;+ ; FUNCTION: FILE_RETRIEVE ; Purpose: ; FILE_RETRIEVE will download files from a remote web server and copy them into a local (cache) directory ; maintaining the directory structure. It returns the list of local file names. ; By default files are only downloaded if the remote file is more recent or of different size. ; ;Usage: ; files = file_retrieve(pathnames,local_data_dir=local_data_dir,remote_data_dir=remote_data_dir) ; ;Suggested usage: ; source = file_retrieve(/struct) ; source.remote_data_dir = 'http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/' ; ; Set other options on source as needed ; ; pathname = 'relativedir1/dir2/filename.ext' ; files = file_retrieve(pathname,_extra=source) ; ;Arguments: ; pathnames: String or string array with partial path to the remote file. ; (will be appended to remote_data_dir) ; [newpathnames]: (optional) String or string array with partial path to file destination. ; (Will be appended to local_data_dir) ; ;Keywords: ; local_data_dir: String or string array w/ local data directory(s) ; If newpathnames is set it will be appended to this variable; if not, ; pathnames will be appended. ; remote_data_dir: String or string array w/ remote data directory(s) ; Pathnames will be appended to this variable. ; ; PRESERVE_MTIME(optional): Uses the serve modification time instead of local modification time. This keyword is ignored ; on windows machines that don't have touch installed. (No cygwin or GNU utils) ;History: ; 2012-6-25: local_data_dir and remote_data_dir accept array inputs ; with the same # of elements as pathnames/newpathnames ; ;$LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-02 16:45:29 -0800 (Sun, 02 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14119 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/trunk/misc/file_retrieve.pro $ ;- function file_retrieve,pathnames, newpathnames, structure_format=structure_format, $ use_wget=use_wget, nowait=nowait, $ local_data_dir=local_data_dir,remote_data_dir=remote_data_dir, $ min_age_limit=min_age_limit , $ last_version = last_version , $ file_mode = file_mode, $ recurse_limit=recurse_limit, $ dir_mode = dir_mode, $ user_agent=user_agent, $ preserve_mtime=preserve_mtime, $ ascii_mode=ascii_mode, $ no_download=no_download,no_server=no_server, $ no_update=no_update, $ archive_ext=archive_ext, $ archive_dir=archive_dir, $ force_download=force_download,$ no_clobber=no_clobber, ignore_filesize=ignore_filesize, $ verbose=verbose,progress=progress,progobj=progobj dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,'Start; $Id: file_retrieve.pro 14119 2014-02-03 00:45:29Z davin-mac $' if keyword_set(structure_format) then begin user_agent = 'FILE_RETRIEVE: IDL'+!version.release + ' ' + !VERSION.OS + '/' + !VERSION.ARCH+ ' (' + (getenv('USER') ? getenv('USER') : getenv('USERNAME'))+')' str= { $ retrieve_struct, $ init:0, $ local_data_dir:root_data_dir(), $ ;getenv('ROOT_DATA_DIR'), remote_data_dir:'', $ progress: 1 , $ ; Currently unused keyword (progress is printed by default) user_agent:user_agent, $ ; User agent text to be sent to web server. file_mode:'666'o , $ ; permissions for new files. (if non-zero) dir_mode: '777'o , $ ; permissions for newly created directories. preserve_mtime: 1 , $ ; Set file modification to same as on file on server (uses file_touch executable) progobj: obj_new(), $ ; Experimental option for a progress bar widget. (please ignore for now) min_age_limit: 30L , $ ; Files younger than this age (in seconds) are assumed current (avoids the need to recheck server) no_server:0 , $ ; Set to 1 to prevent any contact with a remote server. no_download:0 , $ ; similar to NO_SERVER keyword. Should still allow remote directory retrieval - but not files. no_update:0 , $ ; Set to 1 to prevent contact to server if local file already exists. (this is similar to no_clobber) no_clobber:0 , $ ; Set to 1 to prevent existing files from being overwritten. (A warning message will be displayed if remote server has) archive_ext:'' , $ ; Set archiving extension. (i.e.: '.arc'). to rename old files instead of deleting them. Prevents accidental file