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Robert Lillis
1. Mapping crustal magnetic fields at Mars using electron reflectometry, Lillis, R. J.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Connerney, J. E. P.; Acuña, M. H., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(15), L15702, 2004.
2. December 27th Magnetar Event Observations by Mars Global Surveyor, Lillis, R. J.; Brain, D. A.; Halekas, J. S.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P., 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 14-18, 2005, in League City, Texas , 2005. 3. Probing upper thermospheric neutral densities at Mars using electron reflectometry, Lillis, R. J.; Engel, J. H.; Mitchell, D. L.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Bougher, S.W.; Acuña, M. H. , Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(23), L23204, 2005. 4. Variability of the altitude of the Martian sheath, Brain, D.A., J.S. Halekas, R. Lillis, D.L. Mitchell, R.P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(18), L18203, 2005.
5. Current sheets at low altitudes in the Martian magnetotail , J. S. Halekas, D. A. Brain, R. J. Lillis, M. O. Fillingim, D. L. Mitchell, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L13101, 2006. 6. Unusual magnetic signature of the Hadriaca Patera Volcano: Implications for early Mars, Lillis, R. J.; Manga, M.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Acuna, M. H. , Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(3), L03202, 2006.
7. A global map of Mars' crustal magnetic field based on electron reflectometry, Mitchell, D. L.; Lillis, R. J.; Lin, R. P.; Connerney, J. E. P.; Acuña, M. H., J. Geophys. Res., 112 (E1), E01002, 2007. 8. Basin Magnetic Signatures and Crater Retention Ages: Evidence for a Rapid Shutdown of the Martian Dynamo, Lillis, R. J.; Frey, H. V.; Manga, M.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Acuña, M. H., 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas., LPI Contribution No. 1338, 1515, 2007. 9. East-West trending magnetic anomalies in the southern hemisphere of Mars: modeling analysis and interpretation, Hood, L. L., N. C. Richmond, K. P. Harrison, R. J. Lillis , Icarus, 191 , 113-131, 2007. 10. Electron pitch angle distributions as indicators of magnetic field topology near Mars, Brain, D. A.; Lillis, R. J.; Mitchell, D. L.; Halekas, J. S.; Lin, R. P., J. Geophys. Res., 112 (A9), A09201, 2007. 11. Model calculations of electron precipitation induced ionization patches on the nightside of Mars, M. O. Fillingim, L. M. Peticolas, R. J. Lillis, D. A. Brain, J. S. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, D. Lummerzheim, S. W. Bougher, and D. L. Kirchner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L12101, 2007.
12. An improved crustal magnetic field map of Mars from electron reflectometry: Highland volcano magmatic history and the end of the martian dynamo, Lillis, Robert J.; Frey, Herbert V.; Manga, Michael; Mitchell, David L.; Lin, Robert P.; Acuña, Mario H.; Bougher, Stephen W., Icarus, 194 (2), 575-596, 2008. 13. ARTEMIS: A Two-Satellite Mission to Study Moon in 2010-2012 and Beyond, Angelopoulos, V.; Sibeck, D. G.; Farrell, W. M.; Delory, G. T.; Halekas, J.; Lillis, R.; Brain, D.; Khurana, K. K.; Russell, C. T.; Kivelson, M. G.; Murphy, N.; Shriver, D.; Travnicek, P.; Bonnell, J.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Glassmeier, K.-H., NLSI Lunar Science Conference, held July 20-23, 2008 at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, LPI Contribution No. 1415, abstract no. 2161., 2008. 14. Continuous monitoring of nightside upper thermospheric mass densities in the Martian southern hemisphere over 4 Martian years using electron reflectometry, Lillis, Robert J.; Bougher, Stephen W.; Mitchell, David L.; Brain, David A.; Lin, Robert P.; Acuña, Mario H., Icarus, 194 (2), 562-574, 2008. 15. Electron reflectometry in the martian atmosphere, Lillis, Robert J.; Mitchell, David L.; Lin, Robert P.; Acuña, Mario H. , Icarus, 194 (2), 544-561, 2008.
16. Nightside ionosphere of Mars: Modeling the effects of crustal magnetic fields and electron pitch angle distributions on electron impact ionization, Lillis, Robert J.; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Peticolas, Laura M.; Brain, David A.; Lin, Robert P.; Bougher, Stephen W., J. Geophys. Res., 114 (E11), E11009, 2009.
