Berkeley Magnetic Storm Seminar

SSL, UC Berkeley

March 13, 2003




9:00a.m.   Pontus Brandt:  “Storm-time pressure distributions (10-200 keV) and O+   

                 contribution to the ring current”       


9:40a.m.   R. Wolf :  "Comparison of Rice model results with data from IMAGE"


10:20 – 10:30a.m.  Break


10:30a.m.   J. McFadden: Auroral ion outflows and circulation through the



11:10a.m.   Mary K. Hudson:”'Storm-driven radial transport, acceleration and trapping of

                   radiation belt particles.”


11:50a.m.   Janet Kozyra: "Intense polar rain and polar wind outflow during the April

                   2002 storm events."


12:30p.m.  Lunch


2:00p.m.    M. Temerin : “The prediction of Dst”


2:30p.m.    Gordon Wilson:  "Global and dusk sector electrodynamics during the January

                  1999 magnetic storm"



3:00- 3:10p.m.   Break


3:10 – 4:00p.m.  Discussion and unscheduled Presentations