;+ ;PROCEDURE: thm_crib_sst_contamination ;Purpose: 1. Demonstrate the basic procedure for removal of sun contamination, ; electronic noise, and masking. ; 2.. Demonstrate removal of suncontamination via various methods. ; 3. Demonstrate the correction of inadvertant masking in SST data ; 4. Demonstrate scaling data for loss of solid angle in SST measurements. ; 5. Demonstrate substraction of electronic noise by selecting bins in a specific region ; 6. Show how to use these techniques for both angular spectrograms,energy spectrgrams, and moments. ; ;SEE ALSO: ; thm_remove_sunpulse.pro(this routine has the majority of the documentation) ; thm_part_moments.pro, thm_part_moments2.pro, thm_part_getspec.pro ; thm_part_dist.pro, thm_sst_psif.pro, thm_sst_psef.pro,thm_sst_erange_bin_val.pro ; thm_crib_part_getspec.pro ; ; To run this crib either copy and paste text into command line or use .run thm_crib_sst_contamination ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-12-16 18:09:31 -0800 (Mon, 16 Dec 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 13694 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/trunk/idl/themis/examples/deprecated/thm_crib_sst_contamination.pro $ ;- probe='b' ;set some variables hrs = 3.0 sdate='2008-02-26/01:00:00' ;start time edate=time_string(time_double(sdate)+hrs*3600) ;end time timespan,sdate,hrs,/hour ;set times and load data thm_load_sst,probe=probe ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BASIC KEYWORDS: Very basic removal of sun contamination. These examples use as few keywords as possible. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The sun contamination can be seen clearly in this example plot: ;(thb_psif_en_eflux_norm is the energy spectrum, thb_psif_an_eflux_phi_norm is the phi angular spectrum) thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], data_type='psif', suffix='_normal',/autoplot stop ; To very simply remove the contamination, use the keyword method_clean='automatic'. ; Contaminated bins are filled via interpolation over phi thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], data_type='psif', suffix='_automatic', method_clean='automatic' tplot,'th'+probe+'_psif_'+['an_eflux_phi_normal','an_eflux_phi_automatic','en_eflux_normal','en_eflux_automatic'] stop ;Basic description of the automatic sun decontamination process follows: ;Note that this is highly configurable. See thm_sst_remove_sunpulse.pro for detailed descriptions of options. ;Manual decontamination is recommended if you want detailed control. ; ;#1 SST Particle Data are summed over energy.(Test can be applied to ion & electron. Due to crosstalk, it will show up in both distributions, despite the film over the electron telescopes.) ;#2 At each time a modified z-score(standard statistical outlier test) is calculated for each phi out of each group of phis for a particular theta. ;#3 A characteristic z-score is generated for each phi by taking the truncated mean of the z-scores at each phi across time. ; (A truncated mean is used instead of a normal mean, because there are single time glitches which create z-scores that are large enough to throw off the characteristic z-score for the entire date) ;#4 Individual phis which have z-scores which are larger than a ten times the characteristic z-score are removed and filled by interpolation across phi. ; If a phi fails, all times and energies for that phi are removed. ;#5 Steps 2-4 are repeated, except instead of summing over energy as in #1, the test is applied to energy bin 9 alone. ; For phis that fail the test, all energies are removed and interpolated. ; The reason that a specific test is performed on bin 9 is because earth shine sometimes contaminates only energy bin 9 data. ; ; To choose yourself which bins to remove, use edit3dbins. ; Plot the standard spectrum with sun contamination thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], data_type='psif', suffix='_normal',/autoplot ; Run edit3dbins: This will prompt you to use the cursor to select a time on the previous plot. The idea is to select a time ; where the signal is low so that the contaminated bins can be easily seen. e.g. between 2.30 and 2.40. ; Next a plot showing the flux in each angular bin will be displayed. Select the bins with contamination (those with unusually ; high flux) using mouse button 1 (in this case bins 32, 48 for example). The bin number will turn white. Once you have finished ; selecting the bins click mouse button 2 or double-click button 1 (note, the window will remain open even when the interactive mode has exited) tm = gettime(/c) edit3dbins,thm_part_dist('th'+probe+'_psif', tm), bins,/log stop ; Replot the spectrum, passing the bins you have selected and using the keyword method_clean='manual' and sun_bins = the output from edit3dbins edit3dbins,thm_part_dist('th'+probe+'_psif', tm,method_clean='manual',sun_bins=bins), bins,/log stop ;You can also set the bins programmatically. For this data set, this set of bins produces a very clean result. bins = dblarr(64)+1 ;allocate variable for bins, with all bins selected bins[[0,16,30,32,33,34,48,58,55,56]] = 0 ;set of bins to remove thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], data_type='psif', suffix='_manual', method_clean='manual', sun_bins=bins tplot, ['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_normal','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_automatic','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_manual'] stop ;The default behavior is to interpolate over sun bins.