David Mitchell
1. Derivation of heavy (10-210 amu) ion composition and flow parameters for the Giotto PICCA instrument, D. L. Mitchell, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, D. W. Curtis, R. P. Lin, A. Korth, A. K. Richter, H. Rème, J. A. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston and D. A. Mendis, Proc. 20th ESLAB Symp. on the Exploration of Halley's Comet, ed. B. Battrick et al., European Space Agency, Paris, ESA SP, 250, I, 203, 1986. 2. Radial variations of flow parameters and composition of cold heavy ions within 50,000 km of Halley's nucleus, A. Korth, A. K. Richter, D. A. Mendis, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, D. W. Curtis, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell, H. Rème, J. A. Sauvaud and C. d'Uston, Proc. 20th ESLAB Symp. on the Exploration of Halley's Comet, ed. B. Battrick et al., European Space Agency, Paris, ESA SP, 250, I, 199, 1986.
3. Evidence for chain molecules enriched in carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in Comet Halley, D. Mitchell, R. Lin, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, D. Curtis, A. Korth, H. Rème, J. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston and D. Mendis, Science, 237, 626, 1987. 4. Evidence for first polymer in Comet Halley: Polyoxymethylene, W. F. Huebner, D. C. Boice, C. M. Sharp, A. Korth, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell and H. Rème, Symp. on the Diversity and Similarity of Comets, 6-9 April 1987, Brussels, Belgium, European Space Agency, Paris, ESA SP, 278, 163, 1987. 5. The composition and radial dependence of cometary ions in the coma of comet P/Halley, A. Korth, A. Richter, D. Mendis, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, D. Curtis, R. Lin, D. Mitchell, H. Rème, J. Sauvaud and C. d'Uston, Astron. & Astrophys., 187, 149, 1987.
6. Complex organic ions in the atmosphere of Comet Halley, D. L. Mitchell, R. Lin, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, D. Curtis, A. Korth, H. Rème, J. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston and D. Mendis, Adv. Space Res., 9, 1989. 7. On the global nature of the solar wind interaction with Comet Halley, D. Mendis, K. Flammer, H. Rème, J. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, F. Cotin, A. Cros, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, D. Curtis, D. Larson, R. Lin, D. Mitchell, A. Korth and A. Richter, Ann. Geophysicae, 7, 99, 1989. 8. On the possible detection of organic dust-borne C3H+ ions in the coma of Comet Halley, M. L. Marconi, A. Korth, D. A. Mendis, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell, H. Rème and C. d'Uston, Astrophys. J. Lett., 343, 1989. 9. Probable detection of organic dust-borne aromatic C3H3+ ions in the coma of comet Halley, A. Korth, M. Marconi, D. Mendis, F. Krueger, A. Richter, R. Lin, D. Mitchell, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, H. Rème, J. Sauvaud and C. d'Uston, Nature, 337, 53, 1989.
10. The identification of H3 S+ with the ion of mass per charge (m/q) 35 observed in the coma of Comet Halley, M. L. Marconi, D. A. Mendis, A. Korth, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell and H. Rème, Astrophys. J. Lett., 352, 1990.
11. Negative ions in the coma of comet Halley, P. Chaizy, H. Rème, J. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, R. Lin, D. Larson, D. Mitchell, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, A. Korth and D. Mendis, Nature, 349, 393, 1991. 12. Sulfur bearing ions in the ionosphere of Comet Halley, M. L. Marconi, D. A. Mendis, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, A. Korth and H. Rème, Astrophys. J., 378, 756, 1991.
13. The origin of complex organic ions in the coma of Comet Halley, D. Mitchell, R. Lin, C. Carlson, A. Korth, H. Rème and D. Mendis, Icarus, 98, 125, 1992.
14. Structure and properties of the subsolar magnetopause for northward interplanetary magnetic field: Multiple-instrument particle observations, P. Song, C. T. Russell, R. J. Fitzenbeiter, J. T. Gosling, M. F. Thomsen, D. G. Mitchell, S. A. Fuselier, G. K. Parks, R. R. Anderson, and D. Hubert, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 11319, 1993.
