This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Sat Sep 20 09:22:05 2003.
NAME: 3d_structure PURPOSE: Documentation for the 3d structure. This is NOT a procedure or a function. It is ONLY Documentation. don't try to run it! The 3d structure is the standard structure that contains all information necessary to do data analysis on a particle distribution function. The following is an example structure obtained from the WIND data set: ** Structure <1b689b0>, 29 tags, length=35304, refs=1: PROJECT_NAME STRING 'Wind 3D Plasma' DATA_NAME STRING 'Eesa Low' UNITS_NAME STRING 'Counts' Current Units. TIME DOUBLE 8.2313292e+08 Sample start. Secs since 1970 END_TIME DOUBLE 8.2313292e+08 Sample End. Secs since 1970. INTEG_T DOUBLE 3.0000000 Integration Time. Seconds. NBINS INT 88 number of angle bins. NENERGY INT 15 number of energy bins. MAP INT Array(32, 32) bin map (req'd only for plot3d) DATA FLOAT Array(15, 88) ENERGY FLOAT Array(15, 88) THETA FLOAT Array(15, 88) PHI FLOAT Array(15, 88) GEOM FLOAT Array(15, 88) Req'd by convert_esa_units DENERGY FLOAT Array(15, 88) DTHETA FLOAT Array(15, 88) DPHI FLOAT Array(15, 88) DOMEGA FLOAT Array(15, 88) EFF FLOAT Array(15, 88) Req'd by convert_esa_units FEFF FLOAT Array(15, 88) Req'd by convert_esa_units MASS DOUBLE 5.6856593e-06 GEOMFACTOR DOUBLE 0.00039375000 Req'd by convert_esa_units VALID LONG 1 SPIN LONG 17152 (Optional) UNITS_PROCEDURE STRING 'convert_esa_units' MAGF FLOAT Array(3) (Optional magnetic field vec.) VSW FLOAT Array(3) (Optional flow velocity vec.) The following functions will return a 3d structure: For the WIND data set: ("LOAD_3DP_DATA" must be called first.) "GET_EL", "GET_PL","GET_EH","GET_PH","GET_PLB","GET_PHB","GET_ELB", "GET_EHS","GET_SF","GET_SO","GET_SFB","GET_SOB" For the GIOTTO data set: "GET_GI" For the CLUSTER data set: In Progress.... For the FAST data set: In Progress.... Once the 3d structure is obtained then it can be displayed with the following routines: "SPEC3D", "PLOT3D", "CONT3D" The following routines are useful for manipulating the data: "CONV_UNITS", "CONVERT_VFRAME", "PAD"
PROCEDURE: add_bdir,dat,source PURPOSE: Adds magnetic field direction [theta,phi] to a 3d structure The new structure element will be a two element vector [theta,phi] with the tag name 'bdir'. INPUT: dat: 3D data structure (i.e. from 'GET_EL') [source] : String index that points to magnetic field data. Notes: Magnetic field data must be loaded first. See 'GET_MFI'
FUNCTION: cal_bsn2(sx,sy,sz,bx,by,bz,vmag,bow=bow) INPUT: sx,sy,sz: x, y, and z coodinates of spacecraft in GSE with units of Re bx,by,bz: magnetic field direction OPTIONS: bow: structure containing {L,ecc,x0} L: standoff parameter with units of Re ecc: eccentricity of shock x0: focus location in Re hyperbolic bow shock, see JGR 1981, p.11401, Slavin Fig.7 r = L/(1+ecc*cos(theta)) 1 = (x-x0-c)^2/a^2 - (y^2+z^2)/b^2 default L = b^2/a = 23.5 ecc = c/a = 1.15 xoffset= 3 c = (a^2 + b^2)^.5 = L*e/(e^2-1) = 83.8 a = L/(e^2-1) = 72.87 b = L/(e^2-1)^.5 = 41.38 PURPOSE: Function returns a structure that describes the interaction of a B-field with a hyperboloid bow shock model. Returned structure elements include: th_bn: the angle (in degrees) between shock normal and the field line that passes through the spacecraft l1: the distance along the field line to the shock l2: the distance from a point that is missdist from the spacecraft in x to the tangent point d,m: the distance along x from the spacecraft to a point where the B field line would be tangent to the bow shock. A postive d means that the field line has already intersected the shock. A positive m indicates that the field line has not yet intersected the shock. intpos: position vector in GSE of point where field line originating at spacecraft intersects bow shock All distances are in Re. CREATED BY: P. Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: L. Winslow 9/15/00 LAST MODIFICATION: %W% %E%
NAME: convert_ph_units PURPOSE: Converts the units of the data array of ph data structures. CALLING SEQUENCE: convert_ph_units,data,units INPUTS: data: a ph data structure returned by "" or "" is rescaled in the requested units, and data.units is set to the name of the new units units: a string. One of: 'COUNTS','RATE','EFLUX','FLUX','DF' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DEADTIME: (double) specifies a deadtime: the interval during which a channel plate detector is turned off to record an event. data.deadtime defaults to 1e-6 (and has precedence over deadtime) COMMON BLOCKS: get_ph_com: contains one element: deadtime LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.1 97/04/21 CREATED BY: Frank Marcoline. Patterened after other convert_* procedures.
