PRO JAN20_continuum_overlay, PS=ps, TIMES=times, REV=rev, TRACE=trace ; ; Prepares an overlay plot of TRACE, 250-500 keV contours and 2.2 MeV circles. ; ; 29-Nov-05 Initial version, adapted from ; beam = FWHM beam diameter to be overlaid ; /TRACE just outputs the TRACE image and '+' signs ; ; See Sam Krucker's emails of 3 Dec 2003 and 25 May 2004. ; cs = 1.4 ; 1.0 or 1.4, depending on how plot looks ; IF KEYWORD_SET(ps) THEN BEGIN SET_PLOT, 'ps' DEVICE, /COLOR, BITS_PER_PIXEL=8 ENDIF ; ; Plot TRACE map fits2map, 'c:\HESSI_DATA\SYNOPTIC\trac_1600___a2_20050120_065230.fts', tmap tmap.xc=tmap.xc-9. ; Correct TRACE pointing per Sam Krucker's 5/15/05 email tmap.yc=tmap.yc+9.5 LOADCT, 8 ; GREEN/WHITE LINEAR IF KEYWORD_SET(rev) THEN = ; reverse to make a white background PLOT_MAP, tmap, FOV=[3.,3.], /NOTITLE ; ; Overplot 250-500 electron map, with footpoint centroids marked. ;fits2map, 'JAN20-Q.fits', xmap ;maxx = MAX( ; ; Overplot 550-1000 keV circle in green ;LOADCT, 6 IF KEYWORD_SET(trace) eEQ 0 THEN OPLOT_C, 821.5, 255.2, 4.8, 4.8, COLOR=128, THICK=7 ; ; Overplot 250-500 contours in red LOADCT, 6 ; PRISM ;PLOT_MAP, xmap, /OVER, /CONT, LEVELS=[0.3,.5,.7,.9]*maxx, LCOLOR=64, CTHICK=3 OPLOT, [821.4, 816.7], [239.4, 272.4], PSYM=1, THICK=3, COLOR=64 ; peak locations IF KEYWORD_SET(trace) THEN RETURN OPLOT_C, 818.4, 249.2, 1.3, 1.3, COLOR=64, THICK=7 ; ; Overplot 1500-2100 keV circle in blue LOADCT, 1 OPLOT_C, 826.5, 273.7, 8.3, 8.3, COLOR=192, THICK=7 ; ; Overplot 2215-2231 keV circle in grey LOADCT, 0 ; black-white OPLOT_C, 806.0, 267.1, 4.1, 4.1, COLOR=128, THICK=7 ; ; Overplot 3500-7000 keV circle in orange LOADCT, 3 OPLOT_C, 816.2, 273.4, 10.1, 10.1, COLOR=160, THICK=7 ; ; Overplot 1000-1500 keV circle in purple LOADCT, 7 OPLOT_C, 820.7, 272.6, 7.6, 7.6, COLOR=200, THICK=7 ; ;XYOUTS, 795., 345., '250-500 keV 4-9', COLOR=64, CHARTHICK=2, CHARSIZE=1.4 ;XYOUTS, 795., 335., '2215-2231 keV 6+9', COLOR=192, CHARTHICK=2, CHARSIZE=1.4 ; IF KEYWORD_SET(ps) THEN BEGIN DEVICE,/CLOSE SET_PLOT, 'win' ENDIF END