15. Multi-point study of bursty bulk flow events during the sequence of small substorms, V. Angelopoulos, V. A. Sergeev, D. N. Baker, D. J. Mitchell, G. D. Reeves, C. T. Russell, J. J. Singer, Proceedings of the Second Intern'l Conf. on Substorms, 1994.
16. Growth and evolution of a plasmoid associated with a small, isolated substorm: IMP8-GEOTAIL measurements in the plasma sheet, V. Angelopoulos, D. G. Mitchell, D. J. Williams, R. W. McEntire, A. T. Y. Lui, S. P. Christon, S. M. Krimigis, E. C. Roelof, S. Kokubun, T. Yamamoto, W. J. Hughes, J. C. Samson, E. Friis-Christensen, and K. Hayashi, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 3011, 1995. 17. In situ observations of magnetotail reconnection prior to onset of a small substorm, V. A. Sergeev, V. Angelopoulos, D. G. Mitchell, and C. T. Russell, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 19121, 1995.
18. Tailward progression of magnetotail acceleration centers: relationship to substorm current wedge, V. Angelopoulos, D. G. Mitchell, R. W. McEntire, D. J. Willimas, A. T. Y. Lui, S. M. Krimingis, R. B. Decker, S. P. Christon, S. Kokubun, T. Yamamoto, Y. Saito, T. Mukai, F. S. Mozer, K. Tsuruda, G. Reeves, W. J. Hughes, E. Friis-Christensen, and O. Troshichev, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 24599, 1996.
19. An Assessment of the Solar and Space Physics Aspects of NASA's Space Science Enterprise Strategic Plan, J. G. Luhmann, S. Antiochos, J. Kozyra, R. P. Lin, D. Mitchell, A. Richmond, H. E. Spence, M. Thomsen, and R. Ulrich, National Academy of Sciences, 1997. 20. Space Weather: A Research Perspective, J. G. Luhmann, S. Antiochos, J. Kozyra, R. P. Lin, D. Mitchell, A. Richmond, H. E. Spence, M. Thomsen, and R. Ulrich, National Academy of Sciences, 1997.
21. Lunar surface magnetic fields and their interaction with the solar wind: Results from lunar prospector, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell, D. W. Curtis, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, M. H. Acuña, L. L. Hood and A. Binder, Science, 281, 1480, 1998. 22. Magnetic field and plasma observations at Mars: Initial results of the Mars Global Surveyor Mission, M. H. Acuña, J. E. P. Connerney, P. Wasilewski, R. P. Lin, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, D. W. Curtis, D. Mitchell, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, J. A. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, A. Cros, J. L. Medale, S. J. Bauer, P. Cloutier, M. Mayhew, D. Winterhalter,, Science, 279, 1676, 1998.
23. Global distribution of crustal magnetization discovered by the Mars Global Surveyor MAG/ER experiment, M. H. Acuna, J. E. P. Connerney, N. F. Ness, R. P. Lin, D. Mitchell, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, K. A. Anderson, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, D. Vignes, P. Wasilewski, and P. Cloutier, Science, 284, 790, 1999. 24. Initial measurements of the lunar induced magnetic dipole moment using lunar prospector magnetometer data, L. L. Hood, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, M. A. Acuna, A. B. Binder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2327, 1999. 25. Magnetic lineations in the ancient crust of Mars, J. E. P. Connerney, M. H. Acuna, P. J. Wasilewski, N. F. Ness, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, D. Vignes, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell, and P. A. Cloutier, Science, 284, 794, 1999. 26. Venus-like interaction of the solar wind with Mars, P. A. Cloutier , C. C. Law, D. H. Crider, P. W. Walker, Y. Chen, M. H. Acuna, J. E. P. Connerney, R. P. Lin, K. A. Anderson, D. L. Mitchell, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, D. A. Brain, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, J. A. Sauvaud, C. d'Uston, D. Vignes, S. J. Bauer, a, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2685, 1999.
