Sharad Kane
1. Response of ion chambers in free space to the long-term cosmic-ray variation from 1960-65, S. R. Kane, J. R. Winckler and R. L. Arnoldy, J. Geophys. Res., 70, 4107, 1965. 2. Studies of primary cosmic rays with ionization chambers, S. R. Kane, J. R. Winckler and R. L. Arnoldy, Proc. IX Internat'l. Conf. on Cosmic Rays, London, 157, 1965.
3. Application of an integrating type ionization chamber to measurements of radiation in space, S. R. Kane, Tech. Report CR-106, Cosmic Ray Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1966. 4. The construction, calibration and operation of the University of Minnesota experiments for OGO-I and OGO-III, S. R. Kane, K. A. Pfitzer and J. R. Winckler, Tech. Report CR-87, Cosmic Ray Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1966. 5. The spectra and intensity of electrons in the radiation belts, K. Pfitzer, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Space Research VI, ed. R. L. Smith-Rose, 702, 1966.
6. A study of energetic solar flare X-rays, R. L. Arnoldy, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Space Phys., 2, 171, 1967.
7. An atlas of 10-15 keV solar flare X-rays observed by the OGO satellites 5 September 1964 to 31 December 1966, R. L. Arnoldy, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Tech. Report CR-108, Cosmic Ray Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1968. 8. Energetic solar flare X-rays observed by satellite and their correlation with solar radio and energetic particle emission, R. L. Arnoldy, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Astrophys. J., 151, 711, 1968. 9. Observations of the screening of solar cosmic rays by the outer magnetosphere, S. R. Kane, J. R. Winckler and D. J. Hoffmann, Planet. Space Sci., 16, 1381, 1968. 10. The critical analysis of balloon flights at Minneapolis during the November, 1960 cosmic ray flare events, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Tech. Report CR-124, Cosmic Ray Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1968. 11. The observation of 10-50 keV solar flare X-rays by the OGO satellites and their correlation with solar radio and energetic particle emission, R. L. Arnoldy, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Structure and Development of Solar Active Regions (IAU Symp. 35), ed. K. O. Kiepenheuer, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 1968.
12. A survey of the total radiation in space observed by the OGO satellites, 5 September 1964 to 27 May 1968, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, University of Minnesota Technical Report CR-135, 1969. 13. An atlas of 10-50 keV solar flare X-rays and tentative atlas of solar proton events observed by the OGO-I and OGO- III ionization chambers, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Space Phys., 6, 151, 1969. 14. An atlas of 10-50 keV solar flare X-rays observed by the OGO satellites 1 January 1967 to 31 December 1967, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, University of Minnesota Cosmic Ray Technical Report CR-134, 1969. 15. Description of data plots from the University of Minnesota ion chamber and electron spectrometer on OGO-I and OGO-III, S. R. Kane, K. A. Pfitzer and J. R. Winckler, Cosmic Ray Tech. Report, CR-217, 1969. 16. 'Hysteresis' effect in cosmic ray modulation and the cosmic ray gradient near solar minimum, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, J. Geophys. Res., 74, 6247, 1969. 17. Modulation and heliocentric gradient of low energy cosmic rays near solar minimum 1965, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Proc. 11th Internat'l. Cosmic Ray Conf., Budapest, 1969. 18. Observations of energetic X-rays and solar cosmic rays associated with the 23 May 1967 solar flare event, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Space Phys., 6, 304, 1969. 19. Observations of two components in energetic solar X-ray bursts, S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J. Lett., 157, 139, 1969.
20. Fast electrons in solar flares, K. A. Anderson, S. R. Kane and R. P. Lin, Proc. Internat'l. Seminar on the Problem of Cosmic Ray Generation on the Sun, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 269, 1970. 21. Modulation and heliocentric gradient of low energy cosmic rays near solar minimum 1965, S. R. Kane and J. R. Winckler, Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hungarica, 29 Suppl. 2, 269, 1970. 22. Reinterpretation of OSO-III scintillation counter measurements of hard solar X-ray spectra, S. R. Kane and H. S. Hudson, Space Phys., 14, 414, 1970. 23. Spectral characteristics of impulsive solar flare X-rays >10 keV, S. R. Kane and K. A. Anderson, Astrophys. J., 162, 1003, 1970.
