SPRG Seminars

March 29, 2011:

"New Perspectives of Titan's Plasma Interaction from MHD modeling of the Cassini flybys"

Yingjuan Ma, UCLA Imperial

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As the largest moon of Saturn, Titan has a well extended  atmosphere/ionosphere system and no appreciable  intrinsic magnetic field. Its interaction with the rotating  plasma flow in the Saturnian magnetosphere is controlled  by both the upstream plasma and Titan's Saturn local time.  The interaction results in a complex plasma environment  near Titan: the plasma flow slows down due to ion pick-up  and the resulting mass loading, the magnetic field lines  pile-up in front of the obstacle and form an induced bipolar  magnetotail in the wake region. In this presentation, new  perspectives will be discussed about Titan's plasma  interaction based on MHD modeling of a few special  Cassini flybys of Titan.