Khabibrakhmanov, I. K.
; Summers, D.
A new model of interaction between the solar wind and the local interstellar wind
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7609-7618
keywords: 2124 Interplanetary physics; Heliopause and solar wind termination
2144 Interstellar gas
2164 Solar wind plasma
7807 Space plasma physics; Charged particle motion and acceleration
Matthaeus, W. H.
; Ghosh, S.
; Oughton, S.
; Roberts, D. A.
Anisotropic three-dimensional MHD turbulence
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7619-7630
keywords: 7863 Space plasma physics; Turbulence
7839 Nonlinear phenomena
7524 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy; Magnetic fields
7843 Numerical simulation studies
Demoulin, P. [Démoulin]
; Priest, E. R.
; Lonie, D. P.
Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection without null points, 2, Application to twisted flux tubes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7631-7646
keywords: 7524 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy; Magnetic fields
7827 Space plasma physics; Kinetic and MHD theory
7835 Magnetic reconnection
7843 Numerical simulation studies
Shimazu, H.
; Machida, S.
; Tanaka, M.
Macroparticle simulation of collisionless parallel shocks generated by solar wind and planetary plasma interactions
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7647-7658
keywords: 2780 Magnetospheric physics; Solar wind interactions with unmagnetized bodies
2154 Interplanetary physics; Planetary bow shocks
7851 Space plasma physics; Shock waves
7867 Wave/particle interactions
Xue, S.
; Cairns, I. H.
; Smith, C. W.
; Gurnett, D. A.
A study of Uranus' bow shock motions using Langmuir waves
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7659-7676
keywords: 2154 Interplanetary physics; Planetary bow shocks
2772 Magnetospheric physics; Plasma waves and instabilities
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7851 Space plasma physics; Shock waves
Russell, C. T.
; Petrinec, S. M.
Comment on "Unusual locations of Earth's bow shock on September 24-25, 1987: Mach number effects" by I. H. Cairns, D. H. Fairfield, R. R. Anderson, V. E. H. Carlton, K. I. Paularena, and A. J. Lazarus
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7677-7678
keywords: 2154 Interplanetary physics; Planetary bow shocks
2784 Magnetospheric physics; Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7851 Space plasma physics; Shock waves
Cairns, I. H.
; Fairfield, D. H.
; Anderson, R. R.
; Paularena, K. I.
; Lazarus, A. J.
Reply to "Comment on 'Unusual locations of Earth's bow shock on September 24-25, 1987: Mach number effects'" by C. T. Russell and S. M. Petrinec
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7679-7684
keywords: 2154 Interplanetary physics; Planetary bow shocks
2784 Magnetospheric physics; Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7851 Space plasma physics; Shock waves
Mauk, B. H.
; Gary, S. A.
; Kane, M.
; Keath, E. P.
; Krimigis, S. M.
; Armstrong, T. P.
Hot plasma parameters of Jupiter's inner magnetosphere
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7685-7696
keywords: 2720 Magnetospheric physics; Energetic particles, trapped
2756 Planetary magnetospheres (5443, 5737, 6030)
5719 Planetology: Fluid planets; Interactions with particles and fields
5734 Magnetic fields and magnetism
Malsev, Y. P.
; Arykov, A. A.
; Belova, E. G.
; Gvozdevsky, B. B.
; Safargaleev, V. V.
Magnetic flux redistribution in the storm time magnetosphere
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7697-7704
keywords: 2724 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers
2740 Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
2748 Magnetotail boundary layers
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
Maynard, N. C.
; Burke, W. J.
; Basinska, E. M.
; Erickson, G. M.
; Hughes, W. J.
; Singer, H. J.
; Yahnin, A. G.
; Hardy, D. A.
; Mozer, F. S.
Dynamics of the inner magnetosphere near times of substorm onsets
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7705-7736
keywords: 2708 Magnetospheric physics; Current systems (2409)
2716 Energetic particles, precipitating
2740 Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
2788 Storms and substorms
Alexeex, I. I.
; Belenkaya, E. S.