NAME: convert_vframe FUNCTION: convert_vframe , dat, velocity PURPOSE: Change velocity frames INPUT: dat: 3d data structure velocity: SW velocity vector [VX,VY,VZ] OUTPUT: 3d data structure. Data will be in a different coordinate frame. (data will also be in units of distrubution function.) KEYWORDS: ETHRESH: Threshold energy for interpolation. BINS: Angle bins to be used EVALUES: INTERPOLATE: set to non-zero value to have the data evaluated (interpolated) at the original energy steps. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.21 02/11/01
FUNCTION: conv_units PURPOSE: To convert from counts to any other unit which is supported. This procedure is just a shell that calls whatever conversion procedure is specified in data.units_procedure. right now the only conversion procedures are "convert_esa_units" and "CONVERT_SST_UNITS" INPUT: data: A 3d data structure such as those generated by get_el, get_eh, get_pl,get_ph,etc. e.g. "GET_EL" units: The units you wish to convert to, such as eflux,flux,df,ncounts, rate,nrate. KEYWORDS: scale: a dummy keyword, returns the scale used to convert. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.8 95/11/07
FUNCTION: c_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" to generate time series data for "TPLOT". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden
Procedure: diag_p, p, n, t=t, s=s INPUT: p: pressure array of n by 6 or a string (e.g., 'p_3d_el') n: density array of n or a string (e.g., 'n_3d_el') PURPOSE: Returns the temperature: [Tpara,Tperp,Tperp], and the unit symmetry axis s. Also returns 'T_diag' and 'S.axis' for plotting purposes. CREATED BY: Tai Phan 95-09-28 LAST MODIFICATION: 95-9-29 Tai Phan
PROCEDURE: edit3dbins,dat,bins PURPOSE: Interactive procedure to produce a bin array for selectively turning angle bins on and off. Works on a 3d structure (see "3D_STRUCTURE" for more info) INPUT: dat: 3d data structure. (will not be altered) bins: a named variable in which to return the results. KEYWORDS: EBINS: Specifies energy bins to plot. SUM_EBINS: Specifies how many bins to sum, starting with EBINS. If SUM_EBINS is a scaler, that number of bins is summed for each bin in EBINS. If SUM_EBINS is an array, then each array element will hold the number of bins to sum starting at each bin in EBINS. In the array case, EBINS and SUM_EBINS must have the same number of elements. SEE ALSO: "PLOT3D" and "PLOT3D_OPTIONS" CREATED BY: Davin Larson FILE: VERSION: 1.14 LAST MODIFICATION: 98/01/16
NAME: enlarge_periodic FUNCTION: enlarge_periodic INPUT: image (On the surface of a sphere) PURPOSE: enlarges a 2 dimensional matrix by n elements on each side It assumes the array has spherical boundary conditions. OUTPUT: enlarged image array NOTES: Called from function: 'SMOOTH_PERIODIC' CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/04
PROGRAM: get_3dt(funct,get_dat,ERANGE=erange,BINS=bins,NAME=name) INPUT: funct: function, function that operates on structures generated by get_pl, get_el, etc. e.g. "GET_EL" funct = 'n_3d','j_3d','v_3d','p_3d','t_3d', 'vth_3d', or 'c_3d' "N_3D" "J_3D" "V_3D" "P_3D" "T_3D" "VTH_3D" "C_3D" get_dat:function, function that returns 3d data structures function name must be "get_"+"get_dat" get_dat = 'pl' for get_pl, get_dat = 'el' for get_el, etc. KEYWORDS: erange: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration bins: bytarr(nbins), optional, angle bins for integration, see 0,1=exclude,include, nbins = temp.nbins name: string New name of the Data Quantity Default: funct+'_'+get_dat times: dblarr(1or2)or Specifies start time (and end time) strarr(1or2) index: lonarr(1 or 2) Specifies starting index (and ending index) keyword time overrides keyword index PURPOSE: To generate time series data for "TPLOT" NOTES: Program names time series data to funct+"_"+get_dat. See "TPLOT_NAMES". CREATED BY: J.McFadden LAST MODIFICATION: 01/05/09 FILE: @(#) 1.13
