;+ ; ;Name: ;THM_UI_SHOW_DLIM.PRO ; ;Syntax: ; THM_UI_SHOW_DLIM ,tplot_name, group=group ; where, ; tplot_name is the name string or index number of a single tplot ; variable. ; ;Purpose: ; Display the output of help,/structure for the default limits ; structure of specified tplot variable. ; ;Keywords: ; group ; ;Example: ; This is a subroutine to THM_GUI.PRO -- not intended for outside ; calls (but it wil work). ; ;Author: W.M.Feuerstein, 2008/2/4 ; ;Modification History: ; Padded names array with white space to make widget output left ; justified, WMF. ; Fixed group kw (must die with parent), fixed Windows bug, ; added DLIMITS.DATA_ATT info (if present), WMF, 3/5/2008. ; ;History: ; A J. McTiernan request. ; Adapted from TPLOT_LABEL.PRO ; ;$LastChangedBy: cgoethel $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2008-07-08 08:41:22 -0700 (Tue, 08 Jul 2008) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 3261 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/trunk/idl/themis/deprecated/thm_ui/thm_ui_show_dlim.pro $ ;- PRO thm_ui_show_dlim_event, event END PRO thm_ui_show_dlim, tplot_name, GROUP = GROUP if not(keyword_set(tplot_name)) then return ;Get default limit structure info: ;================================= get_data,tplot_name,dlim=dlim help,dlim,/structure,output=info names=['DLIMITS:','=========',info] ;Does dlim exist? ;================ dlim_exists = size(dlim,/type) eq 8 ? 1 : 0 ;If yes, then test for the presence of DATA_ATT: ;=============================================== data_att_exists = $ (where(tag_names(dlim) eq 'DATA_ATT'))[0] ne -1 ? 1 : 0 ;If yes, then run help and concatinate info: ;=========================================== if data_att_exists then begin help,dlim.data_att,/structure,output=info names=[names,' ','DLIMITS.DATA_ATT:','================',info] endif ;Note number of names (including null and undefined): ;==================================================== n_names=n_elements(names) ;If the list exists, print to widget: ;==================================== if n_names ge 1 and dlim_exists ne 0 then begin ;Note width of widest variable name: ;=================================== strlen=strlen(names) maxwidth=max(strlen) maxwidth=maxwidth>25 ;but make it wide enough for title. xsize = 8.1*maxwidth ;Make the box and frame wide enough. base = widget_base(title = 'Tplot variable "'+string(tplot_name)+ $ '" default limits structure(s):', $ /COLUMN, $ ;Organize subsequent widgets in columns. xsize = xsize, $ ;Make it wide enough that the ; base's title shows completely. ysize=n_names*15.,$ ;Make it tall enough to hold the list (limit?) group_leader=group) ;Make sure widget dies with THEMIS GUI. ;Join the name array into a scalar w/ linefeed delimiters and ;pad white space on right so output is left justified (label widget ;seems to center): ;================= pad = maxwidth-strlen for i = 0,n_elements(names)-1 do $ if pad[i] gt 0 then names[i]=names[i]+strjoin( replicate(' ',pad[i])) label1 = widget_text(base, VALUE = names, /frame, $ xsize = xsize, $ ;Make it wide enough that the ; base's title shows completely. ysize=n_names*15.) ;Make it tall enough to hold the list (limit?) endif else begin ;Otherwise the tplot name is not valid. ;Notify the user. base = widget_base(title = tplot_name+': DEFAULT LIMIT STRUCTURE', $ /COLUMN, $ ;Organize subsequent widgets in columns. xsize = 250., $ ysize=30., $ group_leader=group) label1 = widget_label(base, $ VALUE = 'THE SPECIFIED TPLOT NAME IS INVALID.');,$ ;/FRAME) endelse ; Realize the widgets: WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE ; Hand off to the XMANAGER: XMANAGER, 'TPLOT_LABEL', base, group_leader=grou, /NO_BLOCK END