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Matthew Fillingim
1. Light curve solutions for eclipsing binaries in NGC 188, R.M. Branly, R.I. Athauda, M.O. Fillingim and W. Van Hamme, Astrophys. Space Sci., 235, 149, 1996.
2. Angular distributions of suprathermal electrons observed at geosynchronous orbit, M.O. Fillingim, M.B. Moldwin, H.K. Rassoul, P. Parrish, M.F. Thomsen and D.J. McComas, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 4457, 1999. 3. Polar cap area and boundary motion during substorms, M. Brittnacher, M. Fillingim, G. Parks, G. Germany and J. Spann, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 12251, 1999.
4. Behavior of the aurora during 10-12 May, 1999 when the solar wind nearly disappeared, Parks, G., M. Brittnacher, D. Chua, M. Fillingim, G. Germany, J. Spann, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(24), 4033, 2000. 5. Coincident POLAR/UVI and WIND observations of pseudobreakups, M. O. Fillingim, G. K. Parks, L. J. Chen, M. Brittnacher, G. A. Germany, J. F. Spann, D. Larson, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1379, 2000. 6. Global auroral response to a solar wind pressure pulse, M. Brittnacher, M. Wilber, M. Fillingim, D. Chua, G. Parks, J. Spann and G. Germany, Adv. Space Res., 25, 1377, 2000. 7. Plasma behavior during pseudobreakup and expansive aurorae, G. K. Parks, L. J. Chen, M. Fillingim, M. McCarthy, and R. P. Lin, Proc. 5th Inter. Conf. on Substorms, 235, 2000.
8. Comparison of plasma sheet dynamics during pseudobreakups and expansive aurorae, M. O. Fillingim, G. K. Parks, L. J. Chen, M. McCarthy, J. F. Spann, and R. P. Lin, Phys. Plasmas, 8, 1127, 2001. 9. Kinetic characterization of plasma sheet dynamics, G.K. Parks, L.J. Chen, M. Fillingim and M. McCarthy, Space Sci. Rev., 95, 237, 2001.
10. A new framework for studying the relationship of aurora and plasma sheet dynamics, G. K. Parks, L. J. Chen, M. Fillingim, R. P. Lin, D. Larson, and M. McCarthy, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 64, 115, 2002. 11. Comparison of plasma sheet and auroral electron energy fluxes during substorms, M.O. Fillingim, G.K. Parks, R.P. Lin and D. Chua, 6th International Conf. Substorms, 382, 2002. 12. Processes in the plasma sheet observed during auroral activity, Fillingim, M., PhD thesis, Earth and Space Sciences Department, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, March, 2002.
13. High time resolution observations of magnetospheric disturbances during auroral activity, M.O. Fillingim, G.K. Parks, R.P. Lin, M. McCarthy and A. Szabo, in Disturbances in Geospace: The Storm-Substorm Relationship, Geophysical Monograph 142, AGU, Washington, D.C., 142, 45-54, 2003. 14. High time resolution observations of magnetospheric disturbances during auroral activity, in Storm-Substorm Relationship, Fillingim, M., G. K. Parks, R. P. Lin, M. McCarthy and A. Szabo, Geophys. Monog. Ser., 2003. 15. Wind observations pertaining to current disruption and ballooning instability during substorms, L.-J. Chen, A. Bhattacharjee, K. Sigsbee, G. Parks, M. Fillingim, and R. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(6), 1335, 2003.
16. Response of the magnetotail to changes in the open flux content of the magnetosphere, S.E. Milan, S.W.H. Cowley, M. Lester, D. M. Wright, J. A. Slavin, M. Fillingim, C.W. Carlson, and H. J. Singer, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A04220, 2004.
17. Electron acceleration in the near earth plasma sheet, Fillingim, M. O., G. K. Parks, R. P. Lin, S. B. Mende, abstract SM52A-05,presented at the 2005 AGU-SEG-NABS-SPD/AAS Joint Assembly, New Orleans, LA, May 23 - 27, 2005. 18. Hemispheric asymmetry of the afternoon electron aurora, Fillingim, M.O., G.K. Parks, H.U. Frey, T.J. Immel, S.B. Mende, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L03113, 2005. 19. Observations and model predictions of substorm auroral asymmetries in the conjugate hemispheres, Ostgaard, N., N. A. Tsyganenko, S. B. Mende, H. U. Frey, T. J. Immel, M. O. Fillingim, L. A. Frank, and J. B. Sigwarth, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L05111, 2005.