27. Evidence of electron impact ionization in the magnetic pileup boundary of Mars, D. Crider, P. Cloutier, C. Law, P. Walker, Y. Chen, M. Acuna, J. Connerney, D. Mitchell, R. Lin, K. Anderson, C. Carlson, J. McFadden, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, C. d'Uston, J. Sauvaud, D. Vignes, D. Brain, and N. Ness, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 45, 2000. 28. Initial mapping and interpretation of lunar curstal magnetic anomalies using Lunar Prospector magnetometer data, L. L. Hood, A. Zakharian, J. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, M. H. Acuna, and A. B. Binder, J. Geophys. Res., 2000. 29. Mapping of crustal magnetic anomalies on the lunar near side by the Lunar Prospector electron reflectometer, J. S. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, S. Frey, L. L. Hood, M. H. Acuna, and A. B. Binder, J. Geophys. Res., 2000. 30. New view of the Earth's magnetosphere with IMAGE satellite, J. L. Burch, S. B. Mende, D. G. Mitchell, T. E. Moore, C. J. Pollock, B. W. Reinisch, B. R. Sandel, S. Fusilier, D. L. Gallagher, J. L. Green, and P. H. Reiff, Science, in press, 2000. 31. Oxygen Auger electrons observed in Mars' ionosphere, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, H. Rème, D. H. Crider, P. A. Cloutier, J. E. P. Connerney, M. H. Acuña, and N. F. Ness, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1871, 2000. 32. The Solar Wind interaction with Mars: locations and shapes of the Bow Shock and the Magnetic Pile-up Boundary from the observations of the MAG/ER experiment onboard Mars Global Surveyor, D. Vignes, C. Mazelle, H. Reme, M. H. Acuna, J. E. P. Connerney, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell, P. Cloutier, D. H. Crider, and N. F. Ness, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 49, 2000.
33. Hot diamagnetic cavities upstream of the Martian bow shock, M. Oieroset, D. L. Mitchell, T. D. Phan, R. P. Lin, and M. H. Acuna, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 887, 2001. 34. Initial mapping and interpretation of lunar curstal magnetic anomalies using Lunar Prospector magnetometer data, L. L. Hood, A. Zakharian, J. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, M. H. Acuna, and A. B. Binder, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 27825, 2001. 35. Magnetic field draping around Mars: Mars Global Surveyor results, Crider, D., M. Acuna, J. Connerney, D. Mitchell, R. Lin, P. Cloutier, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, D. Brain, N. Ness, and S. Bauer, Adv. Space Res., 27(11), 1831-1836, 2001. 36. Magnetic field of Mars: Summary of results from the aerobraking and mapping orbits, M. H. Acuna, J. E. P. Connerney, P. Wasilewski, R. P. Lin, D. Mitchell, K. A. Anderson, C. W. Carlson, J. McFadden, H. Reme, C. Mazelle, D. Vignes, S. J. Bauer, P. Cloutier, and N. F. Ness, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 23403, 2001. 37. Mapping of crustal magnetic anomalies on the lunar near side by the Lunar Prospector electron reflectometer, J. S. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, S. Frey, L. L. Hood, M. H. Acuna, and A. B. Binder, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 27841, 2001. 38. Probing Mars' crustal magnetic field and ionosphere with the MGS Electron Reflectometer, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, C. Mazelle, H. Reme, P. A. Cloutier, J. E. P. Connerney, M. H. Acuña, and N. F. Ness, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 23419, 2001. 39. Scientific objectives of the DYNAMO mission, E. Chassefiere, et al. including R. Lin, J. Luhmann, and D. Mitchell, Adv. Space Res., 27, 1851, 2001. 40. The global magnetic field of Mars and implications for crustal evolution, J. E. P. Connerney, M. H. Acuna, P. J. Wasilewski, G. Kletetschka, N. F. Newss, H. Reme, R. P. Lin, D. L. Mitchell, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 4015, 2001. 41. Views of Earth's magnetosphere with the IMAGE satellite, J. L. Burch, S. B. Mende, D. G. Mitchell, T. E. Moore, C. J. Pollock, B. W. Reinisch, B. R. Sandel, S. A, Fuselier, D. L. Gallagher, J. L. Green, J. D. Perez, P. H. Reiff, Science, 291, 619, 2001.