PROGRAM: get_bsn2,PNAME=pname,BNAME=bname,VNAME=vname,BOW=bow, intpos=intpos INPUT OPTIONS pname: string, Name of orbital position structure Default is 'wi_pos' bname: string, Name of magnetic field structure Default is 'wi_B3' vname: string, Name of solar wind velocity structure Default is 'wi_pm_Vp' bow: structure Bow Shock parameters Default bow={standoff:23.5,eccentricity:1.15,x_offset:3.0} PURPOSE: Generates tplot structures for intersection of Bow Shock and s/c B-field line. Generates the following structures: th_bn: the angle (in degrees) between shock normal and the field line that passes through the spacecraft l1: the distance along the field line to the shock l2: the distance from a point that is missdist from the spacecraft in x to the tangent point d,m: the distance along x from the spacecraft to a point where the B field line would be tangent to the bow shock. A positive d means that the field line has already intersected the shock. A positive m indicates that the field line has not yet intersected the shock. All distances are in Re. l1 and l2 are negative if the field line is anti-parallel to the vector connecting the spacecraft and the point of field line intersection. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: intpos: array of position vectors giving points where bow shock intersects B field line that passes through spacecraft CREATED BY: P.Schroeder LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 02/04/17
PROCEDURE: get_symm PURPOSE: Gets symmetry direction of magnetic field INPUT: none KEYWORDS: use_mag: use_q: use_dir: time: stheta: sphi: CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/08/24
FUNCTION: heatflux PURPOSE: Calulates heatlux from a 3dimensional data structure such as those generated by get_el,get_pl,etc. e.g. "GET_EL" INPUT: dat: A 3d data structure. KEYWORDS: esteprange: the energy step range to use, default is full range CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/06
FUNCTION: je_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 97-12-4 LAST MODIFICATION: 97-12-4 J.McFadden
FUNCTION: j_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden
FUNCTION make_3dmap, dat,nx,ny PURPOSE: Returns a 3d map using the theta's and phi's of a 3d structure. This routine is primarily used by "PLOT3D". INPUT: dat: a 3d structure (see "3D_STRUCTURE" for more info). nx: x dimension of output array. ny: y dimension of output array. OUTPUT: A 2 dimensional array of bin values that reflect the mapping. KEYWORDS: HIGHEST: force the highest bin number to prevail for overlapping bins. ASSUMPTIONS: theta +/- dtheta should be in the range: -90 to +90. NOTES: if there are any overlapping bins, then the lowest bin number will win, unless the HIGHEST keyword is set. WRITTEN BY: Davin Larson, 96-2-8 LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.7 99/10/22
Program: mat_diag, p, EIG_VAL= eig_val, EIG_VEC= eig_vec INPUT: p 6-element vector [Pxx, Pyy, Pzz, Pxy, Pxz, Pyz] of a symmetric matrix OUTPUT: eig_val, eig_vec PURPOSE: Diagonalize a 3x3 symmetric matrix Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The eigenvalues are the diagnonal elements of the matrix The eigenvectors are the associated principle axis. NOTES: The first eigenvalue (eig_val(0)) and eigenvector (eig_vec(*,0)) are the distinguisheable eigenvalue and the major (symmetry) axis, respectively. The "degenerate" eigenvalues are sorted such that the 2nd eigenvalue is smaller than the third one. CREATED BY: Tai Phan (95-9-15) LAST MODIFICATION: 95-9-29 Tai Phan
FUNCTION: n_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden added more keywords
FUNCTION: omni3d PURPOSE: produces an omnidirectional spectrum structure by summing over the non-zero bins in the keyword bins. this structure can be plotted with "SPEC3D" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.12 02/04/17 WARNING: This is a very crude structure; use at your own risk.