(across phi) ;You can, however, choose to have the data removed from the data set instead. ;To do this set fillin_method='blank' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], data_type='psif', suffix='_blank', method_clean='automatic',fillin_method='blank' tplot, ['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_normal','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_automatic','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_manual','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_blank'] stop ;By default data are rem ; Another basic option for removing sun contamination is to use the keyword all_angle_median. ; all_angle_median replaces data with the median calculated over all angles for each energy. ; This will generally eliminate contamination in some of the moments, but will make ; analysis of angular plots impossible. It will also eliminate the velocity moment. thm_part_moments,probe=probe,instrum=['psif'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf', $ scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*', /all_angle_median, $ trange=[sdate,edate],tplotsuffix='_all_median' tplot, 'th'+probe+'_psif_en_eflux_all_median' stop ; There is one further basic keyword: scale_sphere. This keyword increases the value of all counts by 16%. ; This compensates for the inability of the sst to measure directly along the probe geometric Z axis and the inability ; to measure directly along the probe geometric xy plane.(ie X=0,Y=0,Z = n or X=n,Y=m,Z=0, are SST 'blind spots') thm_part_moments,probe=probe,instrum=['psif'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf', $ scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*', /scale_sphere, $ trange=[sdate,edate],tplotsuffix='_scale',method_clean='automatic' ;include automatic keyword because the energy spectragram is extremely contaminated on this interval tplot, 'th'+probe+'_psif_en_eflux_scale' stop ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ADVANCED KEYWORDS ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;normal calls to thm_part_getspec for comparison ;this sort of phi plot clearly shows both the ;contamination and the mask that must be removed thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], suffix='_norm_t1' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], suffix='_norm_t2' ;normal call to generate moments for comparison thm_part_moments,probe=probe,instrum=['ps?f'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf', $ scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*',trange=[sdate,edate],tplotsuffix='_norm' ;-------------------------------------------- ;basic sun contamination/electronic noise removal procedure ;NOTE: examples of the different options available are shown further down in the crib ;-------------------------------------------- ;First call thm_part_getspec and remove sun contamination/masking thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',method_sunpulse_clean='median',tplotsuffix='_ex1_t1',/mask_remove,/autoplot ;now call edit3d bins with sun contamination removal options ;and select the region between 2:30 and 2:40 ;generally you should try to select a region in this step that has low flux ;Now select the bins that have electrical contamination using mouse button 1. ;In this example I selected bins: 32,33,55,56,62 ;After the bins have been marked(their bin number should turn white) you can ;exit the interactive mode using mouse button 2 or by double clicking button 1. ;A Caveat: if you call edit3dbins a second time, the same bins will stay marked, you can use mouse 1 to unmark marked bins. edit3dbins,thm_sst_psif(probe=probe, gettime(/c),method_sunpulse_clean='median'), bins ;thm_crib_part_getspec has more examples on the use of edit3dbins ;select the times from which electronic noise levels will be determined ;(these values must be within the trange argument passed to thm_part_getspec) t1 = '2008-02-26/02:30:00' t2 = '2008-02-26/02:40:00' ;If you want you can select a different time range for each bin separately ;The time array below can be either a 2xN where N is the number of elements in idx ;Or a 2 element array, where the same times are applied to all bins. times=[t1,t2] ; ;now regenerate phi plot with the electronic noise from the selected bins subtracted. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',method_sunpulse_clean='median',tplotsuffix='_ex2_t1',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 tplot,['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_norm_t1','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_ex1_t1','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_ex2_t1'],title='themis '+probe+' ion an eflux phi : theta = [-45,0]' stop ;remove the data at it will be regenerated in the examples below del_data,'th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_ex*' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Example of the same process for electron burst data ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- timespan,'2008-03-12/03:30:00',1,/hour