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Marc Pulupa
1. Rapid fluctuations of stratospheric electric field following a solar energetic particle event, M. Kokorowski, J. G. Sample, R. H. Holzworth, E. A. Bering, S. D. Bale, J. B. Blake, A. B. Collier, A. R. W. Hughes, E. Lay, R. P. Lin, M. P. McCarthy, R. M. Millan, H. Moraal, T. P. O'Brien, G. K. Parks, M. Pulupa, B. D. Reddell, D. M. Smith, P. H. Stoker, and L. Woodger, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L20104, 2006.
2. Magnetospheric electric field variations caused by storm-time shock fronts, Kokorowski, M.; Bering, E. A.; Ruohoniemi, M.; Sample, J. G.; Holzworth, R. H.; Bale, S. D.; Blake, J. B.; Collier, A. B.; Hughes, A. R. W.; Lay, E. H.; Lin, R. P.; McCarthy, M. P.; Millan, R. M.; Moraal, H.; O’Brien, T. P.; Parks, G. K.; Pulupa, M.; Reddell, B. D.; Smith, D. M.; Stoker, P. H.; Woodger, L., Adv. Space Res., 42 (1), 181-191, 2008. 3. S/WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the STEREO Mission, Bougeret, J. L.; Goetz, K.; Kaiser, M. L.; Bale, S. D.; Kellogg, P. J.; Maksimovic, M.; Monge, N.; Monson, S. J.; Astier, P. L.; Davy, S.; Dekkali, M.; Hinze, J. J.; Manning, R. E.; Aguilar-Rodriguez, E.; Bonnin, X.; Briand, C.; Cairns, I. H.; Cattell, C. A.; Cecconi, B.; Eastwood, J.; Ergun, R. E.; Fainberg, J.; Hoang, S.; Huttunen, K. E. J.; Krucker, S.; Lecacheux, A.; MacDowall, R. J.; Macher, W.; Mangeney, A.; Meetre, C. A.; Moussas, X.; Nguyen, Q. N.; Oswald, T. H.; Pulupa, M.; Reiner, M. J.; Robinson, P. A.; Rucker, H.; Salem, C.; Santolik, O.; Silvis, J. M.; Ullrich, R.; Zarka, P.; Zouganelis, I., Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 487-528, 2008. 4. Structure on Interplanetary Shock Fronts: Type II radio burst source regions , M. Pulupa and S. D. Bale, Astrophys. J., 676 (2), 1330-1337, 2008. 5. The Electric Antennas for the STEREO/WAVES Experiment, Bale, S. D.; Ullrich, R.; Goetz, K.; Alster, N.; Cecconi, B.; Dekkali, M.; Lingner, N. R.; Macher, W.; Manning, R. E.; McCauley, J.; Monson, S. J.; Oswald, T. H.; Pulupa, M., Space Sci. Rev., 136 (1-4), 529-547, 2008.
6. Langmuir waves upstream of interplanetary shocks: Dependence on shock and plasma parameters, Pulupa, M. P.; Bale, S. D.; Kasper, J. C., J. Geophys. Res., 115 (A4), A04106, 2010.
7. An asymmetry of the electron foreshock due to the strahl, Pulupa, M. P.; Bale, S. D.; Salem, C., Geophys. Res. Lett., 38 (14) , L14105, 2011.
8. Observations of electromagnetic whistler precursors at supercritical interplanetary shocks, Wilson, L. B., III; Koval, A.; Szabo, A.; Breneman, A.; Cattell, C. A.; Goetz, K.; Kellogg, P. J.; Kersten, K.; Kasper, J. C.; Maruca, B. A.; Pulupa, M., Geophys. Res. Lett., 39 (8), L08109, 2012. 9. Quiet-time Interplanetary ~2-20 keV Superhalo Electrons at Solar Minimum, Wang, Linghua; Lin, Robert P.; Salem, Chadi; Pulupa, Marc; Larson, Davin E.; Yoon, Peter H.; Luhmann, Janet G., Astrophys. J. Lett., 753, L23, 2012. 10. Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock, Wilson, L. B., III; Koval, A.; Sibeck, D. G.; Szabo, A.; Cattell, C. A.; Kasper, J. C.; Maruca, B. A.; Pulupa, M.; Salem, C. S.; Wilber, M., eprint arXiv:1207.5561, 2012. 11. STEREO measurements of electron acceleration beyond fast Fermi at the bow shock, Pulupa, Marc; Bale, Stuart D.; Opitz, Andrea; Fedorov, Andrei; Lin, Robert P.; Sauvaud, Jean-Andre, eprint arXiv:1202.3678, 2012.
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