24. An upper limit on the hardness of the non-thermal electron spectra produced during the flash phase of solar flares, S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 170, 587, 1971. 25. Impulsive hard X-ray and ultraviolet emission during solar flares, S. R. Kane and R. F. Donnelly, Astrophys. J., 164, 151, 1971.
26. Evidence for a common origin of the electrons responsible for the impulsive X-ray and type III radio bursts, S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 27, 174, 1972. 27. Location of the electron acceleration region in solar flares, S. R. Kane and R. P. Lin, Space Phys., 23, 457, 1972. 28. The impulsive X-ray burst of October 10, 1970, S. W. Kahler, J. D. Kurfess and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 25, 418, 1972. 29. The relationship between polar riometer and space measurements during solar cosmic ray events, S. R. Kane and A. J. Masley, McDonnell Douglas Corp., MDAC Paper WD 1030, 1972.
30. Acceleration of electrons during the flash phase of solar flares, S. R. Kane, Proc. 13th Internat'l. Cosmic Ray Conf., 2, 1607, 1973. 31. Characteristics of non-thermal electrons accelerated during the flash phase of small solar flares, S. R. Kane, High Energy Phenomena on the Sun, ed. by R. Ramaty and R. G. Stone, NASA SP, 342, 55, 1973. 32. Production of different non-thermal electron groups in small solar flares, S. R. Kane, Space Sci. Rev., 13, 822, 1973.
33. Acceleration of electrons in absence of detectable optical flares deduced from type III radio bursts, H-alpha activity and soft X-ray emission, S. R. Kane, R. W. Kreplin, J.-J. Martres, M. Pick and I. Soru-Escaut, Space Phys., 38, 483, 1974. 34. Cosmic X-ray bursts observed with the OGO-5 satellite, S. R. Kane, W. A. Mahoney and K. A. Anderson, Proc. Conf. on Transient Cosmic Gamma and X-ray Sources, Los Alamos, New Mexico, ed. I. B. Strong, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report No. LA-5505-C, 100, 1974. 35. Impulsive (flash phase) of solar flares--hard X-ray, microwave, EUV and optical observations, S. R. Kane, Coronal Disturbances, Proc. I.A.U. Symposium 57, ed. by G. Newkirk, Jr., Internat'l. Astronomical Union, 105, 1974.
36. Impulsive solar flare X-rays >10 keV and some characteristics of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, S. R. Kane, X-rays in Space, University of Calgary, Canada, 271, 1975. 37. Solar emissions associated with impulsive solar flare X-rays, S. R. Kane, X-rays in Space, University of Calgary, Canada, 1170, 1975. 38. Solar Gamma-, X- and EUV Radiation, S. R. Kane, editor, IAU Symposium, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 68, 1975.
39. Characteristics of cosmic X-ray bursts observed with the OGO-5 satellite, S. R. Kane and K. A. Anderson, Astrophys. J., 210, 875, 1976. 40. Non-thermal processes during the 'build-up' phase in solar flares and in the absence of flares, S. R. Kane and M. Pick, Space Phys., 47, 293, 1976. 41. The quantitative properties of three soft X-ray flare kernels observed with the AS&E X-ray telescope on Skylab, S. W. Kahler, R. D. Petrasso and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 50, 179, 1976.
42. Hard X-ray spectra of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, S. R. Kane and G. H. Share, Astrophys. J., 217, 549, 1977.
43. Impulsive extreme ultraviolet and hard X-ray emission during solar flares, R. F. Donnelly and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 222, 1043, 1978. 44. Indirect estimation of energy deposition by non-thermal electrons in solar flares, H. S. Hudson, R. C. Canfield and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 60, 137, 1978. 45. X-ray spectrometer experiment aboard the ISEE-C (heliocentric) spacecraft, K. A. Anderson, S. R. Kane, J. H. Primbsch, R. H. Weitzmann, W. D. Evans, R. W. Klebesadel and W. P. Aiello, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Electron., 16, 157, 1978.