thm_part_getspec, probe='d', trange=['2008-03-12/03:30:00','2008-03-12/04:30:00'], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='pseb', angle='phi', suffix='_norm_t1',/autoplot ;now remove the mask and sun contamination thm_part_getspec, probe='d', trange=['2008-03-12/03:30:00','2008-03-12/04:30:00'], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='pseb', angle='phi', suffix='_ex1_t1',mask_remove=.99,method_sunpulse_clean='median' ;You can also remove contamination/electrical noise using the enoise options edit3dbins,thm_sst_pseb(probe='d', gettime(/c)), bins ;now remove contamination using enoise_bin options thm_part_getspec, probe='d', trange=['2008-03-12/03:30:00','2008-03-12/04:30:00'], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='pseb', angle='phi', suffix='_ex2_t1',mask_remove=.99,$ enoise_bins=bins,enoise_bgnd_time=['2008-03-12/04:14:00','2008-03-12/04:14:30'] ;the first plot here is unmodified, the second plot uses the automated method to remove the sun contamination ;the third plot uses enoise_bins to remove the sun contamination. tplot,['thd_pseb_an_eflux_phi_norm_t1','thd_pseb_an_eflux_phi_ex1_t1','thd_pseb_an_eflux_phi_ex2_t1'] stop timespan,sdate,hrs,/hour ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Examples of different options and detailed explanations of their behavior ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;This call will generate spectrograms but remove the sun contamination. ;It calculates a modified Z-score for each bin across phi. ;All points that have a modified z-score(calculated across phi) greater than 3.5 will ;be considered outliers and removed. ;The modified z-score is a normalized outlier detection test defined as follows: ;#1 X_Bar = median(X+1) ;#2 Sigma = MAD = Median Absolute Deviation = median(abs(X-X_Bar)) ;#3 Z_Score_Mod = .6745*(X - X_Bar)/Sigma ;This test can often get excellent results because it is insensitive to variation in standard deviation ; and skew in the distributions. ; thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], suffix='_int_z_t1',$ method_sunpulse_clean='z_score_mod' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], suffix='_int_z_t2', $ method_sunpulse_clean='z_score_mod' ; ;this call will generate spectrograms but remove the sun contamination. ;It removes all the points that are more than 2.0(default) of standard deviations ;from a spin-fit. The fitting is done with the idl function svdfit and the function ;that is being fit is A + B*Sin(phi)+C*Cos(phi) ;After the points are removed they are filled via linear interpolation ;along phi. This interpolation is done using the TDAS function: interp_gap ;if you want to specify a different number of standard deviations you can ;use the keyword limit_sunpulse_clean, for example: limit_sunpulse_clean=1.3 ;NOTE: the median option is much faster than the spin_fit option for sun contamination ;removal ; thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], suffix='_int_fit_t1',$ method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], suffix='_int_fit_t2', $ method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit' ;the next call will remove the on-board masking by finding all the phis and ; thetas that are 0 for some proportion of times and at all energies for the ; specified time range. The identified points will be removed and replaced via linear ; interpolation along phi. This is done with the TDAS function: interp_gap ; The input to mask_remove keyword is the proportion of times that must have 0 at all values ; to be considered the mask. Generally .99 is a good choice, although it may vary ; between data sets. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99, $ suffix='_int_mask_t1' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45],$ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99,$ suffix='_int_mask_t2' ;this call will perform both spin fit sun contamination removal and mask filling. ;The removed points will be filled via interpolation along phi. The points ;removed via 'mask_fill=.99' and the points removed via 'spin_fit=' will be filled ;at the same time. This example also requests a points a user specified number ;of standard deviations from the spin_fit be removed rather than the default of 2.0 ;Note also that you can specify the fillin method, but since interpolation ;is the default, you do not need to specify it, if that is the method ;you want to use. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='ps?f',angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99,$ suffix='_int_mask_fit_t1',method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit',$ limit_sunpulse_clean=1.8,fillin_method='interpolation' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45],$ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99,$ suffix='_int_mask_fit_t2',method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit',$ limit=1.8 ;this transformation will remove the same points as in the previous transformation, ;but the points will be filled by using a second spin fit after the problematic points ;have been identified. The appropriate phis for the removed points will then be plugged ;into the second spin fit to fill them with values derived from the 2nd spin-fit. