Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics - Vol. 105, No. A1

McDonald, F. B. ; Heikkila, B. ; Lal, N. ; Stone, E. C. 2000
The relative recovery of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays in the distant heliosphere: Evidence for modulation in the heliosheath
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 1 (1999JA900372)
keywords: 2104 Interplanetary physics; Cosmic rays 2114 Energetic particles, heliospheric (7514) 2124 Heliopause and solar wind termination 2162 Solar cycle variations (7536)

Stozhkov, Y. I. ; Pokrevsky, P. E. ; Okhlopkov, V. P. 2000
Long-term negative trend in cosmic ray flux
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 9 (1999JA900385)
keywords: 7500 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy

Gazis, P. R. 2000
A large-scale survey of corotating interaction regions and their successors in the outer heliosphere
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 19 (1999JA900352)
keywords: 2102 Interplanetary physics; Corotating streams 2134 Interplantary magnetic fields 2139 Interplanetary shocks 2164 Solar wind plasma

Lie-Svendsen, \O. ; Leer, E. 2000
The electron velocity distribution in the high-speed solar wind: Modeling the effects of protons
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 35 (1999JA900438)
keywords: 2164 Interplanetary physics; Solar wind plasma 7827 Space plasma physics; Kinetic and MHD theory

Bodmer, R. ; Bochsler, P. 2000
Influence of Coulomb collisions on isotopic and elemental fractionation in the solar wind acceleration process
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 47 (1999JA900434)
keywords: 2164 Interplanetary physics; Solar wind plasma 2169 Sources of the solar wind 2764 Magnetospheric physics; Plasma sheet 7843 Space plasma physics; Numerical simulation studies

Desai, M. I. ; Mason, G. M. ; Dwyer, J. R. ; Mazur, J. E. ; von Rosenvinge, T. T. ; Lepping, R. P. 2000
Characteristics of energetic (\simeg 30 keV/nucleon) ions observed by the Wind/STEP instrument upstream of the Earth's bow shock
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 61 (1999JA900406)
keywords: 2114 Interplanetary physics; Energetic particles, heliospheric (7514) 2154 Planetary bow shocks 7514 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy; Energetic particles (2114) 7807 Space plasma physics; Charged particle motion and acceleration HTML

Kasaba, Y. ; Matsumoto, H. ; Omura, Y. ; Anderson, R. R. ; Mukai, T. ; Saito, Y. ; Yamamoto, T. ; Kokubun, S. 2000
Statistical studies of plasma waves and backstreaming electrons in the terrestrial electron foreshock observed by Geotail
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 79 (1999JA900408)
keywords: 7500 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy

Gedalin, M. ; Newbury, J. A. ; Russell, C. T. 2000
Numerical analysis of collisionless particle motion in an observed supercritical shock front
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 105 (1999JA900407)
keywords: 2139 Interplanetary physics; Planetary bow shocks 2154 zPlanetary bow shocks 7807 Space plasma physics;

Farrugia, C. J. ; Erkaev, N. V. ; Biernat, H. K. 2000
On the effects of solar wind dynamic pressure on the anisotropic terrestrial magnetosheath
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 115 (1999JA900350)
keywords: 2728 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetosheath 2753 Numerical modelingPlasma waves and instabilities 2772 Plasma waves and instabilities 7800 Space plasma physics

Sibeck, D. G. ; Phan, T.-D. ; Lin, R. P. ; Lepping, R. P. ; Mukai, T. ; Kokubun, S. 2000
A survey of MHD waves in the magnetosheath: International Solar Terrestial Program observations
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 129 (1999JA900433)
keywords: 2154 Interplanetary physics; Planetary bow shocks 2728 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetosheath 2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions

Lin, Y. ; Lee, L. C. 2000
Magnetic field rotation and transition width in rotational discontinuities and Alfv\'{e}n wave trains
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 139 (1999JA900380)
keywords: 7811 Space plasma physics; Discontinuities 7835 Magnetic reconnection 7839 Nonlinear phenomena 7843 Numerical simulation studies

Pancheva, D. ; Beard, A. G. ; Mitchell, N. J. ; Muller, H. G. 2000
Nonlinear interactions between planetary waves in the mesosphere/lower-thermosphere region
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 157 (1999JA900332)
keywords: 3220 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Nonlinear dynamics 3300 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics 3332 Mesospheric dynamics 3384 Waves and tides

Ponomarenko, P. V. ; Yampolski, Y. M. ; Zalizovsky, A. V. ; Hysell, D. L. ; Tyrnov, O. F. 2000
Interaction between artificial ionospheric irregularities and natural MHD waves
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 171 (1999JA900381)
keywords: 2403 Ionosphere; Active experiments 2439 bIonospheric irregularities 2736 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetosphere/ionosphere interactions 2752 MHD waves and instabilities

Sampath, H. T. ; Inan, U. S. ; Johnson, M. P. 2000
Recovery signatures and occurrence properties of lightning-associated subionospheric VLF perturbations
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 183 (1999JA900329)
keywords: 2400 Ionosphere 2435 Ionospheric disturbances 6900 Radio science

Prikryl, P. ; James, H. G. ; Knudsen, D. J. ; Franchuk, S. C. ; Stenbaek-Nielsen, H. C. ; Wallis, D. D. 2000
OEDIPUS-C topside sounding of a structured auroral \textit{E} region
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 193 (1999JA900427)
keywords: 2403Ionosphere; Active experiments 2407 Auroral ionosphere (2704) 2481 Topside ionosphere 6934 Radio science; Ionospheric propagation (2487)