46. Observation of an impulsive solar X-ray burst from a coronal source, S. R. Kane, K. A. Anderson, W. D. Evans, R. W. Klebesadel and J. Laros, Astrophys. J. Lett., 233, 1979. 47. Relationship between hard X-ray and EUV sources in solar flares, S. R. Kane, K. J. Frost and R. F. Donnelly, Astrophys. J., 234, 669, 1979.
48. Correlated observations of a spatially resolved type III solar radio burst group and the associated hard X-ray emission, S. R. Kane, M. Pick and A. Raoult, Astrophys. J. Lett., 241, 1980. 49. Directivity of 50-100 KeV X-ray emission from impulsive solar flares, S. R. Kane, K. A. Anderson, W. D. Evans, R. W. Klebesadel and J. Laros, Astrophys. J. Lett., 239, 1980. 50. Gamma-ray burst observations from the UCB/LASL experiment on ISEE-3, W. D. Evans, R. W. Klebesadel, J. G. Laros, J. Terrell and S. R. Kane, Nature, 286, 784, 1980. 51. Impulsive phase of solar flares, S. R. Kane, C. J. Crannell, D. Datlowe, V. Feldman, A. Gabriel, H. S. Hudson, M. R. Kundu, C. Matzler, D. Neidig, V. Petrosian and N. R. Sheeley, Jr., Solar Flares, ed. P. A. Sturrock, Colorado Assoc. Univ. Press., 187, 1980. 52. Multi-spacecraft observations of solar hard X-ray bursts, S. R. Kane, Astrophys. Space Sci., 75, 163, 1980. 53. Observation of a coronal impulsive X-ray burst and its implications regarding the associated microwave source, S. R. Kane, Radio Physics of the Sun, ed. M. R. Kundu and T. E. Gergely, International Astronomical Union, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 443, 1980. 54. Prediction of solar proton events using hard X-ray emission, S. R. Kane and R. P. Lin, Solar-Terrestrial Prediction Proceedings, ed. R. F. Donnelly, U. S. Dept. of Comm., Washington, D.C., 3, 1980. 55. Recent observations of energetic electrons in solar flares, S. R. Kane, Solar and Interplanetary Dynamics, ed. M. Dryer and E. Tandberg-Hanssen, D. Reidel Publ. Co., 227, 1980.
56. Downward shift of the acceleration/injection region during solar flares, S. R. Kane and A. Raoult, Astrophys. J. Lett., 248, 1981. 57. Energetic electrons, type III radio bursts and impulsive solar flare X-rays, S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 247, 1113, 1981. 58. On the relationship between soft X-rays and H-alpha-emitting structures during a solar flare, H. Zirin, U. Feldman, G. A. Doschek and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 246, 321, 1981.
59. Electron acceleration in impulsive solar flares, S. R. Kane, A. O. Benz and R. Treumann, Astrophys. J., 263, 423, 1982. 60. Gamma ray sources as Comptonized X-ray sources, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebesadel, J. G. Laros, R. E. Stockdale and S. R. Kane, Nature, 297, 665, 1982. 61. Impulsive and gradual hard X-ray sources in a solar flare, N. Vilmer, S. R. Kane and G. Trottet, Astron. & Astrophys., 108, 306, 1982. 62. On the interpretation of gamma-ray burst continua and possible cyclotron absorption lines, E. E. Fenimore, J. G. Laros, R. W. Klebesadel, R. E. Stockdale and S. R. Kane, Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena, ed. by R. E. Lingenfelter et al., American Institute of Physics, New York, AIP Conf. Proc., 77, 201, 1982. 63. Positional characteristics of meter-decameter wavelength bursts associated with hard X-ray bursts, M. R. Kundu, T. E. Gergely and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 79, 107, 1982. 64. Spatial structure of >100 keV X-ray sources in solar flares, S. R. Kane, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebesadel and J. G. Laros, Astrophys. J. Lett., 254, 1982.