FUNCTION: pad PURPOSE: makes a data pad from a 3d structure INPUT: dat: A 3d data structure such as those gotten from get_el,get_pl,etc. e.g. "GET_EL" KEYWORDS: bdir: Add B direction esteps: Energy steps to use bins: bins to sum over num_pa: number of the pad CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.21 02/04/17
PROCEDURE: padplot,pad Plots pad data vs pitch angle. INPUTS: pad - structure containing pitch angle distribution (PAD) data. (Obtained from "PAD()" routine) KEYWORDS: LIMITS - limit structure. (see "XLIM" , "YLIM" or "TPLOT/help_list.html#OPTIONS">OPTIONS") The limit structure can have the following elements: UNITS: units to be plotted in. ALL PLOT and OPLOT keywords. UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting MULTI - Set to the number of plots desired across the page. OPLOT - Overplots last plot if set. LABEL - set to print labels for each energy step. SEE ALSO: "SPEC3D" CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.18 02/04/17
FUNCTION: pangle,theta,phi,b_theta,b_phi PURPOSE: Computes pitch angle given two sets of theta and phi INPUT: theta,phi: double (array or scaler) first directions b_theta,b_phi : double (array or scaler) second directions RETURNS: pitch angle (array or scaler) same dimensions as theta and phi CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 95/11/28
NAME: PLOT3D PROCEDURE: plot3d, dat , latitude, longitude PURPOSE: Draws a series of 3d color plots, one plot per energy step. INPUT: dat: 3d data structure. latitude: latitude of center of plot longitude: longitude of center of plot KEYWORDS: EBINS: Specifies energy bins to plot. SUM_EBINS: Specifies how many bins to sum, starting with EBINS. If SUM_EBINS is a scaler, that number of bins is summed for each bin in EBINS. If SUM_EBINS is an array, then each array element will hold the number of bins to sum starting at each bin in EBINS. In the array case, EBINS and SUM_EBINS must have the same number of elements. BNCENTER: if > 0 then lat,lon set so that B direction is in center if < 0 then lat,lon set so that -B direction is in center ('magf' element must exist in dat structure. See "ADD_MAGF") BINS: bins to use for autoscaling. SMOOTH: smoothing parameter. 0=none, 2 is typical TITLE: overrides default plot title. NOTITLE: if set, suppresses plot title. NOCOLORBAR: if set, suppresses colorbar. NOBORDER: if set, suppresses plot border. SEE ALSO: "PLOT3D_OPTIONS" to see how to set other options. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.43 02/04/17
COMMON BLOCK: plot3d_com PURPOSE: Common block for "PLOT#D" routines CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.8 95/11/07 SEE ALSO: "PLOT3D" and "PLOT3D_OPTIONS"
PROCEDURE: plot3d_options PURPOSE: Sets default TPLOT/help_list.html#OPTIONS">OPTIONS for the "PLOT3D" routine The only inputs are through keywords: KEYWORDS: MAP: one of the following strings: 'cylindrical', 'molleweide', 'ait' ,'lambert' .... (See manual for other maps, only the first 3 characters are req'd) COMPRESS: integer defining map resolution (see manual) 1 si default SMOOTH: 0 gives no smoothing. LOG: 0: linear color scale; 1: log color scale TRIANGULATE: Uses spherical triangulation if set LATITUDE: Center Latitude. LONGITUDE: Center Longitude. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.10 96/09/24
PROCEDURE: PLOT_MAP DESCRIPTION: Plot the map from the standard 3-D data structure that is returned from the IDL from SDT interface. The THETA, PHI, DTHETA, DPHI, DATA_NAME and PROJECT_NAME tags must exist for this routine to work. (The standard 3-D data structure should contain these.) CALLING SEQUENCE: plot_map, data_structure ARGUMENTS: data_structure The standard 3-D data structure to plot the map from. REVISION HISTORY: @(#) 1.1 22 Aug 1995 Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran, University of California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab. Aug. '95
PROCEDURE: prestens PURPOSE: This function computes the relative components of the pressure tensor INPUT: dat: A 3d structure such as those gotten by using get_el,get_pl,etc. e.g. "GET_EL" KEYWORDS: esteprange: energy range to use CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/06 NOTE: It is NOT yet corrected to give physical results
FUNCTION: p_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden
NAME: smooth_periodic FUNCTION: smooth_periodic, old_image, n PURPOSE: Uses box car smoothing of a surface with sperical periodic boundary conditions. INPUT: old_image: 2d matrix n: size of boxcar averaging window Output: smoothed image. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/04
PROCEDURE: spec3d,data Plots 3d data as energy spectra. INPUTS: data - structure containing 3d data (obtained from get_??() routine) e.g. "GET_EL" KEYWORDS: LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options. see: "TPLOT/help_list.html#OPTIONS">OPTIONS", "XLIM" and "YLIM", to change limits UNITS - convert to given data units before plotting COLOR - array of colors to be used for each bin BINS - array of bins to be plotted (see "EDIT3DBINS" to change) OVERPLOT - Overplots last plot if set. LABEL - Puts bin labels on the plot if set. See "PLOT3D" for another means of plotting data. See "CONV_UNITS" to change units. See "TIME_STAMP" to turn time stamping on and off. CREATED BY: Davin Larson June 1995 FILE: VERSION 1.25 LAST MODIFICATION: 02/04/17
PROCEDURE sphere_to_cart,r,theta,phi, x,y,z PURPOSE: transform from spherical to cartesian coordinates INPUTS: r, theta, phi (array or scaler) OUTPUTS: x, y, z (will have the same dimensions as r,theta,phi) KEYWORD OUTPUT: VEC: a named variable in which the vector [x,y,z] is returned CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.6 02/11/01 NOTES: -90 < theta < 90 (latitude not co-lat)
FUNCTION: sub3d PURPOSE: Takes two 3D structures and returns a single 3D structure whose data is the difference of the two. This routine is useful for subtracting background counts. Integration period is considered if units are in counts. INPUTS: d1,d2 each must be 3D structures obtained from the get_?? routines e.g. "GET_EL" RETURNS: single 3D structure CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.10 01/10/08 Notes: This is a very crude subroutine. Use at your own risk.
