;+ ;FUNCTION: ; dat = tsample([var,trange],[times=t]) ;PURPOSE: ; Returns a vector (or array) of tplot data values. ;USAGE: ; dat = tsample() ;Use cursor to select a subset of data. ; dat = tsample('Np',[t0,t1]) ;extract all 'Np' data in the given time range ;KEYWORDS: ; AVERAGE: if set the time average of the variable is returned ; STDEV: named value to return the standard deviation (only works if AVERAGE is set) ; TIMES: time values returned through this (named) variable keyword. ; VALUES: values returned through this named variable keyword. ; DY : dy values returned through this named variable keyword. ; ;- function tsample,var,t,times=times,values=vals,noshow=noshow,index=w $ ,average=aver,nan=nan,dy=dy,stdev=stdev,silent=silent,total=tot,count=c if n_elements(nan) eq 0 then nan=1 if keyword_set(t) eq 0 then begin print,'Select time range'+ (size(/type,var) eq 7 ? ' for variable "'+var+'".' : '.') ctime,t,np=2,vnam=vars,noshow=noshow,silent=silent endif if not keyword_set(var) then var=vars[0] else var=(tnames(var,/all))[0] get_data,var,data=d c = 1 w = -1 val = !values.f_nan if not keyword_set(t) then return,val if size(/type,d) ne 8 then return,val if n_elements(t) eq 2 then w = where(d.x ge t[0] and d.x lt t[1],c) if n_elements(t) eq 1 then begin dt = d.x-t[0] w = where(finite(dt) eq 0,nw) if nw ne 0 then dt[w] = 1e13 dummy = min(abs(dt),w) endif if c ne 0 then begin nd = size(/n_dimen,d.y) case nd of 1: val=d.y[w] 2: val=d.y[w,*] 3: val=d.y[w,*,*] endcase ; val=d.y(w,*) times=d.x(w) str_element,d,'v',vals if ndimen(vals) eq 2 then vals= vals(w,*) str_element,d,'dy',dy if keyword_set(dy) then dy = dy[w,*] endif if keyword_set(aver) then begin val = average(val,1,nan=nan,stdev=stdev) if ndimen(vals) eq 2 then vals= average(vals,1,nan=nan) if keyword_set(dy) then dy = average(dy,1,nan=nan) endif if keyword_set(tot) then begin val = total(val,1,nan=nan) ; if ndimen(vals) eq 2 then vals= total(vals,1,nan=nan) ; if keyword_set(dy) then dy = (dy,1,nan=nan) endif return,val end