65. A comparison of the thick target model with stereo data on the height structure of solar hard X-ray bursts, J. C. Brown, V. A. Carlaw, D. Cromwell and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 88, 281, 1983. 66. Acceleration and confinement of energetic particles in the 7 June 1980 solar flare, S. R. Kane, K. Kai, T. Kosugi, S. Enome, P. Landecker and D. L McKenzie, Astrophys. J., 271, 376, 1983. 67. Association between gradual hard X-ray emission and metric continua during large flares, L. Klein, K. A. Anderson, M. Pick, G. Trottet, N. Vilmer and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 84, 295, 1983. 68. Late phase gradual enhancements in microwaves and hard X-rays of the 6 November 1980 flare, K. Kai, H. Nakajima, T. Kosugi and S. R. Kane, Recent Advances in the Understanding of Solar Flares: Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Seminar, October 5-8, 1982, ed. S. R. Kane et al., Space Phys., 86, 231, 1983. 69. Recent Advances in the Understanding of Solar Flares: Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Seminar, October 5-8, 1982, S. R. Kane, Y. Uchida, K. Tanaka and H. S. Hudson, editors, Solar Phys., 86, 1983. 70. Spatial structure of high energy photon sources in solar flares, S. R. Kane, Recent Advances in the Understanding of Solar Flares: Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Seminar, October 5-8, 1982, ed. S. R. Kane et al., Space Phys., 86, 355, 1983.
71. Association between hard X-ray and meter-decameter bursts: STIP Interval VIII, H. S. Sawant, S. R. Kane, M. R. Kundu and T. E. Gergely, STIP Symposium on Solar/Interplanetary Intervals, ed. M. Shea et al., Book Crafters, Inc., Chelsea, MI, 113, 1984. 72. Comparisons of solar flare X-ray producing and escaping electrons from ~2 to 100 keV, L. Pan, R. P. Lin and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 91, 345, 1984. 73. Energetics and interplanetary effects of the August 14 and 18, 1979 solar flares: Summary of observations made during the SMY/STIP event no. 1: August 14-18, 1979, S. R. Kane, M. K. Bird, V. Domingo, G. R. Gapper, G. Green, A. Hewish, R. A. Howard, B. Iwers, B. V. Jackson, U. Koren, H. Kunow, R. E. McGuire, R. Muller-Mellin, B. Rompolt, B. Sanuhuja, H. S. Sawant, R. T. Stewert, T. von Rosenvinge, G. Wibberenz and P., STIP Symposium on Solar/Interplanetary Intervals, ed. M. Shea et al., Book Crafters, Inc., Chelsea, MI, 175, 1984. 74. H-alpha and hard x-ray development in two-ribbon flares, Dwivedi, B. N., Hudson, H. S., Kane, S. R., and Svestka, Z., Solar Phys., 90, 331, 1984. 75. H? and hard X-ray development in two-ribbon flares, B. N. Dwivedi, H. S. Hudson, S. R. Kane and Z. Svestka, Space Phys., 90, 331, 1984. 76. Magnetic changes observed in a solar flare, R. L. Moore, G. J. Hurford, H. P. Jones and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 276, 379, 1984. 77. Solar hard X-ray microflares, R. P. Lin, R. A. Schwartz, S. R. Kane, R. M. Pelling and K. C. Hurley, Astrophys. J., 283, 421, 1984.
78. Acceleration of interplanetary solar electrons in the 1982 August 14 flare, S. R. Kane, P. Evenson and P. Meyer, Astrophys. J. Lett., 299, 1985. 79. Characteristics of the white light source in the 24 April 1981 solar flare, S. R. Kane, J. J. Love, D. F. Neidig and E. W. Cliver, Astrophys. J. Lett., 290, 1985. 80. Correlation of solar decimetric radio bursts with X-ray flares, M. J. Aschwanden, H. J. Wiehl, A. O. Benz and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 97, 159, 1985. 81. Soft-spectrum gamma-ray bursts, J. G. Laros, E. E. Fenimore, M. M. Fikani, R. W. Klebesadel and S. R. Kane, Proc. 19th Internat'l. Cosmic Ray Conf., ed. F. C. Jones et al., NASA CP 2376, NASA, Washington, D.C., 1, 5, 1985. 82. Solar flare development during the impulsive phase as deduced from correlated radio and hard X-ray observations, A. Raoult, M. Pick, B. R. Dennis and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 299, 1027, 1985. 83. The super-hot thermal component in the decay phase of solar flares, H.-A. Lin, R. P. Lin and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 99, 263, 1985.