42. A telescopic and microscopic view of a magnetospheric substorm on 31 March 2001: New CLUSTER II observations, D. N. Baker, R. E. Ergun, J. L. Burch, J. -M. Jahn, P. W. Daly, R. Friedel, G. D. Reeves, T. A. Fritz, and D. G. Mitchell, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(18), 1862, 2002. 43. Demagnetization signatures of lunar impact craters, J.S. Halekas, D.L. Mitchell, R.P. Lin, L.L. Hood, M.H. Acuna and A.B. Binder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 23-1, 2002. 44. Evidence for negative charging of the lunar surface in shadow, J.S. Halekas, D.L. Mitchell, R.P. Lin, L.L. Hood, M.H. Acuna, A.B. Binder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 77-1, 2002. 45. Global comparison of magnetospheric ion fluxes and auroral precipitation during a substorm, S. B. Mende, H. U. Frey, T. Immel, D. G. Mitchell, P. C. Son-Brandt, J.-C. Gerard, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 51-1, 2002. 46. IMAGE/high-energy energetic neutral atom: Global energetic neutral atom imaging of the plasma sheet and ring current during substorms, C:son Brandt, P., R. Demajistre, E. C. Roelof, S. Ohtani, D. G. Mitchell, and S. Mende, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A12), 1454, 2002. 47. Interplanetary magnetic field control of afternoon-sector detached proton auroral arcs, J.L. Burch, W.S. Lewis, T.J. Immel, P.C. Anderson, H.U. Frey, S.A. Fuselier, J.-C. Gerard, S.B. Mende, D.G. Mitchell and M.F. Thomsen, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 17-1, 2002. 48. Observations of low frequency electromagnetic plasma waves upstream from the Martian shock, Brain, D.A., F. Bagenal, M.H. Acuña, J.E.P. Connerney, D.H. Crider, C. Mazelle, D.L. Mitchell, and N.F. Ness, J. Geophys. Res., 107(A6), 1076, 2002.
49. Correlation of a strong lunar magnetic anomaly with a high-albedo region of the Descartes mountains, N.C. Richmond, L.L. Hood, J.S. Halekas, D.L. Mitchell, R.P. Lin, M. Acuña, and A.B. Binder, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(7), 1395, 2003. 50. Global imaging of O+ from IMAGE/HENA, D.G. Mitchell, P. Brandt, E. C. Roelofl, D.C. Hamilton, K.C. Retterer and S. Mende, Space Sci. Rev., 109, 63-75, 2003. 51. Inferring the scale height of the lunar nightside double layer, J. S. Halekas, R. P. Lin, and D. L. Mitchell, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(21), 2117, 2003. 52. Magnetic fields of lunar multi-ring impact basins, J. S. Halekas, R. P. Lin, and D. L. Mitchell, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 38(4), 565-578, 2003.
53. DYNAMO: a Mars upper atmosphere package for investigating solar wind interaction and escape processes, and mapping Martian fields, Chassefière, E.; Nagy, A.; Mandea, M.; Primdahl, F.; Rème, H.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Lin, R.; Barabash, S.; Mitchell, D.; Zurbuchen, T.; Leblanc, F.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Waite, H.; Young, D. T.; Clarke, J.; Parrot, M.; Trotignon, J.-G.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Quèmerais, E.; Barlier, F.; Szegö, K.; Szalaï, S.; Bougher, S.; Forget, F.; Lilensten, J.; Barriot, J.-P.; Chanteur, G.; Luhmann, J.; Hulot, G.; Purucker, M.; Breuer, D.; Smrekar, S.; Jakosky, B.; Menvielle, M.; Sasaki, S.; Acuna, M.; Keating, G.; Touboul, P.; Gérard, J.-C.; Rochus, P.; Orsini, S.; Cerutti-Maori, G.; Porteneuve, J.; Meftah, M.; Malique, Ch., Adv. Space Res., 33 (12), 2228-2235, 2004. 54. Mapping crustal magnetic fields at Mars using electron reflectometry, Lillis, R. J.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Connerney, J. E. P.; Acuña, M. H., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(15), L15702, 2004. 55. MGS MAG/ER observations at the magnetic pileup boundary of Mars: draping enhancement and low frequency waves, C. Bertucci, C. Mazelle, D.H. Crider, D.L. Mitchell, K. Sauer, M.H. Acuña, J.E.P. Connerney, R.P. Lin, N.F. Ness, and D. Winterhalter, Adv. Space Res., 33 (11), 1938-1944, 2004. 56. The magnetic field pile-up and density depletion in the Martian magnetosheath: A comparison with the plasma depletion layer upstream of the Earth's magnetopause, Øieroset, M., D. L. Mitchell, T.-D. Phan, R. P. Lin, D. H. Crider, and M. H. Acuna, Space Sci. Rev. (also in Mars' Magnetism and its Interaction with the Solar Wind, edited by D. Winterhalter, M. Acuna, and A. Zakharov, Space Sciences Series of ISSI Vol. 18, p. 185, Kluwer Academic Publishers), 111, 185, 2004.
