The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System).
Ring+moonsneuts.f is a code to calculate the densities of water neutrals for Saturn's rings atmosphere
and the Icy Moons together. The trajectory segment is entered with a format of time, x, y, z.
The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System).
Sattimerad.f is a code to calculate the radius. The trajectory segment is entered with a format
of time, x, y, z. The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System).
Subtour.f is a code that takes out the header of a file and other unnecessary things. It also takes the
time (yr, day of yr, hour, min, sec) and changes it to (day of yr, hour, min, sec). This code will output
an "o" trajectory file.
Subtoursat.f is a code that takes out the header of a file and other unnecessary things. It's output file
has only (time, x, y, z) in it and is an "o" trajectory file. This was used for Saturn's raw trajectory
Subtourtraj.f is a code that takes out the header of a file and other unnecessary things. It's output file
has only (time, x, y, z) in it and is an "o" trajectory file. This was used for Titan's raw trajectory
Testicyexo.f is a code that calculates the icy satellites neutral species in their exosphere. The coordinate
system is Satellite-centered and the radius is the satellite radii. The trajectory file is read
in as x, y, z, time.
Testicysat.f is a code that calculates the icy satellites water neutral densities. The trajectory
file is read in as time, x, y, z. The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System).
TestmodelsSat.f is a code to calculate water ion densities from the icy satellites. The trajectory
file is read in as time, x, y, z. The coordinate system is SGEO (Saturn Solar System).
Testtitexo.f is a code to calculate neutral species in Titan's exosphere. The trajectory file is read
in as x, y, z, time. The coordinate system TSO (Titan-centered, referenced to Sun).
Testtitionscass1.f is a code to calculate ions in Titan's Ionosphere. The trajectory file is read
in as x, y, z, time. The coordinate system TSO (Titan-centered, referenced to Sun).
Testtitneutscass1.f is a code to calculate neutrals in Titan's atmosphere. The trajectory file is read
in as x, y, z, time. The coordinate system TSO (Titan-centered, referenced to Sun).
Timecorr.f is a simple code that changes x, y, z, day to x, y, z, day of year.