FUNCTION: sum3d PURPOSE: Takes two 3D structures and returns a single 3D structure whose data is the sum of the two INPUTS: d1,d2 each must be 3D structures obtained from the get_?? routines e.g. "GET_EL" RETURNS: single 3D structure CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.8 02/04/17 Notes: This is a very crude subroutine. Use at your own risk.
FUNCTION: symm3d PURPOSE: Returns [theta,phi] given a 3d data struct INPUT: dat: A 3d data structure such as those generated by get_el,get_pl,etc e.g. "GET_EL" KEYWORDS: esteps: energy steps to use CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.5 95/10/06
FUNCTION: symmetry_dir PURPOSE: Calculates symmetry direction INPUT: Pt: array of pts KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.3 95/08/24
NAME: transform_velocity PROCEDURE: transform_velocity, vel, theta, phi, deltav PURPOSE: used by the convert_vframe routine to transform arrays of velocity thetas and phis by the offset deltav INPUT: vel: array of velocities theta: array of theta values phi: array of phi values deltav: [vx,vy,vz] (transformation velocity) KEYWORDS: vx,vy,vz: return vx,vy,vz separately as well as in vector form CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.21 02/11/01
FUNCTION: t_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden
PROCEDURE: units PURPOSE: adds the tag 'units' to the structure "struct" INPUTS: struct: structure to be added to. (Created if non-existent) units: string containing units name. Typical usage: units,lim,'Counts' CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.4 02/04/17
FUNCTION: vth_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden
FUNCTION: v_3d(dat,ENERGY=en,ERANGE=er,EBINS=ebins,ANGLE=an,ARANGE=ar,BINS=bins) INPUT: dat: structure, 2d data structure filled by get_eesa_surv, get_eesa_burst, etc. KEYWORDS ENERGY: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy range for integration ERANGE: fltarr(2), optional, min,max energy bin numbers for integration EBINS: bytarr(na), optional, energy bins array for integration 0,1=exclude,include, na = dat.nenergy ANGLE: fltarr(2,2), optional, angle range for integration theta min,max (0,0),(1,0) -90GET_3DT" or "get_2dt" to generate time series data for "". CREATED BY: J.McFadden 95-7-27 LAST MODIFICATION: 96-7-6 J.McFadden
PROCEDURE: xyz_to_polar,xyz PURPOSE: Calculates magnitude, theta and phi given a 3 vector INPUT: several options exist for xyz: string: data associated with the string is used. structure: data.y is assumed to contain the xyz array array(n,3) n by (x,y,z components) array(3) vector: [x,y,z] RETURN VALUES: through the keywords. Same dimensions and type as the input value of x. KEYWORDS: Named variables in which results are put MAGNITUDE: THETA: PHI: MAX_VALUE: MIN_VALUE: MISSING: OPTION KEYWORDS: These are used to set "CART_TO_SPHERE" opts. CO_LATITUDE: If set theta will be in co-latitude. (0<=theta<=180) PH_0_360: If set positive, 0<=phi<=360, if zero, -180<=phi<=180. If set negative, will guess the best phi range. PH_HIST: A 2 element vector, a min and max histeresis value. EXAMPLES: Passing arrays: x = findgen(100) y = 2*x z = x-20 vecs = [[x],[y],[z]] xyz_to_polar,vecs,mag=mag ;mag will be the magnitude of the array. Passing a structure: dat = {ytitle:'Vector',x:findgen(100),y:vecs} xyz_to_polar,dat,mag=mag,theta=th,phi=ph mag,th and ph will be all be structures. Passing a string: (see store_data, get_data) xyz_to_polar,'Vp' ; This assumes data has been created for this string. This will compute new data quantities: 'Vp_mag','Vp_th','Vp_ph'