;+ open ;Procedure: tplot_ascii ;Purpose: ; Creates an ascii file for selected tplot variables. ;Input: ; Names names of tplot variables. May use glob patterns to specify ; a set of variables. ;Keywords: ; fname: file name, by default 'tplot_name' where name is set to ; tvar[n] (variable name) ; Ext: by default, a separate file will be created in the ; current directory with name tplot_name.txt. Use this ; keyword to set the .txt extension to a different extension. ; dir: Put output in dir as opposed to current working directory. ; precise: increases precision to maximum ; trange: array[2] of double or string. Specify time range for output. ; header: optional keyword, if set ascii file will contain header information ;History: ; 08-Jul-2008, cg, added formating to handle 3 d data sets ; 09-may-2008, cg, added format statement to print so that the values didn't ; run together ; 09-may-2008, cg, added use of precision keyword, set default value = 3 ; 29-apr-2008, cg, fixed bug with dlimits ; 28-mar-2008, cg, added keyword fname to allow user to specify a file ; name (thm_ui_dproc procedure determines and passes the ; filename) ; 28-mar-2008, cg, added file header ; 27-aug-2008, cg, added another time precision keyword /msec to print format ; 09-jul-2009, cg, added code to write the v component to a file, also added ; print statements indicating success or failure. ; 30-nov-2010, jmm, removed /msec from time_string call ;- pro tplot_ascii,names,trange=trange,fname=fname,ext=ext,dir=dir,$ precise=precise,header=header, format_string=format_string if not keyword_set(fname) then fname = '' else fname = fname+'_' if not keyword_set(ext) then ext = '.txt' if not keyword_set(dir) then dir = '' else dir = file_expand_path(dir)+ '/' if not keyword_set(precise) then precise=3 tvar=tnames(names) nv = n_elements(tvar) for n=0,nv-1 do begin varnam=tvar[n] vflag=0 get_data,varnam,data=d, limits=l, dlimits=dl if keyword_set(d) then begin time = d.x data = d.y tnames = strupcase(tag_names(d)) ;test for either v or v1 components result = where(tnames eq 'V') if result NE -1 then begin vflag=1 datav = d.v endif result = where(tnames eq 'V1') if result NE -1 then begin vflag=1 datav = d.v1 endif if keyword_set(trange) then begin tr=time_double(trange) w=where(time ge tr[0] and time le tr[1],c) if c gt 0 then begin time =time[w] dim = size(data, /dimensions) endif else begin dprint, 'There is no data in specified time range' dprint, time_string(trange) return endelse if n_elements(dim) eq 3 then data = data[w,*,*] else data = data[w,*] endif else c=n_elements(time) filename = dir+fname+varnam+ext openw,/get_lun,lun,filename,width=2500 if vflag then openw,/get_lun,lunv,string(dir+fname+varnam+'_v'+ext),width=2500 if keyword_set(header) then Begin printf, lun, ';VARIABLE NAMES: ', varnam ndims = size(data, /dimensions) Case n_elements(ndims) of 1: Begin printf, lun, ';NUMBER ROWS: ', ndims printf, lun, ';NUMBER COLUMNS: ', 2 End 2: Begin printf, lun, ';NUMBER ROWS: ', ndims[0] printf, lun, ';NUMBER COLUMNS: ', ndims[1]+1 End 3: Begin printf, lun, ';NUMBER ROWS: ', ndims[0]*2 printf, lun, ';NUMBER COLUMNS: ', ndims[1]+1 End EndCase ;if data limits exists then add coordinate system, units, and labels if size(dl, /type) eq 8 then Begin tagnames= tag_names(dl) results=strpos(tagnames, 'DATA_ATT') index=where(results ge 0) if index ge 0 then Begin printf, lun, ';DATA LIMIT VALUES ' tagnames = tag_names(dl.data_att) results=strpos(tagnames, 'COORD_SYS') index=where(results ge 0) if index ge 0 then coord_sys=dl.data_att.coord_sys else $ coord_sys='Unknown' printf, lun, ';COORDINATE SYSTEM: ', coord_sys results=strpos(tagnames, 'UNITS') index=where(results ge 0) if index ge 0 then units=dl.data_att.units else $ units='Unknown' printf, lun, ';UNITS: ', units tagnames = tag_names(dl) results=strpos(tagnames, 'LABELS') index=where(results ge 0) if index ge 0 then labels=dl.labels else $ labels='Unknown' printf, lun, ';LABELS: ', labels endif else Begin printf, lun, ';COORDINATE SYSTEM: Unknown' printf, lun, ';UNITS: Unknown' printf, lun, ';LABELS: Unknown' endelse endif else Begin printf, lun, ';COORDINATE SYSTEM: Unknown' printf, lun, ';UNITS: Unknown' printf, lun, ';LABELS: Unknown' endelse endif dim = size(data, /dimensions) if n_elements(dim) eq 1 then ncol=dim(0) if n_elements(dim) ge 2 then ncol=dim(1) if n_elements(dim) eq 3 then begin col1=reform(data[*,*,0]) col2=reform(data[*,0,*]) data = [col1, col2] endif if ~keyword_set(format_string) then begin dtype = size(data, /type) Case dtype of 2: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' 3: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' 4: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,e20.7))' 5: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,e20.7))' 12: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' 13: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' 14: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' 15: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,I12))' Else: format_string = '(A23, ' + strtrim(ncol, 2) + '(2X,e20.7))' EndCase endif for i=0l,c-1 do begin printf,lun,time_string(time[i],precision=precise),reform(data[i,*]),$ format=format_string endfor close,lun free_lun, lun dprint, 'File '+filename+' successfully created for variable '+varnam endif ;if y-axis scaling information exists, write it to a file if vflag then begin dim = size(datav, /dimensions) if n_elements(dim) eq 1 then ncol=dim(0) if n_elements(dim) ge 2 then ncol=dim(1) if n_elements(dim) eq 3 then begin col1=reform(data[*,*,0]) col2=reform(data[*,0,*]) datav = [col1, col2] endif for i=0l,dim[0]-1 do begin printf,lunv,reform(datav[i,*]) endfor close,lunv free_lun, lunv endif endfor ;notify user if some of the names do not have tplot variables for i=0,n_elements(names)-1 do begin result = where(tvar eq names[i]) if result eq -1 then dprint, string('Variable '+names[i]+' does not exist. File not created.') endfor end