;+ ; NAME: ; thm_mult_gmag_plot.pro ; PURPOSE: ; Plots all GMAG data, in groups of 3 (or anything set by ; keyword n_per_page) for quick viewing ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_mult_gmag_plot, date, duration ; INPUTS: ; date: The start of the time interval to be plotted. (Format: ; 'YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss') ; duration: The length of the interval being plotted. (Floating ; point number of days -> 12hr=0.5), default=1 ; no_data_load: This keyword prevents new data from being ; loaded; the routine will try to plot existing data if it ; exists. ; n_per_page: plots this many stations at a time, default is 3 ; OUTPUTS: ; Plots... ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; jmm, 1-sep-2009, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-01-09 09:54:03 -0800 (Mon, 09 Jan 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 9515 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/trunk/idl/themis/ground/thm_mult_gmag_plot.pro $ ;- Pro thm_mult_gmag_plot, date, duration, no_data_load = no_data_load, $ n_per_page = n_per_page, winsize = winsize, $ _extra = _extra ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;find all gmag CDF files on given date and put data into tplot variables ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ if not keyword_set(date) then begin dprint, 'You must specify a date. (Format : YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS)' return endif if not keyword_set(duration) then duration = 1. start_time = time_double(date) end_time = start_time+86400.*duration timespan, date, duration if not keyword_set(no_data_load) then begin del_data, 'thg_mag_*' thm_load_gmag, site = '????', /subtract_median endif ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;check that there is some valid data ;________________________________________________________________________________________________ tplotvars = tnames('thg_mag_????') if tplotvars[0] eq '' then begin dprint, 'Appropriate tplot variables could not be found!' dprint, 'Searched for "thg_mag_????"' dprint, 'plot program was aborted.' return endif ;sort stations by longitude stations = tplotvars lats = fltarr(n_elements(stations)) lons = fltarr(n_elements(stations)) nstations = n_elements(stations) for i = 0, nstations-1 do begin get_data, stations[i], dlimits = dl lats[i] = float(dl.cdf.vatt.station_latitude) lons[i] = float(dl.cdf.vatt.station_longitude) endfor lat_index = reverse(sort(lats)) stations = stations[lat_index] stations0 = stations original_device = !d.name ;save to reset osf = strupcase(!version.os_family) If(osf Eq 'WINDOWS') Then set_plot, 'win' Else set_plot, 'x' If(n_elements(winsize) Eq 2) Then Begin window, 0, xsize = winsize[0], ysize = winsize[1] Endif Else Begin screen_size = get_screen_size() xss = screen_size/3.0 xss = 100.0*fix(xss[0]/100) window, 0, xsize = xss, ysize = screen_size(1)*0.9 Endelse tplot_options, 'region', [0.00, 0.00, 0.95, 1.] !p.color = 0 !p.background = 255 !p.charsize = 1.0 time_stamp, /off date_compress = strcompress(strmid(date, 0, 4)+strmid(date, 5, 2)+strmid(date, 8, 2), /remove_all) timespan, date, duration ;-------------------------- ;plot away If(keyword_set(n_per_page)) Then npp = n_per_page $ Else npp = 3 nx = ceil(nstations/float(npp)) ;this will be the number of plots stations0 = stations ;hold full array here for w = 0, nx-1 do begin wch = strcompress(/remove_all, string(w)) x0 = w*npp x1 = (x0+npp-1) < (nstations-1) stations = stations0[x0:x1] thetitle = 'Sample: '+wch dprint, 'PLOTTING:', stations tplot, stations, window = 0, title = thetitle wshow, 0 dprint, 'Hit Enter to Continue:' xxx = strarr(1) read, xxx endfor ; w set_plot, original_device end