57. Correlations between magnetic anomalies and surface geology antipodal to lunar impact basins, Richmond, N. C.; Hood, L. L.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Acuña, M. H.; Binder, A. B., J. Geophys. Res., 110 (E5), E05011, 2005. 58. December 27th Magnetar Event Observations by Mars Global Surveyor, Lillis, R. J.; Brain, D. A.; Halekas, J. S.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P., 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 14-18, 2005, in League City, Texas , 2005. 59. Electrons and magnetic fields in the lunar plasma wake, Halekas, J. S.; Bale, S. D.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P., J. Geophys. Res., 110(A7), A07222, 2005. 60. From the Cover: Tectonic implications of Mars crustal magnetism, Connerney, J. E. P.; Acuña, M. H.; Ness, N. F.; Kletetschka, G.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Reme, H., Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 102 (42), 14970-14975, 2005. 61. Large negative lunar surface potentials in sunlight and shadow, Halekas, J. S., R. P. Lin, and D. L. Mitchell, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L09102, 2005. 62. Mars Global Surveyor observations of the Halloween 2003 solar super-storm's encounter with Mars, Crider, D.H., J. Espley, D.A. Brain, D.L. Mitchell, J.E.P. Connerney, M.H. Acuña, J. Geophys. Res., 110 (A9), A09S21, 2005. 63. Probing upper thermospheric neutral densities at Mars using electron reflectometry, Lillis, R. J.; Engel, J. H.; Mitchell, D. L.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Bougher, S.W.; Acuña, M. H. , Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(23), L23204, 2005. 64. Variability of the altitude of the Martian sheath, Brain, D.A., J.S. Halekas, R. Lillis, D.L. Mitchell, R.P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(18), L18203, 2005.
65. Current sheets at low altitudes in the Martian magnetotail , J. S. Halekas, D. A. Brain, R. J. Lillis, M. O. Fillingim, D. L. Mitchell, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L13101, 2006. 66. Numerical interpretation of high-altitude photoelectron observations, Liemohn, Michael W.; Frahm, R. A.; Winningham, J. D.; Ma, Y.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; Kozyra, J. U.; Nagy, A. F.; Bougher, S. M.; Bell, J.; Brain, D.; Mitchell, D.; Luhmann, J.; Holmström, M.; Andersson, H.; Yamauchi, M.; Grigoriev, A.; McKenna-Lawler, S.; Sharber, J. R.; Scherrer, J. R.; Jeffers, S. J.; Coates, A. J.; Linder, D. R.; Kataria, D. O.; Kallio, E.; Koskinen, H.; Säles, T.; Riihelä, P.; Schmidt, W.; Roelof, E.; Williams, D.; Livi, S.; Curtis, C. C.; Hsieh, K. C.; Sandel, B. R.; Grande, M.; Carter, M.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Fedorov, A.; Thocaven, J.-J.; Orsini, S.; Cerulli-Irelli, R.; Maggi, M.; Wurz, P.; Bochsler, P.; Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Fränz, M.; Asamura, K.; Dierker, C., Icarus, 182 (2), 383-395, 2006. 67. On the occurrence of magnetic enhancements caused by solar wind interaction with lunar crustal fields, Halekas, J. S., D. A. Brain, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, and L. Harrison, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L08106, 2006. 68. On the origin of aurorae on Mars, Brain, D. A.; Halekas, J. S.; Peticolas, L. M.; Lin, R. P.; Luhmann, J. G.; Mitchell, D. L.; Delory, G. T.; Bougher, S. W.; Acuña, M. H.; Rème, H., Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(1), L01201, 2006. 69. Relationship between Region 2 field-aligned current and the ring current: Model results, Zheng, Y.; Lui, A. T. Y.; Fok, M.-C.; Anderson, B. J.; Brandt, P. C.; Immel, T. J.; Mitchell, D. G., J. Geophys. Res., 111 (A11), A11S06, 2006. 70. Role of plasma waves in Mars' atmospheric loss, Ergun, R. E.; Andersson, L.; Peterson, W. K.; Brain, D.; Delory, G. T.