84. A study of hard X-ray associated meter-decameter bursts observed on December 19, 1979, M. R. Kundu, T. E. Gergely, S. R. Kane and H. S. Sawant, Space Phys., 103, 153, 1986. 85. Electron acceleration in flares inferred from radio and hard X-ray emissions, A. O. Benz and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 104, 179, 1986. 86. MAX '91: An advanced payload for the exploration of high-energy processes on the active sun, B. Dennis, E. Chupp, C. Crannell, G. Doschek, H. Hudson, G. Hurford, S. Kane, R. Lin, T. Prince, R. Ramaty, G. Share and E. Tandberg- Hanssen, Report of the MAX '91 Science Study Committee, NASA, Washington, D.C., 55 pp., 1986. 87. Particle acceleration, L. Vlahos, E. Machado, R. Ramaty, R. J. Murphy, C. Alissandrakis, T. Bai, D. Batchelor, A. O. Benz, E. Chupp, D. Ellison, P. Evenson, D. J. Forrest, G. Holman, S. R. Kane, P. Kaufmann, M. R. Kundu, R. P. Lin, A. Mackinnon, H. Nakajima, M. Pesses, M. Pick,, in Energetic Phenomena on the Sun: The Solar Maximum Mission Flare Workshop Proc., NASA Conf. Publ. 2439, ed. M. Kundu and B. Woodgate, NASA, Washington, DC, chapter 2, 1986. 88. Radio evidence for a delayed acceleration process in solar flares, K. Kai, H. Nakajima, T. Kosugi, R. T. Stewart, G. Nelson and S. R. Kane, Space Phys., 105, 383, 1986. 89. Rapid acceleration of energetic particles in the 8 February 1982 solar flare, S. R. Kane, E. L. Chupp, D. J. Forrest, G. H. Share and E. Rieger, Astrophys. J. Lett., 300, 1986. 90. Solar gradual hard X-ray bursts and associated phenomena, E. W. Cliver, B. R. Dennis, A. L. Kiplinger, S. R. Kane, D. F. Neidig, N. R. Sheeley, Jr. and M. J. Koomen, Astrophys. J., 305, 920, 1986. 91. Solar gradual hard X-ray bursts: Observations and an interpretation, E. W. Cliver, B. R. Dennis, A. Kiplinger, S. Kane, D. F. Neidig, N. Sheeley, Jr. and M. Koomen, Adv. Space Res., 6, 249, 1986. 92. The soft gamma-ray burst GB790107, J. Laros, E. Fenimore, M. Fikani, R. Klebesadel, C. Barat, G. Chambon, K. Hurley, M. Niel, G. Vedrenne, S. Kane, V. Kurt, G. Mersov and V. Zenchenko, Nature, 322, 152, 1986. 93. Two frequency imaging of microwave impulsive flares near the limb, G. A. Dulk, T. S. Bastian and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 300, 438, 1986.