; Kalegaev, V. V.
; Feldstein, Y. I.
; Grafe, A.
Magnetic storms and magnetotail currents
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7737-7748
keywords: 2788 Magnetospheric physics; Storms and substorms
2744 Magnetotail
2708 Current systems (2409)
2704 Auroral phenomena (2407)
Hirahara, M.
; Mukai, T.
; Nagai, T.
; Kaya, N.
; Hayakawa, H.
; Fukunishi, H.
Two types of ion energy dispersions observed in the nightside auroral regions during geomagnetically disturbed periods
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7749-7768
keywords: 2740 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
2455 Ionosphere; Particle precipitation
2788 Storms and substorms
7807 Space plasma physics; Charged particle motion and acceleration
Hirahara, M.
; Mukai, T.
; Terasawa, T.
; Machida, S.
; Saito, Y.
; Yamamoto, T.
; Kokubun, S.
Cold dense ion flows with multiple components observed in the distant tail lobe by Geotail
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7769-7784
keywords: 2744 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetotail
7859 Space plasma physics; Transport processes
2724 Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
Fairfield, D. H.
; Jones, J.
Variability of the tail lobe field strength
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7785-7792
keywords: 2740 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
2744 Magnetotail
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
2722 Forecasting
Arnoldy, R. L.
; Engebretson, M. J.
; Alford, J. L.
; Erlandson, R. E.
; Anderson, B. J.
Magnetic impulse events and associated Pc 1 bursts at dayside high latitudes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7793-7800
keywords: 2704 Magnetospheric physics; Auroral phenomena (2407)
2740 Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
2752 MHD waves and instabilities
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
Phan, T. D.
; Paschmann, G.
Low-latitude dayside magnetopause and boundary layer for high magnetic shear, 1, Structure and motion
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7801-7816
keywords: 2708 Magnetospheric physics; Current systems (2409)
2724 Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7835 Space plasma physics; Magnetic reconnection
Phan, T. -D.
; Paschmann, G.
; Sonnerup, B. U. O. [Ö]
Low-latitude dayside magnetopause and boundary layer for high magnetic shear, 2, Occurrence of magnetic reconnection
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7817-7828
keywords: 2708 Magnetospheric physics; Current systems (2409)
2724 Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7835 Space plasma physics; Magnetic reconnection
Matthews, D. L.
; Ruohoniemi, J. M.
; Dudeney, J. R.
; Farrugia, C. F.
; Lanzerotti, L. J.
; Friis-Christensen, E.
Conjugate cusp-region ULF pulsation responses to the solar wind event of May 23, 1989
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7829-7842
keywords: 2409 Ionosphere; Current systems (2708)
2724 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers
2752 MHD waves and instabilities
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
Erlandson, R. E.
; Anderson, B. J.
Pc 1 waves in the ionosphere: A statistical study
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7843-7858
keywords: 2768 Magnetospheric physics; Plasmasphere
2772 Plasma waves and instabilities
2431 Ionosphere; Ionosphere/magnetosphere interactions (2736)
2730 Magnetosphere-inner
Mobarry, C. M.
; Fedder, J. A.
; Lyon, J. G.
Equatorial plasma convection from global simulations of the Earth's magnetosphere
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7859-7874
keywords: 2760 Magnetospheric physics; Plasma convection
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7827 Space plasma physics; Kinetic and MHD theory
7843 Numerical simulation studies
Takeda, M.
Effects of the strength of the geomagnetic main field strength on the dynamo action in the ionosphere
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7875-7880
keywords: 2411 Ionosphere; Electric fields (2712)
1522 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetic secular variation
2427 Ionosphere/atmosphere interactions (0335)
2459 Planetary ionospheres (5435, 5729, 6026, 6027, 6028)
Grishanov, N. I.
; de Azevedo, C. A.
; de Assis, A. S.
Contribution of trapped particles to the dielectric tensor of magnetospheric plasmas
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7881-7890
keywords: 2720 Magnetospheric physics; Energetic particles, trapped
2740 Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
7807 Space plasma physics; Charged particle motion and acceleration
7827 Kinetic and MHD theory
Liu, W. W.