20. Current sheets at low altitudes in the Martian magnetotail , J. S. Halekas, D. A. Brain, R. J. Lillis, M. O. Fillingim, D. L. Mitchell, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L13101, 2006.
21. Demeter high resolution observations of the ionospheric thermal plasma response to magnetospheric energy input during the magnetic storm of November 2004, Séran, E.; Frey, H. U.; Fillingim, M.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Pottelette, R.; Parks, G., Ann. Geophysicae, 25 (12), 2503-2511, 2007. 22. Extreme lunar surface charging during solar energetic particle events, Halekas, J. S.; Delory, G. T.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Fillingim, M. O.; Lee, C. O.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Stubbs, T. J.; Farrell, W. M.; Hudson, M. K., Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (2), L02111, 2007. 23. Model calculations of electron precipitation induced ionization patches on the nightside of Mars, M. O. Fillingim, L. M. Peticolas, R. J. Lillis, D. A. Brain, J. S. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, D. Lummerzheim, S. W. Bougher, and D. L. Kirchner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L12101, 2007.
24. Correlation of substorm injections, auroral modulations, and ground Pi2, Keiling, A.; Angelopoulos, V.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.; McFadden, J.; Carlson, C.; Bonnell, J. W.; Mozer, F. S.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Auster, H. U.; Magnes, W.; Mende, S.; Frey, H.; Roux, A.; LeContel, O.; Frey, S.; Phan, T.; Donovan, E.; Russell, C. T.; Mann, I.; Liu, W.; Li, X.; Fillingim, M.; Parks, G.; Shiokawa, K.; Raeder, J. , Geophys. Res. Lett., 35 (17), L17S22, 2008. 25. Determination of the substorm initiation region from a major conjunction interval of THEMIS satellites, Lui, A. T. Y.; Angelopoulos, V.; LeContel, O.; Frey, H.; Donovan, E.; Sibeck, D. G.; Liu, W.; Auster, H. U.; Larson, D.; Li, X.; Nosé, M.; Fillingim, M. O., J. Geophys. Res., 113 (6), A00C04, 2008. 26. First Results from the THEMIS Mission, Angelopoulos, V.; Sibeck, D.; Carlson, C. W.; McFadden, J. P.; Larson, D.; Lin, R. P.; Bonnell, J. W.; Mozer, F. S.; Ergun, R.; Cully, C.; Glassmeier, K. H.; Auster, U.; Roux, A.; Lecontel, O.; Frey, S.; Phan, T.; Mende, S.; Frey, H.; Donovan, E.; Russell, C. T.; Strangeway, R.; Liu, J.; Mann, I.; Rae, J.; Raeder, J.; Li, X.; Liu, W.; Singer, H. J.; Sergeev, V. A.; Apatenkov, S.; Parks, G.; Fillingim, M.; Sigwarth, J., Space Sci. Rev., 141 (1-4), 453-476, 2008. 27. Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations, Ieda, A.; Fairfield, D. H.; Slavin, J. A.; Liou, K.; Meng, C.-I.; Machida, S.; Miyashita, Y.; Mukai, T.; Saito, Y.; Nosé, M.; Shue, J.-H.; Parks, G. K.; Fillingim, M. O., J. Geophys. Res., 113 (A8), A08207, 2008. 28. Multiple intensifications inside the auroral bulge and their association with plasma sheet activities, Keiling, A.; Angelopoulos, V.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Carlson, C.; Fillingim, M.; Parks, G.; Frey, S.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Auster, H. U.; Magnes, W.; Liu, W.; Li, X., J. Geophys. Res., 113 (A12), A12216, 2008.
29. Nightside ionosphere of Mars: Modeling the effects of crustal magnetic fields and electron pitch angle distributions on electron impact ionization, Lillis, Robert J.; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Peticolas, Laura M.; Brain, David A.; Lin, Robert P.; Bougher, Stephen W., J. Geophys. Res., 114 (E11), E11009, 2009. 30. Substorm expansion triggered by a sudden impulse front propagating from the dayside magnetopause, Keika, K.; Nakamura, R.; Baumjohann, W.; Angelopoulos, V.; Chi, P. J.; Glassmeier, K. H.; Fillingim, M.; Magnes, W.; Auster, H. U.; Fornaçon, K. H.; Reeves, G. D.; Yumoto, K.; Lucek, E. A.; Carr, C. M.; Dandouras, I., J. Geophys. Res., 114 (52), A00C24, 2009.
