; ;+ ;PROCEDURE: tsmooth2, name, width, newname=newname ;PURPOSE: ; Smooths the tplot data. ;INPUTS: ; name: The tplot handle. ; width: Integer array, same dimension as the data. Default is 10.[NB: the IDL routine used to smooth the data will ; automatically add 1 if the width is even] ; newname: name to assign to the output tplot variable. Default is name+'_sm' ; preserve_nans: (Added 20 dec 2011 lphilpott) set this keyword to not smooth over nans in the data. ; edge_truncate: If set, this keyword is passed to the smooth routine ; ; ;Documentation not complete.... ; ; ;CREATED BY: REE 10/11/95 ;Modified by: D Larson. ;LAST MODIFICATION: %M% ; ; $LastChangedBy: $ ; $LastChangedDate: $ ; $LastChangedRevision: $ ; $URL: $ ;- pro tsmooth2, name_, width, esteps=esteps, newname=newname, preserve_nans=preserve_nans,edge_truncate=edge_truncate, display_object=display_object ; ; Check that width is supplied. if n_elements(width) eq 0 then begin message,/info, 'Smoothing width defaulting to 10.' width=10 endif names = tnames(name_,cnt) for n=0,cnt-1 do begin name = names[n] if cnt gt 1 then newname = name+'_sm' ; Retrieve the data and check. get_data,name,data=data,alim=alim if size(data, /type) ne 8 then dprint,'Bad data.' w = width d = dimen2(data.y) if d ne dimen1(w) then w = replicate(width[0],d) ;time check, this program can have issues with highly irregular time ;intervals; check for really badly off time intervals, say more than width * the ;median dt ntimes = n_elements(data.x) if(ntimes Lt width) then begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'WARNING: Fewer data points than smoothing width for: '+tnames(name), display_object=display_object endif else begin dt = data.x[1:*]-data.x dt_test = width*median(dt) big_gap = where(dt gt dt_test, nbig_gap) if(nbig_gap Gt 0) then begin nbstr = strcompress(string(nbig_gap), /remove_all) dprint, dlevel=1, display_object=display_object, 'WARNING: Variable: '+tnames(name)+' has '+$ nbstr+' data gaps larger than the smoothing width*median dt' endif endelse ; Start main loop for smoothing. for i = 0,d-1 do begin if w[i] gt 2 then begin ; find any NANS nan_data=where(finite(data.y[*,i],/nan),nancount) nonnan_data=where(~finite(data.y[*,i],/nan),nonnan_count) ; deal with 'bad data' if nonnan_count gt 0 then begin ; this is to avoid a floating operand error when checking for bad data temp_ind=where(data.y[nonnan_data,i] gt 1.9e20,count) if count gt 0 then begin bad_data=nonnan_data[temp_ind] data.y[bad_data,i]=( data.y[bad_data-1,i] + data.y[bad_data+1,i] ) /2.0 endif data.y[*,i] = smooth(data.y[*,i],w[i],/nan,edge_truncate=edge_truncate) ; this still produces floating operand errors if there are nans for some reason if count gt 0 then $ data.y[bad_data,i]=2.0e20 if keyword_set(preserve_nans) then begin if nancount gt 0 then data.y[nan_data,i]=!values.f_nan ;should this be double or float? endif endif endif endfor ; Store the data. printdat,out=outs,width,'width',/val str_element,/add,alim,'comment',outs[0] if not keyword_set(newname) then newname = name+'_sm' store_data,newname,data=data,dlim=alim endfor return end