Journal articles that have my name attached. (I did not really do work on many of these) Work in Progress: Clemmons et al. ULF waves Szabo et al. Heliospheric current sheet: Webb et al. May 99 event 37. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Meziane, K.; Lin, R.P.; Parks, G.K.; Larson, D.E.; Bale, S.D.; Mason, G.M.; Dwyer, J.R.; Lepping, R.P. Evidence for acceleration of ions to ~1 MeV by adiabatic-like reflection at the quasi-perpendicular Earth's bow shock. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.26, (no.19), American Geophys. Union, 1 Oct. 1999. p.2925-8. 24 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 36. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Luhmann, J.G.; Larson, D.; Hoeksema, J.T.; Zhao, X.-P.; Arge, N.; St. Cyr, O.C. Connections between the slow solar wind, CMES, and the helmet streamer belt inferred from coronal field models. AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. (USA), (no.471), (Solar Wind Nine. Ninth International Conference, Nantucket, MA, USA, 5-9 Oct. 1999.) AIP, 1999. p.725-8. 13 references. Language: English. Pub type: Theoretical or Mathematical 35. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Hefti, S.; Zurbuchen, T.H.; Fisk, L.A.; Gloeckler, G.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.P. The transition from slow to fast solar wind: charge state composition and electron observations. AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. (USA), (no.471), (Solar Wind Nine. Ninth International Conference, Nantucket, MA, USA, 5-9 Oct. 1999.) AIP, 1999. p.495-7. 10 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 34. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Szabo, A.; Larson, D.E.; Lepping, R.P. The heliospheric current sheet on small scale. AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. (USA), (no.471), (Solar Wind Nine. Ninth International Conference, Nantucket, MA, USA, 5-9 Oct. 1999.) AIP, 1999. p.589-92. 21 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 33. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Farrugia, C.J.; Janoo, L.A.; Torbert, R.B.; Quinn, J.M.; Ogilvie, K.W.; Lepping, R.P.; Fitzenreiter, R.J.; Steinberg, J.T.; Lazarus, A.J.; Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.; Dasso, S.; Gratton, F.T.; Lin, Y.; Berdichevsky, D. A uniform-twist magnetic flux rope in the solar wind. AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. (USA), (no.471), (Solar Wind Nine. Ninth International Conference, Nantucket, MA, USA, 5-9 Oct. 1999.) AIP, 1999. p.745-8. 10 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 32. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Maksimovic, M.; Pierrard, V.; Lemaire, J.; Larson, D. Electron velocity distribution functions from the solar wind to the corona. AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. (USA), (no.471), (Solar Wind Nine. Ninth International Conference, Nantucket, MA, USA, 5-9 Oct. 1999.) AIP, 1999. p.267-8. 6 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 31. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Krucker, S.; Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P.; Thompson, B.J. On the origin of impulsive electron events observed at 1 AU. Astrophysical Journal Astrophys. J. (USA), vol.519, (no.2, pt.1), University of Chicago Press for American Astron. Soc, 10 July 1999. p.864-75. 18 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 30. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Bale, S.D.; Reiner, M.J.; Bougeret, J.-L.; Kaiser, M.L.; Krucker, S.; Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P. The source region of an interplanetary type II radio burst. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.26, (no.11), American Geophys. Union, 1 June 1999. p.1573-6. 13 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 29. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Crooker, N.U.; McAllister, A.H.; Fitzenreiter, R.J.; Linker, J.A.; Larson, D.E.; Lepping, R.P.; Szabo, A.; Steinberg, J.T.; Lazarus, A.J.; Mikic, Z.; Lin, R.P. Sector boundary transformation by an open magnetic cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.103, (no.A11), American Geophys. Union, 1 Nov. 1998. p.26859-68. 37 references. Language: English. Pub type: Theoretical or Mathematical; Experimental 28. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Parks, G.; Chen, L.J.; McCarthy, M.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.P.; Phan, T.; Reme, H.; Sanderson, T. New observations of ion beams in the plasma sheet boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.25, (no.17), American Geophys. Union, 1 Sept. 1998. p.3285-8. 10 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 27. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Ergun, R.E.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.P.; McFadden, J.P.; Carlson, C.W.; Anderson, K.A.; Muschietti, L.; McCarthy, M.