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Yau, A. W. , Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (14), L14103, 2006. 71. The magnetic field draping direction at Mars from April 1999 through August 2004, Brain, David A.; Mitchell, David L.; Halekas, Jasper S., Icarus, 182(2), 464-473, 2006. 72. Unusual magnetic signature of the Hadriaca Patera Volcano: Implications for early Mars, Lillis, R. J.; Manga, M.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Acuna, M. H. , Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(3), L03202, 2006. 73. Whistler waves observed near lunar crustal magnetic sources, J. S. Halekas, D. A. Brain, D. L. Mitchell, and R. P. Lin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L22104, 2006.
74. A global map of Mars' crustal magnetic field based on electron reflectometry, Mitchell, D. L.; Lillis, R. J.; Lin, R. P.; Connerney, J. E. P.; Acuña, M. H., J. Geophys. Res., 112 (E1), E01002, 2007. 75. Basin Magnetic Signatures and Crater Retention Ages: Evidence for a Rapid Shutdown of the Martian Dynamo, Lillis, R. J.; Frey, H. V.; Manga, M.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P.; Acuña, M. H., 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII), held March 12-16, 2007 in League City, Texas., LPI Contribution No. 1338, 1515, 2007. 76. Electron pitch angle distributions as indicators of magnetic field topology near Mars, Brain, D. A.; Lillis, R. J.; Mitchell, D. L.; Halekas, J. S.; Lin, R. P., J. Geophys. Res., 112 (A9), A09201, 2007. 77. Model calculations of electron precipitation induced ionization patches on the nightside of Mars, M. O. Fillingim, L. M. Peticolas, R. J. Lillis, D. A. Brain, J. S. Halekas, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, D. Lummerzheim, S. W. Bougher, and D. L. Kirchner, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L12101, 2007.
78. An improved crustal magnetic field map of Mars from electron reflectometry: Highland volcano magmatic history and the end of the martian dynamo, Lillis, Robert J.; Frey, Herbert V.; Manga, Michael; Mitchell, David L.; Lin, Robert P.; Acuña, Mario H.; Bougher, Stephen W., Icarus, 194 (2), 575-596, 2008. 79. Continuous monitoring of nightside upper thermospheric mass densities in the Martian southern hemisphere over 4 Martian years using electron reflectometry, Lillis, Robert J.; Bougher, Stephen W.; Mitchell, David L.; Brain, David A.; Lin, Robert P.; Acuña, Mario H., Icarus, 194 (2), 562-574, 2008. 80. Density cavity observed over a strong lunar crustal magnetic anomaly in the solar wind: A mini-magnetosphere?, Halekas, J. S.; Delory, G. T.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Mitchell, D. L., Planetary and Space Science, 56 (7), 941-946, 2008. 81. Distribution and variability of accelerated electrons at Mars, Halekas, J. S.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Luhmann, J. G.; Mitchell, D. L., Adv. Space Res., 41 (9), 1347-1352, 2008. 82. Electron reflectometry in the martian atmosphere, Lillis, Robert J.; Mitchell, David L.; Lin, Robert P.; Acuña, Mario H. , Icarus, 194 (2), 544-561, 2008. 83. Energetic ion precipitation at Titan, Cravens, T. E.; Robertson, I. P.; Ledvina, S. A.; Mitchell, D.; Krimigis, S. M.; Waite, J. H., Geophys. Res. Lett., 35 (3), L03103, 2008. 84. Evidence for collisionless magnetic reconnection at Mars, Eastwood, J. P., D. A. Brain, J. S. Halekas, J. F. Drake, T. D. Phan, M. Øieroset, D. L. Mitchell, R. P. Lin, and M. Acuña, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02106, 2008. 85. Global mapping of lunar crustal magnetic fields by Lunar Prospector, Mitchell, D. L.; Halekas, J. S.; Lin, R. P.; Frey, S.; Hood, L. L.; Acuña, M. H.; Binder, A., Icarus, 194 (2), 401-409, 2008. 86. Solar wind interaction with lunar crustal magnetic anomalies, Halekas, J. S.; Brain, D. A.; Lin, R. P.; Mitchell, D. L. , Adv. Space Res., 41 (8), 1319-1324, 2008.