17. ARTEMIS, A Two Spacecraft, Planetary and Heliospheric Lunar Mission, Angelopoulos, V.; Lillis, R.; Sibeck, D. G.; Halekas, J.; Delory, G. T.; Khurana, K. K.; Russell, C. T.; McFadden, J. P.; Bonnell, J.; Larson, D., 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1533, 1425, 2010. 18. How strong are lunar crustal magnetic fields at the surface?: Considerations from a reexamination of the electron reflectometry technique, J.S. Halekas, R.J. Lillis, R.P. Lin, M. Manga, M.E. Purucker, R.A. Carley, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (E3), E03006, 2010. 19. Impact Demagnetization at Mars: New Constraints from Monte Carlo Modeling and Multiple Altitude Magnetic Field Data, Lillis, R. J.; Halekas, J. S.; Stewart, S. T.; Louzada, K. L.; Purucker, M. E.; Manga, M., 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1533, 1514, 2010. 20. Localized ionization patches in the nighttime ionosphere of Mars and their electrodynamic consequences, M.O. Fillingim, L.M. Peticolas, R.J. Lillis, D.A. Brain, J.S. Halekas, D. Lummerzheim, S.W. Bougher, Icarus, 206, 112-119, 2010. 21. Lunar Impact Demagnetization: New Constraints from Monte Carlo Modeling and Multiple Altitude Magnetic Field Data, Lillis, R. J.; Halekas, J. S.; Stewart, S. T.; Louzada, K. L.; Purucker, M. E.; Manga, M., 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 1-5, 2010 in The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1533, 1511, 2010. 22. Study of impact demagnetization at Mars using Monte Carlo modeling and multiple altitude data, R. Lillis, M.E. Purucker, J. Halekas K. Louzada, S.T. Stewart, M. Manga, H. Frey, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (E7), E07007, 2010. 23. Total electron content in the Mars ionosphere: Temporal studies and dependence on solar EUV flux, Lillis, Robert J.; Brain, David A.; England, Scott L.; Withers, Paul; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Safaeinili, Ali, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A11), A11314, 2010.
24. ARTEMIS Science Objectives, Sibeck, D. G.; Angelopoulos, V.; Brain, D. A.; Delory, G. T.; Eastwood, J. P.; Farrell, W. M.; Grimm, R. E.; Halekas, J. S.; Hasegawa, H.; Hellinger, P.; Khurana, K. K.; Lillis, R. J.; Øieroset, M.; Phan, T.-D.; Raeder, J.; Russell, C. T.; Schriver, D.; Slavin, J. A.; Travnicek, P. M.; Weygand, J. M., Space Sci. Rev., 165 (1-4), 59-91, 2011. 25. Determination of seasonal variations in the Martian neutral atmosphere from observations of ionospheric peak height, Zou, Hong; Lillis, Robert J.; Wang, Jin Song; Nielsen, Erling, J. Geophys. Res., 116 (E9), E09004, 2011. 26. Electric field-driven currents in the ionosphere of Mars, Fillingim, M. O.; Lillis, R. J.; Ma, Y., EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France, 2011. 27. Impact demagnetization of the Martian crust: Current knowledge and future directions, Louzada, Karin L.; Stewart, Sarah T.; Weiss, Benjamin P.; Gattacceca, Jérôme; Lillis, Robert J.; Halekas, Jasper S., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 305 (3-4), 257-269, 2011. 28. Three-dimensional structure of the Martian nightside ionosphere, Lillis, R. J.; Fillingim, M. O.; Brain, D. A., EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France, 2011. 29. Three-dimensional structure of the Martian nightside ionosphere: Predicted rates of impact ionization from Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer and electron reflectometer measurements of precipitating electrons, Lillis, Robert J.; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Brain, David A., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A12), A12317, 2011.
30. Computing uncertainties in ionosphere-airglow models: I. Electron flux and species production uncertainties for Mars, Gronoff, Guillaume; Simon Wedlund, Cyril; Mertens, Christopher J.; Lillis, Robert J., J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A4), A04306, 2012. 31. Computing uncertainties in ionosphere-airglow models: II. The Martian airglow, Gronoff, Guillaume; Simon Wedlund, Cyril; Mertens, Christopher J.; Barthélemy, Mathieu; Lillis, Robert J.; Witasse, Olivier, J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A5), A05309, 2012. 32. Energetic particles detected by the Electron Reflectometer instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor, 1999–2006, Delory, Gregory T.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Brain, David; Lillis, Robert J.; Mitchell, David L.; Mewaldt, Richard A.; Falkenberg, Thea Vilstrup, Space Weather: The International Journal of Research and Applications, 10, S06003, 2012. 33. Evidence for superthermal secondary electrons produced by SEP ionization in the Martian atmosphere, Lillis, Robert J.; Brain, David A.; Delory, Gregory T.; Mitchell, David L.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Lin, Robert P., J. Geophys. Res., 117 (E3), E03004, 2012. 34. Nightside ionosphere of Mars: results from the MARSIS instrument, Nemec, F.; Morgan, D. D.; Gurnett, D. A.; Fillingim, M. O.; Lillis, R. J.; Duru, F., EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria, 1489, 2012. 35. On the nature of the variability of the Martian thermospheric mass density: Results from electron reflectometry with Mars Global Surveyor, England, Scott L.; Lillis, Robert J., J. Geophys. Res., 117 (E2), E02008, 2012. 36. On wind-driven electrojets at magnetic cusps in the nightside ionosphere of Mars, Fillingim, M. O.; Lillis, R. J.; England, S. L.; Peticolas, L. M.; Brain, D. A.; Halekas, J. S.; Paty, C.; Lummerzheim, D.; Bougher, S. W., Earth, Planets and Space, 64 (2), 93-103, 2012.
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