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; D'Uston, C.; Sanderson, T.R.; Wenzel, K.P.; Kaiser, M.; Lepping, R.P.; Bale, S.D.; Kellogg, P.; Bougeret, J.-L. Wind spacecraft observations of solar impulsive electron events associated with solar type III radio bursts. Astrophysical Journal Astrophys. J. (USA), vol.503, (no.1, pt.1), University of Chicago Press for American Astron. Soc, 10 Aug. 1998. p.435-45. 35 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 26. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Bale, S.D.; Kellogg, P.J.; Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P.; Goetz, K.; Lepping, R.P. Bipolar electrostatic structures in the shock transition region: evidence of electron phase space holes. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.25, (no.15), American Geophys. Union, 1 Aug. 1998. p.2929-32. 13 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 25. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Sanderson, T.R.; Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.E.; McCarthy, M.P.; Parks, G.K.; Bosqued, J.M.; Lormant, N.; Ogilvie, K.; Lepping, R.P.; Szabo, A.; Lazarus, A.J.; Steinberg, J.T.; Hoeksema, J.T. Wind observations of the influence of the Sun's magnetic field on the interplanetary medium at 1 AU. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.103, (no.A8), American Geophys. Union, 1 Aug. 1998. p.17235-47. 22 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 24. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Janoo, L.; Farrugia, C.J.; Torbert, R.B.; Quinn, J.M.; Szabo, A.; Lepping, R.P.; Ogilvie, K.W.; Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.; Scudder, J.D.; Osherovich, V.A.; Steinberg, J.T. Field and flow perturbations in the October 18-19, 1995, magnetic cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.103, (no.A8), American Geophys. Union, 1 Aug. 1998. p.17249-59. 26 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 23. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Xinlin Li; Baker, D.N.; Temerin, M.; Cayton, T.; Reeves, G.D.; Araki, T.; Singer, H.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.P.; Kanekal, S.G. Energetic electron injections into the inner magnetosphere during the Jan. 10-11, 1997 magnetic storm. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.25, (no.14), American Geophys. Union, 15 July 1998. p.2561-4. 15 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 22. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Whang, Y.C.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.P.; Lepping, R.P.; Szabo, A. Plasma and magnetic field structure of a slow shock: Wind observations in inte planetary space. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.25, (no.14), American Geophys. Union, 15 July 1998. p.2625-8. 27 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 21. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Burlaga, L.; Fitzenreiter, R.; Lepping, R.; Ogilvie, K.; Szabo, A.; Lazarus, A.; Steinberg, J.; Gloeckler, G.; Howard, R.; Michels, D.; Farrugia, C.; Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.E. A magnetic cloud containing prominence material: January 1997. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.103, (no.A1), American Geophys. Union, 1 Jan. 1998. p.277-85. 82 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 20. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Angelopoulos, V.; Phan, T.D.; Larson, D.E.; Mozer, F.S.; Lin, R.P.; Tsuruda, K.; Hayakawa, H.; Mukai, T.; Kokubun, S.; Yamamoto, T.; Williams, D.J.; McEntire, R.W.; Lepping, R.P.; Parks, G.K.; Brittnacher, M.; Germany, G.; Spann, J.; Singer, H.J.; Yumoto, K. Magnetotail flow bursts: association to global magnetospheric circulation, relationship to ionospheric activity and direct evidence for localization. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.24, (no.18), American Geophys. Union, 15 Sept. 1997. p.2271-4. 11 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 19. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Phan, T.D.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Carlson, C.; Moyer, M.; Paularena, K.I.; McCarthy, M.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Sanderson, T.R.; Lepping, R.F. Low-latitude dusk flank magnetosheath, magnetopause, and boundary layer for low magnetic shear: wind observations. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.102, (no.A9), American Geophys. Union, 1 Sept. 1997. p.19883-95. 49 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 18. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P.; McTiernan, J.M.; McFadden, J.P.; Ergun, R.E.; McCarthy, M.; Reme, H.; Sanderson, T.R.; Kaiser, M.; Lepping, R.P.; Mazur, J. Tracing the topology of the October 18-20, 1995, magnetic cloud with ~0.1-10/sup 2/ keV electrons. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.24, (no.15), American Geophys. Union, 1 Aug. 1997. p.1911-14. 22 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 17. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Xinlin Li; Baker, D.N.; Temerin, M.; Larson, D.; Lin, R.P.; Reeves, G.D.; Looper, M.; Kanekal, S.G.; Mewaldt, R.A. Are energetic electrons in the solar wind the source of the outer radiation belt?. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.24, (no.8), American Geophys. Union, 15 April 1997. p.923-6. 15 references. Language: English. Pub type: Theoretical or Mathematical; Experimental 16. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Parks, G.K.; Skoug, R.M.; Spencer, S.L.; McCarthy, M.P.; Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Reme, H.; Sanderson, T.R. Ion beams observed in the near Earth plasma sheet region on May 10, 1996. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.24, (no.8), American Geophys. Union, 15 April 1997. p.975-8. 16 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 15. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.E.; Ergun, R.E.; McFadden, J.P.; Carlson, C.W.; Phan, T.D.; Ashford, S.; Anderson, K.A.; McCarthy, M.; Skoug, R.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; D'Uston, C.; Sanderson, T.R.; Wenzel, K.-P. Observations of the solar wind, the bow shock and upstream particles with the WIND 3D plasma instrument. Advances in Space Research Adv. Space Res. (UK), vol.20, (no.4-5), (Results of the IASTP Program. DO.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D which was held during Thirty-first COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 14-21 July 1996.) Elsevier, 1997. p.645-54. 25 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental Article Text: 14. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P.; Ergun, R.E.; McTiernan, J.M.; McFadden, J.P.; Carlson, C.W.; Anderson, K.A.; McCarthy, M.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Sanderson, T.R.; Kaiser, M.; Lepping, R.P. Using energetic electrons to probe the topology of the October 18-20, 1995 magnetic cloud. Advances in Space Research Adv. Space Res. (UK), vol.20, (no.4-5), (Results of the IASTP Program. DO.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D which was held during Thirty-first COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 14-21 July 1996.) Elsevier, 1997. p.655-8. 11 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental Article Text: 13. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Meziane, K.; Mazelle, C.; D'Uston, C.; Reme, H.; Lin, R.P.; Carlson, C.W.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.P.; Ergun, R.E.; Anderson, K.A.; Parks, G.K.; Berdichevsky, D.; Lepping, R.P. WIND observation of gyrating-like ion distributions and low frequency waves upstream from the Earth's bow shock. Advances in Space Research Adv. Space Res. (UK), vol.20, (no.4-5), (Results of the IASTP Program. DO.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D which was held during Thirty-first COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 14-21 July 1996.) Elsevier, 1997. p.703-6. 10 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental Article Text: 12. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 CONFERENCE PAPER. Phan, T.D.; Larson, D.; Moyer, M.; McFadden, J.P.; Lin, R.P.; Carlson, C.W.; McCarthy, M.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Sanderson, T.R.; Lepping, R.P.; Paularena, K.I. The low-latitude flank magnetosheath, magnetopause and boundary layer: Wind observations. Advances in Space Research Adv. Space Res. (UK), vol.20, (no.4-5), (Results of the IASTP Program. DO.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D which was held during Thirty-first COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 14-21 July 1996.) Elsevier, 1997. p.809-12. 11 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental Article Text: 11. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P.; McFadden, J.P.; Ergun, R.E.; Carlson, C.W.; Anderson, K.A.; Phan, T.D.; McCarthy, M.P.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; d'Uston, C.; Sanderson, T.R.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Lepping, R.P. Probing the Earth's bow shock with upstream electrons. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.17), American Geophys. Union, 15 Aug. 1996. p.2203-6. 15 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 10. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Carlson, C.W.; Ergun, R.E.; Anderson, K.A.; Ashford, S.; McCarthy, M.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; Sanderson, T.R.; Wenzel, K.-P. Observation of an impulsive solar electron event extending down to ~0.5 keV energy. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.10), American Geophys. Union, 15 May 1996. p.1211-14. 