94. A new type of repetitive behavior in a high-energy transient, J. Laros, E. Fenimore, R. Klebesadel, J. Atteia, M. Boer, K. Hurley, M. Niel, G. Vedrenne, S. Kane, C. Kouveliotou, T. Cline, B. Dennis, U. Desai, L. Orwig, A. Kuznetsov, R. Sunyaev and O. Terekhov, Astrophys. J. Lett., 320, 1987. 95. Propagation and confinement of energetic electrons in solar flares, S. R. Kane, Recent Advances in the Understanding of Solar Flares: Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Seminar, April 1987, ed. H. Hudson and K. Kai, Space Phys., 113, 145, 1987. 96. Solar flare nuclear gamma-rays and interplanetary proton events, E. W. Cliver, D. J. Forrest, R. E. McGuire, T. T. von Rosenvinge, D. V. Reames, H. V. Cane and S. R. Kane, paper no. SH-2.2-2 in 20th Internat'l. Cosmic Ray Conf. Papers, Internat'l. Cosmic Ray Conf. Committee, 3, 61, 1987. 97. X-ray and low energy gamma-ray observations of the 16 February 1984 solar flare, S. R. Kane, R. W. Klebesadel, E. E. Fenimore and J. G. Laros, Solar-Geophysical Activity Report for STIP Interval XV, 12-21 February 1984 Ground Level Event, and STIP Interval XVI, 20 April - 4 May 1984 Forbush Decrease, Report UAG-96, ed. H. Coffey and J. Allen, Nat'l. Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration a, 100, 1987.
98. Directivity of 100 keV--1 MeV photon sources in solar flares, S. R. Kane, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebesadel and J. G. Laros, Astrophys. J., 326, 1017, 1988. 99. Extended coronal shock waves and electron acceleration during solar flares, K.-L. Klein, G. Trottet, A. O. Benz and S. R. Kane, Proc. Joint Varenna-Abastumani Int'l. School and Wkshp. on Plasma Astrophysics, ESA SP, 285, 1, 157, 1988. 100. Filament eruption and the impulsive phase of solar flares, S. W. Kahler, R. L. Moore, S. R. Kane and H. Zirin, Astrophys. J., 328, 824, 1988. 101. Intercalibration of the hard X-ray spectrometers on the PVO and ICE (ISEE-3) spacecraft, S. R. Kane, R. W. Klebesadel, E. E. Fenimore and J. G. Laros, Adv. Space Res., 8, 1988. 102. MONEX high energy monitor on P78-1: Intercalibration with ISEE-3 X-ray spectrometer, S. R. Kane, P. B. Landecker and D. L. McKenzie, Adv. Space Res., 8, 1988.
103. Soft X-ray, microwave, and hard X-ray emission from a solar flare: Implications for electron heating and acceleration in current channels, G. D. Holman, M. R. Kundu and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 345, 1050, 1989. 104. Solar flare nuclear gamma-rays and interplanetary proton events, E. W. Cliver, D. J. Forrest, H. V. Cane, D. V. Reames, R. E. McGuire, T. T. von Rosenvinge, S. R. Kane and R. J. MacDowall, Astrophys. J., 343, 953, 1989.
105. Correlation of solar radio pulsations with hard X-ray emission, M. J. Aschwanden, A. O. Benz and S. R. Kane, Astron. & Astrophys., 229, 206, 1990.
106. Solar Flare X-Ray Observations with Ulysses, Kane, S., Hurley, K., Cotin, F., Niel, M., Vedrenne, G., Henoux, J.C., and Sommer, M., Presented at the 21st AAS SPD Meeting, Huntsville, B.A.A.S., 23(2), 1042, 1991. 107. Stereoscopic Observations of Solar Flare X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Sources Using GRO Instruments, Kane, S., Hurley, K., Laros, J., and Sommer, M., Presented at the 21st AAS SPD Meeting, Huntsville, B.A.A.S, 23(2), 1073, 1991. 108. The electron distribution and SXT images of a coronal soft X-ray source, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane and J. M. Loran, in Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22: Proceedings, Tokyo, Japan 1990, eds. Y. Uchida, R. C. Canfield, T. Watanabe, and E. Hiei, 179, 1991.