Some new perspectives on quasi-static convection formalism
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7891-7902
keywords: 2740 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
2760 Plasma convection
2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions
7827 Space plasma physics; Kinetic and MHD theory
Mottez, F.
Fast formation of a plateau on the electron distribution function during the early phase of the ion-ion instability
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7903-7912
keywords: 2704 Magnetospheric physics; Auroral phenomena (2407)
0654 Electromagnetics; Plasmas
2736 Magnetosphere/ionosphere interactions
2753 Numerical modeling
Pokhotelov, O. A.
; Pokhotelov, D. O.
; Gokhberg, M. B.
; Feygin, F. Z.
; Stenflo, L.
; Shukla, P. K.
Alfven solitons in the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere [Alfvén]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7913-7916
keywords: 2487 Ionosphere; Wave propagation (6934)
7839 Space plasma physics; Nonlinear phenomena
2752 Magnetospheric physics; MHD waves and instabilities
7868 Wave/wave interactions
Batista, P. P.
; Takahashi, H.
; Clemesha, B. R.
; Llewellyn, E. J.
Mesospheric ozone concentration at an equatorial location from the 1.27-[mu]m O2 airglow emission [1.27-µ O2]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7917-7922
keywords: 0310 Atmospheric composition and structure; Airglow and aurora
0340 Middle atmosphere-composition and chemistry
3334 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; Middle atmosphere dynamics (0341, 0342)
3359 Radiative processes
Pierrard, V.
; Lemaire, J.
Lorentzian ion exosphere model
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7923-7934
keywords: 2768 Magnetospheric physics; Plasmasphere
2431 Ionosphere; Ionosphere/magnetosphere interactions (2736)
2467 Plasma temperature and density
Rowland, H. L.
; Fernsler, R. F.
; Bernhardt, P. A.
Breakdown of the neutral atmosphere in the D region due to lightning driven electromagnetic pulses
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7935-7946
keywords: 2411 Ionosphere; Electric fields (2712)
2423 Ionization mechanisms
2427 Ionosphere/atmosphere interactions (0335)
3324 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; Lightning
Hari, S. S.
; Viswanathan, K. S.
; Subbarao, K. S. V.
; Murthy, B. V. K.
Equatorial E and F region zonal electric fields in the postsunset period
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7947-7950
keywords: 2411 Ionosphere; Electric fields (2712)
2415 Equatorial ionosphere
West, K. H.
; Heelis, R. A.
Longitude variations in ion composition in the morning and evening topside equatorial ionosphere near solar minimum
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7951-7960
keywords: 2415 Ionosphere; Equatorial ionosphere
2419 Ion chemistry and composition (0335)
2467 Plasma temperature and density
2479 Solar radiation and cosmic ray effects
Haldoupis, C.
; Bourdillon, A.
; Six, M.
; Delloue, J.
Midlatitude E region coherent backscatter observed simultaneously at two HF radar frequencies
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7961-7972
keywords: 2411 Ionosphere; Electric fields (2712)
2439 Ionospheric irregularities
2443 Midlatitude ionosphere
2471 Plasma waves and instabilities
Kustov, A. V.
; Koehler, J. A.
; Sofko, G. J.
; Danskin, D. W.
The SAPPHIRE-North radar experiment: Observations of discrete and diffuse echoes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7973-7986
keywords: 2439 Ionosphere; Ionospheric irregularities
2407 Auroral ionosphere (2704)
2471 Plasma waves and instabilities
2411 Electric fields (2712)
Fox, J. L.
Correction to "Rate coefficient for the reaction N + NO"
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. A4
, p. 7987-7987
keywords: 0335 Atmospheric composition and structure; Ion chemistry of the atmosphere (2419, 2427)
0350 Pressure, density, and temperature
0355 Thermosphere-composition and chemistry
2419 Ionosphere; Ion chemistry and composition (0335)