deletion. archive_dir:'' , $ ; Set archiving subdirectory. (i.e.: 'archive/') ignore_filesize:0 , $ ; Set to 1 to ignore the remote/local file sizes when determining if updates are needed. ignore_filedate:0 , $ ; Not yet operational. downloadonly:0 , $ ; Set to 1 to only download files but not load files into memory. use_wget:0 , $ ; Experimental option (uses the routine WGET instead of file_http_copy) nowait:0 , $ ; Used with wget to download files in the background. verbose:2 , $ force_download: 0 $ ;Allows download to be forced no matter modification time. Useful when moving between different repositories(e.g. QA and production data) } return, str endif ;if keyword_set(no_download) then no_server = no_download ;if not keyword_set(local_data_dir) then local_data_dir = './' ;if not keyword_set(remote_data_dir) then remote_data_dir = '' vb = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 if n_elements(progress) eq 0 then progress=1 ;if keyword_set(progress) then begin ; progobj = obj_new('progressbar') ;endif ;fullnames = filepath(root_dir=local_data_dir, pathnames) fullnames = local_data_dir + pathnames ; trailing '/' is not required on local_data_dir n0 = n_elements(fullnames) if keyword_set(use_wget) and total(/preserv,strmatch(pathnames,'*[ \* \? \[ \] ]*') ) ne 0 then begin use_wget=0 dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'Warning! WGET can not be used with wildcards!' endif if keyword_set(remote_data_dir) and not (keyword_set(no_server) ) then begin if keyword_set(use_wget) then $ wget,serverdir=remote_data_dir,localdir=local_data_dir,pathname=pathnames,verbose=verbose ,nowait=nowait $ else begin http0 = strmid(remote_data_dir,0,7) eq 'http://' If obj_valid(progobj) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, text = string(format="('Retrieving ',i0,' files from ',a)",n0,remote_data_dir) ;jmm, 15-may-2007 for i = 0l,n0-1 do begin fn = fullnames[i] pn = pathnames[i] npn = keyword_set(newpathnames) ? newpathnames[i] : '' ;2012-6-25: these variables may be single value or array ; error checks should probably be added to check # of elements between local_data_dir and ; remote_data_dir (if arrays), pathnames, and newpathnames http = n_elements(http0) gt 1 ? http0[i]:http0 ldd = n_elements(local_data_dir) gt 1 ? local_data_dir[i]:local_data_dir rdd = n_elements(remote_data_dir) gt 1 ? remote_data_dir[i]:remote_data_dir ; if keyword_set(no_update) and file_test(fn,/regular) then continue if http then begin file_http_copy,pn,npn,url_info=url_info,serverdir=rdd,localdir=ldd,verbose=verbose, $ no_clobber=no_clobber,no_update=no_update,ignore_filesize=ignore_filesize,progobj=progobj, $ no_download = no_download, archive_ext=archive_ext,archive_dir=archive_dir, $ ascii_mode=ascii_mode, $ recurse_limit=recurse_limit, $ user_agent=user_agent, $ preserve_mtime = preserve_mtime, $ file_mode=file_mode,dir_mode=dir_mode,last_version=last_version, $ min_age_limit=min_age_limit,force_download=force_download if url_info[0].io_error ne 0 then begin dprint, "File or URL i/o error detected. See !error_state for more info" printdat,!error_state return,'' endif endif else begin file_copy2,serverdir=remote_data_dir,localdir=local_data_dir,pathname=pn,verbose=verbose,no_clobber=no_update endelse endfor endelse endif ; The following bit of code should find the highest version number if globbing is used. for i=0,n_elements(fullnames)-1 do begin ff = file_search(fullnames[i],count=c) case c of 0: dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=vb,'No matching file: "'+fullnames[i]+'"' 1: begin fullnames[i] = ff[0] dprint,dlevel=3,verbose=vb,'Found: "'+fullnames[i]+'"' end else: begin if keyword_set(last_version) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=vb,strtrim(c,2)+' matches found for: "'+fullnames[i]+'" Using last version.' fullnames[i] = ff[n_elements(ff)-1] ; Cluge to Use highest version number? endif else begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=vb,'Multiple matches found for: "'+fullnames[i]+'"' fullnames = ff endelse end endcase endfor if 0 then begin printdat,fullnames return,file_search(fullnames) endif return,fullnames end