Geophysical Research Letters - Vol. 24, No. 7

Louie, J. N. ; Pullammanappallil, S. K. ; Honjas, W. 1997
Velocity models for the highly extended crust of Death Valley, California
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 735 (97GL00574)
keywords: 8109 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics--extensional (0905) 8180 Tomography 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110) 7255 Seismology; Surface waves and free oscillations

Burianyk, M. J. A. ; Kanasewich, E. R. 1997
Upper mantle structure in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 739 (97GL00675)
keywords: 7218 Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle 7205 Continental crust (1242) 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110) 0935 Seismic methods (3025)

Julian, B. R. ; Miller, A. D. ; Foulger, G. R. 1997
Non-double-couple earthquake mechanisms at the Hengill-Grensdalur volcanic complex, southwest Iceland
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 743 (97GL00499)
keywords: 7205 Continental crust (1242) 8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424) 8429 Lava rheology and morphology

Zhou, L. X. ; Hardy, J. R. ; Cao, H. Z. 1997
Molecular dynamics simulation of superionicity in neighborite, NaMgF3
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 747 (97GL00618)
keywords: 3919 Mineral physics; Equations of state

Yamazaki, T. ; Ioka, N. 1997
Cautionary note on magnetic grain-size estimation using the ration of ARM to magnetic susceptibility
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 751 (97GL00602)
keywords: 1540 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Rock and mineral magnetism 1594 Instruments and techniques 4267 Oceanography: general; Paleoceanography

Moerig, R. ; Waite, W. ; Spetzler, H. 1997
Effects of surface contamination on fluid flow
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 755 (97GL00575)
keywords: 5144 Physical properties of rocks; Wave attenuation

Wegler, U. ; Seidl, D. 1997
Kinematic parameters of the tremor wave field at Mt. Etna (Sicily)
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 759 (97GL00673)
keywords: 7280 Seismology; Volcano seismology (8419)

Frey, H. U. ; Haerendel, G. ; Valenzuela, A. 1997
Sedimentation of barium ions from the CRRES G-9 release
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 763 (97GL00600)
keywords: 2403 Ionosphere; Active experiments 2435 Ionospheric disturbances 2455 Particle precipitation

Vasudevan, K. ; Tozser, P. ; Cook, F. A. 1997
Delineation of surfaces by skeletonization: Application to interpretation of 3-D seismic reflection and georadar data volumes
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 767 (97GL00601)
keywords: 0900 Exploration geophysics 0902 Computational methods, seismic 0910 Data processing 0935 Seismic methods (3025)

Mishchenko, M. I. ; Wielaard, D. J. ; Carlson, B. E. 1997
T-matrix computations of zenith-enhanced lidar backscatter from horizontally oriented ice plates
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 771 (97GL00545)
keywords: 0320 Atmospheric composition and structure; Cloud physics and chemistry 0629 Inverse scattering 0654 Plasmas 0669 Scattering and diffraction

Guibourg, S. ; Heinrich, P. ; Roche, R. 1997
Numerical modeling of the 1995 Chilean tsunami: Impact on French Polynesia
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 775 (97GL00317)
keywords: 4255 Oceanography: general; Numerical modeling 4564 Tsunamis and storm surges 7215 Seismology; Earthquake parameters 9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean

Weisberg, R. H. ; Wang, C. 1997
A western Pacific oscillator paradigm for the El Niño--Southern Oscillation
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 779 (97GL00688)
keywords: 4215 Oceanography: general; Climate and interannual variability (3309) 3339 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; Ocean/atmosphere interactions (0312, 4504) 4231 Oceanography: general; Equatorial oceanography 4522 Oceanography: physical; El Niño

Kawamura, R. ; Sugi, M. ; Kayahara, T. ; Sato, N. 1997
Recent abnormal changes in wintertime atmospheric response to tropical SST forcing
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 783 (97GL00689)
keywords: 3319 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; General circulation 3337 Numerical modeling and data assimilation 3339 Ocean/atmosphere interactions (0312, 4504)