Kustov, A. V. ; Lyatsky, W. B. ; Sofko, G. J. ; Xu, L. 2000
Field-aligned currents in the polar cap at small IMF \textit{B}_{z} and \textit {B}_{y} inferred from SuperDARN radar observations
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 205 (1999JA900428)
keywords: 2409 Ionosphere; Current systems (2708) 2463 Plasma convection 2736 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetosphere/ionosphere interactions 2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions

Gjerloev, J. W. ; Hoffman, R. A. 2000
Height-integrated conductivity in auroral substorms, 1, Data
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 215 (1999JA900354)
keywords: 2407 Ionosphere; Auroral ionosphere (2704) 2447 Modeling and forecasting 2704 Magnetospheric physics; Auroral phenomena (2407) 2788 Storms and substorms

Gjerloev, J. W. ; Hoffman, R. A. 2000
Height-integrated conductivity in auroral substorms, 2, Modeling
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 227 (1999JA900353)
keywords: 2407 Ionosphere; Auroral ionosphere (2704) 2447 Modeling and forecasting 2704 Magnetospheric physics; Auroral phenomena (2407) 2788 Storms and substorms

Sibeck, D. G. ; Prech, L. ; Safrankova, J. ; Nemecek, Z. 2000
Two-point measurements of the magnetopause: Interball observations
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 237 (1999JA900390)
keywords: 2700 Magnetospheric physics

Zhou, X. W. ; Russell, C. T. ; Le, G. ; Fuselier, S. A. ; Scudder, J. D. 2000
Solar wind control of the polar cusp at high altitude
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 245 (1999JA900412)
keywords: 2724 Magnetospheric physics;Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers 2740 Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics 2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions

Fuselier, S. A. ; Trattner, K. J. ; Petrinec, S. M. 2000
Cusp observations of high- and low-latitude reconnection for northward interplanetary magnetic field
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 253 (1999JA900422)
keywords: 2451 Ionosphere; Particle acceleration 2724 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers 2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions 7835 Space plasma physics; Magnetic reconnection

Ahn, B.-H. ; Kroehl, H. W. ; Kamide, Y. ; Kihn, E. A. 2000
Universal time variations of the auroral electrojet indices
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 267 (1999JA900364)
keywords: 2400 Ionosphere

Imhof, W. L. ; Walt, M. ; Anderson, R. R. ; Chenette, D. L. ; Hawley, J. D. ; Mobilia, J. ; Petrinec, S. M. 2000
Association of electron precipitation with auroral kilometric radiation
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 277 (1999JA900394)
keywords: 7514 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy; Energetic particles (2114) 7554 X rays, gamma rays, and neutrinos 7867 Space plasma physics; Wave/particle interactions

Brautigam, D. H. ; Albert, J. M. 2000
Radial diffusion analysis of outer radiation belt electrons during the October 9, 1990, magnetic storm
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 291 (1999JA900344)
keywords: 2720 Magnetospheric physics;Energetic particles, trapped 2730 Magnetosphere--inner 2788 Storms and substorms

Ostapenko, A. A. ; Maltsev, Y. P. 2000
Storm time variation in the magnetospheric magnetic field
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 311 (1999JA900324)
keywords: 2708 Magnetospheric physics; Current systems (2409) 2744 Magnetotail 2788 Storms and substorms

Allan, W. ; Wright, A. N. 2000
Magnetotail waveguide: Fast and Alfv\'{e}n waves in the plasma sheet boundary layer and lobe
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 317 (1999JA900425)
keywords: 2716 Magnetospheric physics; Energetic particles, precipitating 2744 Magnetotail 2748 Magnetotail boundary layers 2752 MHD waves and instabilities

Rodger, C. J. ; Clilverd, M. A. ; Yearby, K. H. ; Smith, A. J. 2000
Temporal properties of magnetospheric line radiation
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 329 (1999JA900420)
keywords: 1600 Global change (new category) 2730 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetosphere--inner 2772 Plasma waves and instabilities 6914 Radio science; Electromagnetic noise and interference

Hoshino, M. ; Mukai, T. ; Shinohara, I. ; Saito, Y. ; Kokubun, S. 2000
Slow shock downstream structure in the magnetotail
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 337 (1999JA900426)
keywords: 2700 Magnetospheric physics

Delcourt, D. C. ; Zelenyi, L. M. ; Sauvaud, J.-A. 2000
Magnetic moment scattering in a field reversal with nonzero\textit{B}_{\textit{y}} component
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 349 (1999JA900451)
keywords: 2744 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetotail 2753 Numerical modeling 7807 Space plasma physics; Charged particle motion and acceleration

Ergun, R. E. ; Larson, D. E. ; Phan, T. ; Taylor, D. ; Bale, S. ; Carlson, C. W. ; Roth, I. ; Angelopoulos, V. ; Raeder, J. ; Bell, T. ; Inan, U. S. ; Bougeret, J.-L. ; Manning, R. 2000
Feasibility of a multisatellite investigation of the Earth's magnetosphere with radio tomography
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 361 (1999JA900170)
keywords: 2794 Magnetospheric physics; Instruments and techniques 6939 Radio science; Magnetospheric physics 6969 Remote sensing 6982 Tomography and imaging

Blanchard, G. T. ; Lyons, L. R. ; Spann, J. 2000
Predictions of substorms following northward turnings of the interplanetary magnetic field
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 375 (1999JA900448)
keywords: 2700 Magnetospheric physics

Wright, A. N. ; Mills, K. J. ; Ruderman, M. S. ; Brevdo, L. 2000
The absolute and convective instability of the magnetospheric flanks
J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 105 , No. A1 , p. 385 (1999JA900417)
keywords: 2724 Magnetospheric physics; Magnetopause, cusp, and boundary layers 2752 MHD waves and instabilities 2784 Solar wind/magnetosphere interactions 7827 Space plasma physics; Kinetic and MHD theory