109. Evidence of trapping for the microwave and hard X-ray emitting electrons in the large gradual flare of 26 April, 1981, G. Bruggman, N. Vilmer and S. R. Kane, Proc. 3rd CESRA Wkshp. on Particle Beams in the Solar Atmosphere, Braunwald, Switzerland, 21-25 August, 1989, 1992. 110. Gamma-ray and X-ray time profiles expected from a trap-plus-precipitation model for the 7 June 1980 and 27 April 1981 solar flares, E. Hulot, N. Vilmer, E. L. Chupp, B. R. Dennis and S. R. Kane, Astron. & Astrophys., 256, 273, 1992. 111. Stereoscopic observations of a solar flare hard X-ray source in the high corona, S. R. Kane, J. McTiernan, J. Loran, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebesadel and J. G. Laros, Astrophys. J., 390, 687, 1992. 112. Stereoscopic Observations of a Solar Hard X-Ray Flare with Ulysses, PVO, GRO, and Yohkoh Spacecraft, Kane, S., Hurley, K., McTiernan, J., Slocum, T., Laros, J., Fenimore, E., Klebesadel, R., Sommer, M., Yoshimuri, M., and Ohki, K., Presented at the 180th meeting of the AAS, Columbus, Ohio, B.A.A.S., 24(2), 760, 1992. 113. Stereoscopic observations of hard X-ray sources in solar flares made with GRO and other spacecraft, S. R. Kane, K. C. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan and J. G. Laros, The Compton Observatory Science Workshop, NASA Conf. Publ. 3137, ed. C. Shrader et al., NASA, Washington, D.C., 486, 1992. 114. The solar X-ray/cosmic gamma-ray burst experiment aboard Ulysses, K. Hurley, M. Sommer, J. Atteia, M. Boer, T. Cline, F. Cotin, J. Henoux, S. Kane, P. Lowes, M. Niel, J. Van Rooijen and G. Vedrenne, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 92, 401, 1992.
115. A high resolution gamma-ray and hard X-ray spectrometer (HIREGS) for long duration balloon flights, M. Pelling, P. Feffer, K. Hurley, S. Kane, R. Lin, S. McBride, J. Primbsch, D. Smith, K. Youssefi, G. Zimmer, F. Cotin, J. Lavigne, G. Rouaix, S. Slassi, G. Vedrenne, R. Pehl, C. Cork, P. Luke, N. Madden and D. Malone, Proc. SPIE Meeting, San Diego, July 1992, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, SPIE Vol. 1743, EUV, X- Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy III, 408, 1993. 116. Characteristics of energy release deduced from solar hard X-ray flares observed with Ulysses, S. Kane, K. Hurley, J. McTiernan, T. Slocum, and M. Sommer, Bull. A.A.S., 25(4), 1195, 1993. 117. Comparison of YOHKOH, Ulysses, and PVO data with thick-target electron beam models for the 15 Nov 1991 flare, J. McTiernan, S. Kane, K. Hurley, J. Laros, E. Fenimore, R. Klebesadel, M. Sommer, M. Yoshimuri, and T. Kosugi, Bull. A.A.S., 25(3), 1188, 1993. 118. Energetics and timing of the hard and soft x-ray emissions in white light flares, D. F. Neidig and S. R. Kane, Solar Phys., 143, 201, 1993. 119. Initial results from the solar flare X-ray observations with Ulysses, S. Kane, K. Hurley, J. McTiernan, and M. Sommer, Adv. Space Res., 13, 1993. 120. Preliminary results from the HIgh REsolution Gamma-ray and hard X-ray Spectrometer (HIREGS) '92 - '93 long duration balloon flight in Antarctica, R. Lin, P. Feffer, S. Slassi, W. Whiteside, D. Smith, K. Hurley, S. Kane, S. McBride, H. Primbsch, K. Youssefi, G. Zimmer, R. Pelling, F. Cotin, J. Lavigne, G. Rouaix, G. Vedrenne, R. Pehl, C. Cork, P. Luke, N. Madden, and D. Malone, Bull. A.A.S., 25(3), 1185, 1993. 121. Preliminary results from the high resolution gamma-ray and hard X-ray spectrometer (HIREGS) long duration balloon flight in Antarctica, P. T. Feffer, R. P. Lin, D. M. Smith, K. C. Hurley, S. R. Kane, S. McBride, J. H. Primbsch, K. Youssefi, G. Zimmer, R. M. Pelling, F. Cotin, J. M. Lavigne, G. Rouaix, S. Slassi, G. Vedrenne, R. Pehl, C. Cork, P. Luke, N. Madden, and D. Malone, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 97, 31, 1993. 