87. Modeling photoelectron transport in the Martian ionosphere at Olympus Mons and Syrtis Major: MGS observations, Haider, S. A.; Seth, S. P.; Brain, D. A.; Mitchell, D. L.; Majeed, T.; Bougher, S. W., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A8), A08310, 2010. 88. Radar absorption due to a corotating interaction region encounter with Mars detected by MARSIS, Morgan, David D.; Gurnett, Donald A.; Kirchner, Donald L.; David Winningham, J.; Frahm, Rudy A.; Brain, David A.; Mitchell, David L.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Nielsen, Erling; Espley, Jared R.; Acuña, Mario H.; Plaut, Jeffrey J., Icarus, 206 (1), 95-103, 2010. 89. Search for Phobos and Deimos gas/dust tori using in situ observations from Mars Global Surveyor MAG/ER, M. Øieroset, D.A. Brain, E. Simpson, D.L. Mitchell, T.D. Phan, J.S. Halekas, R.P. Lin, M.H. Acuña, Icarus, 206, 189-198, 2010.
90. Correction to “Electrons and magnetic fields in the lunar plasma wake”, Halekas, J. S.; Bale, S. D.; Mitchell, D. L.; Lin, R. P., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A7), A07228, 2011. 91. Evaluating predictions of ICME arrival at Earth and Mars, Falkenberg, T. V.; Taktakishvili, A.; Pulkkinen, A.; Vennerstrom, S.; Odstrcil, D.; Brain, D.; Delory, G.; Mitchell, D., Space Weather, 9 (9), S00E12, 2011. 92. Observation of conical electron distributions over Martian crustal magnetic fields, Ulusen, Demet; Brain, David A.; Mitchell, David L., J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A7), A07214, 2011. 93. Photoelectrons on closed crustal field lines at Mars, Trantham, Matthew; Liemohn, Mike; Mitchell, David; Frank, Jacki, J. Geophys. Res., 116 (A7), A07311, 2011.
94. Energetic particles detected by the Electron Reflectometer instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor, 1999–2006, Delory, Gregory T.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Brain, David; Lillis, Robert J.; Mitchell, David L.; Mewaldt, Richard A.; Falkenberg, Thea Vilstrup, Space Weather: The International Journal of Research and Applications, 10, S06003, 2012. 95. Evidence for superthermal secondary electrons produced by SEP ionization in the Martian atmosphere, Lillis, Robert J.; Brain, David A.; Delory, Gregory T.; Mitchell, David L.; Luhmann, Janet G.; Lin, Robert P., J. Geophys. Res., 117 (E3), E03004, 2012. 96. Time-history influence of global dust storms on the upper atmosphere at Mars, Liemohn, Michael W.; Dupre, Ava; Bougher, Stephen W.; Trantham, Matthew; Mitchell, David L.; Smith, Michael D., Geophys. Res. Lett., 39 (11), L11201, 2012.
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