31. Auroral signatures of the plasma injection and dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere, Sergeev, V. A.; Kornilova, T. A.; Kornilov, I. A.; Angelopoulos, V.; Kubyshkina, M. V.; Fillingim, M.; Nakamura, R.; McFadden, J. P.; Larson, D., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A2), A02202, 2010. 32. Localized ionization patches in the nighttime ionosphere of Mars and their electrodynamic consequences, M.O. Fillingim, L.M. Peticolas, R.J. Lillis, D.A. Brain, J.S. Halekas, D. Lummerzheim, S.W. Bougher, Icarus, 206, 112-119, 2010. 33. Seeing the Invisible: Educating the Public on Planetary Magnetic Fields and How they Affect Atmospheres, Fillingim, M. O.; Brain, D. A.; Peticolas, L. M.; Schultz, G.; Yan, D.; Guevara, S.; Randol, S., Science Education and Outreach: Forging a Path to the Future. Proceedings of a conference held September 12-16, 2009 in Millbrae, California, USA. Edited by Jonathan Barnes, Denise A. Smith, Michael G. Gibbs, and James G. , 2010. 34. Spectral observations of FUV auroral arcs and comparison with inverted-V precipitating electrons, Lee, C. N.; Min, K. W.; Lee, J.-J.; Parks, G. K.; Fillingim, M. O.; Lummerzheim, D.; Cho, K. S.; Kim, K.-H.; Kim, Y. H.; Park, Y. D.; Han, W.; Edelstein, J.; Korpela, E., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A9), A09223, 2010. 35. Time development of field-aligned currents, potential drops, and plasma associated with an auroral poleward boundary intensification, Hull, A. J.; Wilber, M.; Chaston, C. C.; Bonnell, J. W.; McFadden, J. P.; Mozer, F. S.; Fillingim, M.; Goldstein, M. L., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A6), A06211, 2010. 36. Total electron content in the Mars ionosphere: Temporal studies and dependence on solar EUV flux, Lillis, Robert J.; Brain, David A.; England, Scott L.; Withers, Paul; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Safaeinili, Ali, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A11), A11314, 2010.
37. Electric field-driven currents in the ionosphere of Mars, Fillingim, M. O.; Lillis, R. J.; Ma, Y., EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France, 2011. 38. First remote measurements of lunar surface charging from ARTEMIS: Evidence for nonmonotonic sheath potentials above the dayside surface, Halekas, J. S.; Delory, G. T.; Farrell, W. M.; Angelopoulos, V.; McFadden, J. P.; Bonnell, J. W.; Fillingim, M. O.; Plaschke, F., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A7), A07103, 2011. 39. Goldilocks and the Three Planets, Fillingim, M.; Brain, D.; Peticolas, L.; Yan, D., Earth and Space Science: Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach. Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 31 July-4 August 2010. Edited by Joseph B. Jensen, James G. Manning, and Michael G. Gibbs. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 233, 2011. 40. Polar UVI and THEMIS GMAG observations of the ionospheric response to a hot flow anomaly, Fillingim, M. O.; Eastwood, J. P.; Parks, G. K.; Angelopoulos, V.; Mann, I. R.; Mende, S. B.; Weatherwax, A. T., J. Atmosph. Solar Terr. Phys., 73 (1), 137-145, 2011. 41. Signal Strength and Bandwidth for Magnetotelluric Sounding of the Moon, Fillingim, M. O.; Delory, G. T.; Halekas, J. S.; Grimm, R. E., 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 7–11, 2011 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1608, 2475, 2011. 42. Three-dimensional structure of the Martian nightside ionosphere, Lillis, R. J.; Fillingim, M. O.; Brain, D. A., EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France, 2011. 43. Three-dimensional structure of the Martian nightside ionosphere: Predicted rates of impact ionization from Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer and electron reflectometer measurements of precipitating electrons, Lillis, Robert J.; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Brain, David A., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A12), A12317, 2011.
44. Nightside ionosphere of Mars: results from the MARSIS instrument, Nemec, F.; Morgan, D. D.; Gurnett, D. A.; Fillingim, M. O.; Lillis, R. J.; Duru, F., EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria, 1489, 2012. 45. On wind-driven electrojets at magnetic cusps in the nightside ionosphere of Mars, Fillingim, M. O.; Lillis, R. J.; England, S. L.; Peticolas, L. M.; Brain, D. A.; Halekas, J. S.; Paty, C.; Lummerzheim, D.; Bougher, S. W., Earth, Planets and Space, 64 (2), 93-103, 2012.
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