;FGM demonstration script by Patrick Cruce ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; print, "Hello World!" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; print, 'At any stop statement press .c to continue' ;set the timespan timespan, '2007-3-23', 1 doc_library, 'thm_load_fgm' stop ;load some data thm_load_fgm, probe = 'b c', level = 'l2' ;print variable names tplot_names stop ;plot a data quantity tplot, 'thb_fgs_dsl' stop ;change plot title tplot_options, 'title', 'THEMIS SciSoft Examples' ;load state data for probe b thm_load_state, probe = 'b' ;plot some more tplot, 'thb_fgs_dsl thb_state_pos' tplot_names stop ;get rid of data, demonstrate use of wildcard del_data, '*_dsl' ;now load data in gsm coordinate system thm_load_fgm,datatype='fgs',probe='b',coord='gsm', level = 'l2' ;transform state data into gsm coordinates thm_cotrans, 'thb_state_pos', 'thb_state_pos_gsm', out_coord = 'gsm' tplot_names stop ;plot position data in 3 different yet similiar coordinate systems tplot, 'thb_state_pos*' ;zoom in tlimit,'2007-03-23/16:00:00','2007-03-23/20:00:00' stop ;generate magnitude variables xyz_to_polar, 'thb_state_pos_gsm' xyz_to_polar, 'thb_fgs_gsm' ;plot field strength versus earth distance tplot,['thb_state_pos_gsm_mag','thb_fgs_gsm_mag'] print, 'Call "tlimit" with no arguments to zoom in using the cursor' stop ;zoom out tlimit,'2007-03-23/00:00:00','2007-03-23/24:00:00' stop ;get direct access to state data get_data, 'thb_state_pos_gsm_mag', data = d ;heres what the struct looks like help, /str, d stop ;manually turn data from km to earth radii d.y = d.y/6374 ;store in new tplot variabel store_data, 'thb_state_pos_gsm_mag_re', data = d ;note that conversion to RE can be done in a single step as well del_data,'thb_state_pos_gsm_re' tKm2Re,'thb_state_pos_gsm_mag' ;plot magnitometer data tplot, 'thb_fgs_gsm_mag' ;add radius label tplot, var_label = 'thb_state_pos_gsm_mag_re' stop ;print current working directory cwd ;change current working directory(example this command does nothing) cwd, '.' stop ;export to png makepng ;export to gif makegif,'demo' ;export to postscript popen,'demo2' tplot pclose ;export variable data to ascii tplot_ascii, 'thb_fgs_gsm_mag' stop ;look in more detail at magnetometer struct get_data, 'thb_fgs_gsm', data = d, dlimits = dl help, /str, d help, /str, dl help, /str, dl.data_att print, dl.data_att.coord_sys stop end