122. Preliminary results from the HIgh REsolution Gamma-ray and X-ray Spectrometer (HIREGS) '92 - '93 long duration balloon flight in Antarctica, R. Lin, P. Feffer, S. Slassi, W. Whiteside, D. Smith, K. Hurley, S. Kane, S. McBride, H. Primbsch, K. Youssefi, G. Zimmer, R. Pelling, F. Cotin, J. Lavigne, G. Rouaix, G. Vedrenne, R. Pehl, C. Cork, P. Luke, N. Madden, and D. Malone, Bull. A.A.S., 25(3), 893, 1993. 123. Spatial and spectral characteristics of the X-ray sources in the 15 November 1991 solar flare, S. R. Kane, J. M. McTiernan, J. Loran, J. Lemen, M. Yoshimori, K. Ohki, and T. Kosugi, Adv. Space Res., 13, 1993. 124. Temperature and density structure of a solar flare observed by the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope and hard X-ray telescope, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, J. M. Loran, J. R. Lemen, L. W. Acton, H. Hara, S. Tsuneta, and T. Kosugi, X-Ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh, ed. Y. Uchida, T. Watanabe, K. Shibata, and H. S. Hudson (Tokyo: Universal Academy Press), 255, 1993. 125. Temperature and density structure of the 1991 November 2 flare observed by the YOHKOH soft X-ray telescope and hard X-ray telescope, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, J. M. Loran, J. R. Lemen, L. W. Acton, H. Hara, S. Tsuneta, and T. Kosugi, Astrophys. J., 416, 1993.
126. Electron trapping in evolving coronal structures during a large gradual hard X-ray/radio burst, G. Bruggmann, H. Vilmer, K.-L. Klein, and S. R. Kane, Solar Phys., 149, 171, 1994. 127. Multispacecraft observations and thick-target electron beam models for the 15-Nov-1991 flare, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, K. Hurley, J. G. Laros, E. E. Fenimore, R. W. Klebsadel, M. Sommer, and M. Yoshimori, Proc. Kofu '93 Symposium, Kofu, Japan, 389, 1994. 128. Nonthermal processes in flaring x-ray-bright points, M.R. Kundu, K.T. Strong, M. Pick, S. M White, H.S. Hudson, K. L. Harvey and S.R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 427, 59L, 1994.
129. Energy release and dissipation during giant solar flares, S. R. Kane, K. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan, M. Sommer, M. Boer, and M. Niel, Astrophys. J., 446, L47, 1995. 130. Statistical studies of ISEE-3/ICE observations of impulsive hard X-ray solar flares, K. Bromund, J. M. McTiernan, and S. R. Kane, Astrophys. J., 455, 733, 1995. 131. Ulysses and BATSE observations of the June 30 1991 solar flare, P. Li, K. Hurley, S. Kane, and J. McTiernan, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 76, 1995.
132. Stereoscopic observations of solar hard x-ray flares made by Ulysses and Yohkoh, S. R. Kane, K. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan, M. Boer, M. Niel, T. Kosugi, and M. Yoshimori, Astrophys. J., 500, 1003, 1998.
133. Hard X-ray and high-frequency decimetric radio observations of the 4 April 2002 solar flare, S.R. Kane, H.S. Sawant, J.R. Cecatto, M.C. Andrade, F.C.R. Fernandes, H. Meszarosova, and M. Karlicky, Adv. Space Res., 32(12), 2503-2508, 2003. 134. RHESSI observations of the coronal component of solar flare hard X-ray sources, S.R. Kane and G.J. Hurford, Adv. Space Res., 586, 606-616, 2003. 135. Stereoscopic observations of the giant hard X-ray/gamma-ray solar flare on 1991 June 30 at 0255 UT, G. Trottet, R. A. Schwartz, K. Hurley, J. M. McTiernan, S. R. Kane, and N Vilmer, Astronomy and Astrophys., in press, 2003.
136. Stereoscopic Observations of the Hard X-ray Source in the Giant Solar Flare on 4 November 2003, Kane, S., McTiernan, J., and Hurley, K., Bull. A.A.S., 36(2), # 47.06, 737, 2004.
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