Balikhin, M. A. ; Dudok de Wit, T. ; Alleyne, H. S. C. K. ; Woolliscroft, L. J. C. ; Walker, S. N. ; Krasnosel'skikh, V. ; Mier-Jedrzejeowicz, W. A. C. ; Baumjohann, W. 1997
Experimental determination of the dispersion of waves observed upstream of a quasi-perpendicular shock
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 787 (97GL00671)
keywords: 7851 Space plasma physics; Shock waves 7863 Turbulence 7871 Waves and instabilities

Levy, H., II ; Kasibhatla, P. S. ; Moxim, W. J. ; Klonecki, A. A. ; Hirsch, A. I. ; Oltmans, S. J. ; Chameides, W. L. 1997
The global impact of human activity on tropospheric ozone
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 791 (97GL00599)
keywords: 0368 Atmospheric composition and structure; Troposphere--constituent transport and chemistry 0322 Constituent sources and sinks 0345 Pollution--urban and regional (0305) 0365 Troposphere--composition and chemistry

Vömel, H. ; Rummukainen, M. ; Kivi, R. ; Karhu, J. ; Turunen, T. ; Kyrö, E. ; Rosen, J. ; Kjome, N. ; Oltmans, S. 1997
Dehydration and sedimentation of ice particles in the Arctic stratospheric vortex
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 795 (97GL00668)
keywords: 0340 Atmospheric composition and structure; Middle atmosphere--composition and chemistry 0305 Aerosols and particles (0345, 4801) 0320 Cloud physics and chemistry 0341 Middle atmosphere--constituent transport and chemistry (3334)

Hansen, G. ; Svenøe, T. ; Chipperfield, M. P. ; Dahlback, A. ; Hoppe, U. -P. 1997
Evidence of substantial ozone depletion in winter 1995--1996 over northern Norway
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 799 (97GL00670)
keywords: 0300 Atmospheric composition and structure 0340 Middle atmosphere--composition and chemistry 0341 Middle atmosphere--constituent transport and chemistry (3334) 1610 Global change (new category); Atmosphere (0315, 0325)

Nevison, C. D. ; Solomon, S. ; Garcia, R. R. 1997
Model overestimates of NOy in the upper stratosphere
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 803 (97GL00549)
keywords: 0340 Atmospheric composition and structure; Middle atmosphere--composition and chemistry 0341 Middle atmosphere--constituent transport and chemistry (3334)

Sanbonmatsu, K. Y. ; Doxas, I. ; Goldman, M. V. ; Newman, D. L. 1997
Non-Markovian electron diffusion in the auroral ionosphere at high Langmuir-wave intensities
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 807 (97GL00669)
keywords: 2407 Ionosphere; Auroral ionosphere (2704) 7867 Space plasma physics; Wave/particle interactions

Sheldon, R. B. ; Eastman, T. E. 1997
Particle transport in the magnetosphere: A new diffusion model
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 811 (97GL00707)
keywords: 2720 Magnetospheric physics; Energetic particles, trapped 2760 Plasma convection 7859 Space plasma physics; Transport processes

DeLaughter, J. E. ; Jurdy, D. M. 1997
Venus resurfacing by coronae: Implications from impact craters
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 815 (97GL00687)
keywords: 5475 Planetology: solid surface planets; Tectonics (8149) 5420 Impact phenomena (includes cratering) 5470 Surface materials and properties 5480 Volcanism (8450)

Hutchins, K. S. ; Jakosky, B. M. 1997
Carbonates in Martian meteorite ALH84001: A planetary perspective on formation temperature
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 819 (97GL00686)
keywords: 5455 Planetology: solid surface planets; Origin and evolution

Arzner, K. ; Bebie, H. 1997
Similarity of waves in dispersive media
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 823 (97GL00674)
keywords: 3299 Mathematical geophysics (new field); General or miscellaneous 4560 Oceanography: physical; Surface waves and tides (1255) 0689 Electromagnetics; Wave propagation (4275)

Sauer, F. ; Schuster, G. ; Schäfer, C. ; Moortgat, G. K. 1997
Correction to "Determination of H2O2 and organic peroxides in cloud- and rainwater on the Kleiner Feldberg during FELDEX"
Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 24 , No. 7 , p. 827 (97GL00500)
keywords: 9900 Corrections