19 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 9. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Sanderson, T.R.; Henrion, J.P.G.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Lin, R.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Ashford, S.; Carlson, C.W.; Curtis, D.; Ergun, R.E.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; Coutelier, J.; Cotin, F.; Lormant, N.; d'Uston, C.; Parks, G.K.; McCarthy, M.P.; Skoug, R.M.; Winglee, R.M. WIND observations of energetic ions far upstream of the Earth's bow-shock. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.10), American Geophys. Union, 15 May 1996. p.1215-18. 11 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 8. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Skoug, R.M.; Winglee, R.M.; McCarthy, M.P.; Parks, G.K.; Lin, R.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Carlson, C.; Ergun, R.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.; d'Uston, C.; Sanderson, T.R.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Lepping, R.P.; Szabo, A. Upstream and magnetosheath energetic ions with energies to approximately=2 MeV. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.10), American Geophys. Union, 15 May 1996. p.1223-6. 10 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 7. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Winglee, R.M.; Skoug, R.M.; McCarthy, M.P.; Parks, G.K.; Lin, R.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Carlson, C.; Ergun, R.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; Leping, R.L.; Szabo, A.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.; d'Uston, C.; Sanderson, T.; Wenzel, K.-P. Modeling of upstream energetic particle events observed by WIND. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.10), American Geophys. Union, 15 May 1996. p.1227-30. 8 references. Language: English. Pub type: Theoretical or Mathematical; Experimental 6. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Bosqued, J.M.; Lormant, N.; Reme, H.; d'Uston, C.; Lin, R.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Carlson, C.W.; Ergun, R.E.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; McCarthy, M.P.; Parks, G.K.; Sanderson, T.R.; Wenzel, K.-P. Moon-solar wind interaction: first results from the WIND/3DP experiment. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.10), American Geophys. Union, 15 May 1996. p.1259-62. 20 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 5. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Phan, T.D.; Larson, D.E.; Lin, R.P.; McFadden, J.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Carlson, C.W.; Ergun, R.E.; Ashford, S.M.; McCarthy, M.P.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; d'Uston, C.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Sanderson, T.R.; Szabo, A. The subsolar magnetosheath and magnetopause for high solar wind ram pressure: WIND observations. Geophysical Research Letters Geophys. Res. Lett. (USA), vol.23, (no.10), American Geophys. Union, 15 May 1996. p.1279-82. 19 references. Language: English. Pub type: Experimental 4. INSPEC 1995 - 2000 ARTICLE. Lin, R.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Ashford, S.; Carlson, C.; Curtis, D.; Ergun, R.; Larson, D.; McFadden, J.; McCarthy, M.; Parks, G.K.; Reme, H.; Bosqued, J.M.; Coutelier, J.; Cotin, E.; D'Uston, C.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Sanderson, T.R.; Henrion, J.; Ronnet, J.C.; Paschmann, G. A three-dimensional plasma and energetic particle investigation for the WIND spacecraft. Space Science Reviews Space Sci. Rev. (Netherlands), vol.71, (no.1-4), Feb. 1995. p.125-53. 26 references. Language: English. Pub type: Practical 3. INSPEC 1990-1994 ARTICLE. Reme, H.; Mazelle, C.; Sauvaud, J.A.; D'Uston, C.; Froment, F.; Lin, R.P.; Anderson, K.A.; Carlson, C.W.; Larson, D.E.; Korth, A.; Chaizy, P.; Mendis, D.A. Electron plasma environment at comet Grigg-Skjellerup: general observations and comparison with the environment at comet Halley. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.98, (no.A12), 1 Dec. 1993. p.20965-76. Pub type: Experimental 2. INSPEC 1990-1994 ARTICLE. Larson, D.E.; Anderson, K.A.; Lin, R.P.; Carlson, C.W.; Reme, H.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Neubauer, F.M. Electron distribution upstream of the Comet Halley bow shock: evidence for adiabatic heating. Journal of Geophysical Research J. Geophys. Res. (USA), vol.97, (no.A3), 1 March 1992. p.2907-16. Pub type: Theoretical or Mathematical; Experimental 1. INSPEC 1990-1994 ARTICLE. Chaizy, P.; Reme, H.; Sauvaud, J.A.; d'Uston, C.; Lin, R.P.; Larson, D.E.; Mitchell, D.L.; Anderson, K.A.; Carlson, C.W.; Korth, A.; Mendis, D.A. Negative ions in the coma of Comet Halley. Nature Nature (UK), vol.349, (no.6308), 31 Jan. 1991. p.393-6. Pub type: Experimental