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0], $ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99,$ suffix='_fit_mask_fit_t1',method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit', $ limit_sunpulse_clean=1.8,fillin_method='spin_fit' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45],$ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99, $ suffix='_fit_mask_fit_t2', method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit', $ limit_sunpulse_clean=1.8,fillin_method='spin_fit' ;the example will remove the sun contamination using a different technique. ;Rather than using a spin fit, it will remove all the points that are greater than ;a user specified number of standard deviations(default 2.0) from the median along each ;phi at each theta,energy, & time. By default filling is done with the interpolation ; method,but you may also request spin filling with fillin_method='spin_fit' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[-45,0],$ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99, $ suffix='_fit_mask_med_t1',method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ limit_sunpulse_clean=1.8,fillin_method='spin_fit' thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate,edate], theta=[0,45],$ data_type='ps?f', angle='phi',erange=[50000,100000], mask_remove=.99, $ suffix='_fit_mask_med_t2',method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ limit_sunpulse_clean=1.8,fillin_method='spin_fit' ;Any of the options used above may also be called with thm_part_moments or thm_part_moments2 thm_part_moments,probe=probe,instrum=['ps?f'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf', $ scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*', mask_remove=.99, $ trange=[sdate,edate],tplotsuffix='_int_mask_med', $ method_sunpulse_clean='median' ;the /scale_sphere option will increase measurements by 16% this ;is to account for the loss of solid angle that occurs from the ;inability of the SST to measure in all directions. The SST is unable to ;measure directly along the probe geometric Z-axis and directly along the probe ;geometric XY plane (ie Z=n,X=0,Y=0 & Z=0,X=n,Y=m are SST 'blind spots'). ;This option may be combined with any of the other available options. ;This option may also be used with thm_part_getspec. thm_part_moments,probe=probe,instrum=['ps?f'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf', $ scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*', /scale_sphere, $ trange=[sdate,edate],tplotsuffix='_scale' ;you may also choose to replace all angles with the median across all angles ;for each particular energy and time by using the all_angle_median option. ;This simple transformation will remove the sun contamination/masking from many ;moments, but will result in a 0 velocity moment, and more isotropic temperatures ;than normal. This option may also be used with thm_part_getspec. ;It is possible to combine this option with other sun contamination options, but ;the result may not be meaningful because this option removes all ;variation across angles. thm_part_moments,probe=probe,instrum=['ps?f'],mag_suffix='_peif_magf', $ scpot_suffix='_peif_sc_pot',moments='*', /all_angle_median, $ trange=[sdate,edate],tplotsuffix='_all_median' stop ;The options below will show the different options for removal of electrical contamination ;First we generate the arguments to the enoise options. Note that the first example ;in this crib sheet shows how to generate the bin indexes interactively using edit3dbins bins = intarr(64) bins[*] = 1 idx = [32,33,55,56,62] bins[idx] = 0 times = strarr(2,n_elements(idx)) times[0,*] = t1 times[1,*] = t2 ;this example shows the basic call to remove electronic noise ;the values of the selected bins at the user specified time range ;will be subtracted from the selected bins at all times ;the value over the range is determined by some function over the user ;specified range. A separate value is calculated and subtracted for each ;different energy range. ; ;This example shows the default enoise removal function 'fit_median' ;This option was used in the original example as well.(since it is the default ;whether you specify it or not is optional) ;The 'fit_median' function removes all the selected bins. Then it interpolates ;across phi to fill in the removed bins. After this, the median of the interpolated difference of the ;interpolated values and the selected bins over the user specified time range is subtracted from ; the bins over the entire time range thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ tplotsuffix='_enoise_fit_med_t1',enoise_remove_method='fit_median',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[0,45], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median',$ tplotsuffix='_enoise_fit_med_t2',enoise_remove_method='fit_median',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 ;This example shows the enoise removal function 'fit_average' ;The 'fit_average' function removes all the selected bins. Then it interpolates ;across phi to fill in the removed bins. After this, the average of the interpolated difference of the ;interpolated values and the selected bins over the user specified time range is subtracted from ; the bins over the entire time range thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ tplotsuffix='_enoise_fit_avg_t1',enoise_remove_method='fit_average',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[0,45], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median',$ tplotsuffix='_enoise_fit_avg_t2',enoise_remove_method='fit_average',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 ;This example shows the enoise removal function 'median' ;This function subtracts the median over time of each bin and energy. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ tplotsuffix='_enoise_med_t1',enoise_remove_method='median',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[0,45], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median',$ tplotsuffix='_enoise_med_t2',enoise_remove_method='median',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 ;This example shows the enoise removal function 'average' ;This function subtracts the average over time of each bin and energy. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ tplotsuffix='_enoise_avg_t1',enoise_remove_method='average',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[0,45], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median',$ tplotsuffix='_enoise_avg_t2',enoise_remove_method='average',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 ;This example shows the enoise removal function 'min' ;This function subtracts the minimum over time of each bin and energy. thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[-45,0], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',/autoplot,method_sunpulse_clean='median', $ tplotsuffix='_enoise_min_t1',enoise_remove_method='min',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 thm_part_getspec, probe=probe, trange=[sdate, edate], $ theta=[0,45], phi=[0,360], $ data_type=['psif'], start_angle=0,$ angle='phi',method_sunpulse_clean='median',$ tplotsuffix='_enoise_min_t2',enoise_remove_method='min',$ enoise_bins = bins,enoise_bgnd_time=times,mask_remove=.99 ;setting a couple labels ;note that you may want to set the ranges so that all the plots scale evenly options,'th'+probe+'_ps?f_magt3_*',labels=['Tprp1FA', 'Tprp2FA', 'TparFA'],labflag=1 options,'th'+probe+'_ps?f_velocity_*',labels=['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'],labflag=1 tplot_options,'xmargin',[20,15] stop window,xsize=600,ysize=900 ;the next few tplot calls will plot the phi spectrograms made above ;These plots allow comparisons of the different techniques tplot,['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_norm*_t1','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_int*_t1','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_fit*_t1'],title='themis '+probe+' ion an eflux phi : theta = [-45,0]' stop tplot,['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_norm*_t2','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_int*_t2','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_fit*_t2'],title='themis '+probe+' ion an eflux phi : theta = [0,45]' stop tplot,['th'+probe+'_psef_an_eflux_phi_norm*_t1','th'+probe+'_psef_an_eflux_phi_int*_t1','th'+probe+'_psef_an_eflux_phi_fit*_t1'],title='themis '+probe+' electron an eflux phi : theta = [-45,0]' stop tplot,['th'+probe+'_psef_an_eflux_phi_norm*_t2','th'+probe+'_psef_an_eflux_phi_int*_t2','th'+probe+'_psef_an_eflux_phi_fit*_t2'],title='themis '+probe+' electron an eflux phi : theta = [0,45] ' stop tplot,['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_norm*_t1','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_enoise*_t1'],title='themis '+probe+' ion an eflux phi : theta = [-45,0] ' stop tplot,['th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_norm*_t2','th'+probe+'_psif_an_eflux_phi_enoise*_t2'],title='themis '+probe+' ion an eflux phi : theta = [0,45] ' stop ;these calls will plot the moments generated by calls to thm_part_moments ;these plots allow comparisons of the different techniques tplot,'th'+probe+'_psif_en_eflux*',title='themis '+probe+' ion eflux' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psef_en_eflux*',title='themis '+probe+' electron eflux' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psif_density*',title='themis '+probe+' ion density' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psef_density*',title='themis '+probe+' electron density' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psif_magt3*',title='themis '+probe+' ion magt3' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psef_magt3*',title='themis '+probe+' electron magt3' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psif_velocity*',title='themis '+probe+' ion velocity' stop tplot,'th'+probe+'_psef_velocity*',title='themis '+probe+' electron velocity' stop ;you can also use median,spin_fit,spin_fill,scale_sphere, & all_angle_median ;arguments directly with thm_sst_psif,thm_sst_psef. You may NOT use the ;mask_fill option, as it only makes sense to use when looping over several ;time stamps. ;heres an example before the correction: edit3dbins,thm_sst_psif(probe=probe, time_double(sdate)) ;here's an example after the correction edit3dbins,thm_sst_psif(probe=probe, time_double(sdate),method_sunpulse_clean='spin_fit') ;If you want to see how to use the mask_fill option directly with ;thm_sst_ps?f, you can use thm_find_masking to generate the appropriate ;arguments, but doing this is not recommended. Also note that while ;using all_angle_median and scale_sphere is possible it doesn't ;necessarily make sense when looking at the data individually. end