;+ ;function: tdexists ; ; purpose: Checks to see if a tplot variable exists and if its data ; exists. Exists means that there is data on the specified interval ; and that the data is not all NaNs ; ; Inputs: ; ; tvarname: A name or names to be checked(accepts type globs) ; start_time: a start datetime for the interval ; end_time: an end datetime for the interval ; ; Keywords: ; ; dims: set this keyword to a number if you want the function also to verify that ; the data has that number of elements in its second dimension. For ; example, if you set dims = 3, it will verify that the y component ; of the tplot variable is Nx3. ; ; ; NOTES: ; If you pass in a list of variables, this routine will return 0 if ; any of them do not exist or they do not have data on the ; interval. ; If you use globbing, it will return 0 if no variables match the ; glob and 0 if any of the variables that match the glob do not ; have data on the interval. ; On the other hand, if, for example, ; you expect that 2 variables should match the glob, but only one is ; present or only one matches and that has data, it will return ; true, because it cannot predict how many variables you expect to ; exist if you do not explictly specify them. ; ; This routine always returns 0 if the size(d.y,/n_dim) gt 3 ; Where d is the data struct of a tplot variable ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-05-21 16:19:20 -0700 (Wed, 21 May 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 3144 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/ssl_general/trunk/tools/tplot/tdexists.pro $ ;- function tdexists,tvarname,start_time,end_time,dims=dims compile_opt idl2 if n_elements(tvarname) eq 1 then begin tvarname = strsplit(tvarname[0],/extract) endif else if n_elements(tvarname) eq 0 then begin message,'incorrect arguments to data exists' endif if ~keyword_set(start_time) || ~keyword_set(end_time) then begin message,'start time & end time must be set in calls to data_exists' endif for j=0,n_elements(tvarname)-1 do begin name_list = tnames(tvarname[j]) if n_elements(name_list) eq 1 && name_list[0] eq '' then return, 0 for i = 0,n_elements(name_list)-1 do begin get_data,name_list[i],data=d if ~is_struct(d) then return, 0 str_element,d,'x',success=s if ~s then return, 0 str_element,d,'y',success=s if ~s then return, 0 idx = where(d.x ge time_double(start_time) and d.x le time_double(end_time)) if idx[0] eq -1L then return, 0 x = d.x[idx] if (size(d.y,/n_dim) eq 0) then begin y = d.y endif else if(size(d.y,/n_dim) eq 1) then begin y = d.y[idx] endif else if (size(d.y,/n_dim) eq 2) then begin y = d.y[idx,*] endif else if (size(d.y,/n_dim) eq 3) then begin y = d.y[idx,*,*] endif else begin return,0 endelse id = where(finite(y)) if id[0] eq -1L then return, 0 dsz = size(d.y,/dimensions) if dsz[0] ne n_elements(d.x) then return, 0 if keyword_set(dims) then begin if dims eq 1 && n_elements(dsz) ne 1 then begin return, 0 endif else if n_elements(dsz) ne 2 then begin return, 0 endif else if dims ne dsz[1] then begin return, 0 endif endif endfor endfor return, 1 end