MAPS Scientific Objective INMS Contribution
1. Global morphology and dynamics of Saturn's Magnetosphere 1. Determine the average distribution of the different populations of neutrals and charged particles.
  2. Determine the main sources and sinks of plasma and neutrals and their net transport through the Saturn system.
2. Rings/plasma/ionosphere coupling 1. Determine the net exchange of plasma and neutral species between the rings, the ring ionospheres, the inner plasmasphere.
3. Magnetosphere/icy satellites interactions 1. Provide constraints on icy satellites surface composition during close CASSINI fly-bys from charged particle measurements.
  2. Determine the icy satellites' contribution to neutral gas production.
4. Magnetosphere interactions of the inner neutral gas torus and the E ring 1. Develop a self-consistent understanding of the observed distribution of neutrals and ion species in the inner torus. Establish the sources of the ionization of the neutral gas.
  2. Provide constraints on sputtering rates of water and other products from the icy satellites surfaces, the rings and on chemical reaction rates involving ions and neutrals.
5. Coupling with the solar wind and the Titan torus in the outer magnetosphere 1. Determine the importance of the Titan torus as an internal source of magnetospheric plasma.